Discussion in 'Reading FC' started by STAR Exiles, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. STAR Exiles

    STAR Exiles New Member

    Jan 31, 2008
    Cheshire, UK
    STAR Exiles want you to get the most out of your membership and for you to tell us how we can best help you enjoy following the Royals whilst living away from Reading. Whether you’re already a STAR member or are considering joining, we want to hear from you.

    We would like you to complete our brief questionnaire and tell us a bit about yourself and your support for Reading FC. There may be things that STAR Exiles already offer that you weren’t aware of, and there’s bound to be things you would like us to do.

    We already have established UK Exiles branches covering the north and Scotland, midlands and parts of Wales and the south-west, but want to develop other branches to serve the rest of the UK and particularly overseas.

    Our branches are run by members for members, so it needs you to get involved. Please spend a few minutes of your time to fill in the questionnaire and tell us HOW WE CAN BEST HELP YOU!!

    To complete the questionnaire visit the STAR website at

    Thank you for your co-operation. ;)

    Trevor Mossman
    STAR Exiles Co-ordinator

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