Apparently the man concern is six countres with 44% of the state voters using punch card ballots that have been declared "unfit" by the Secretary of State. They want to move the election to March primary. You know I am pretty torn here. On one hand I think it is the right thing to make sure that the election systems are equal for everyone and clearly the vote being held in a Democratic primary will help out Davis and Bustamente. On the other hand I was really hoping this circus would just go away quickly. We have real things to deal with in this country - an aging action star running for Governor in a bannana republic election is not one of them.
Oh no! Another case of California thread inflation, as complained about by GringoTex several weeks ago... Finnegan, you know I agree with 95% of what you say dude, but this topic has already been brought up on the main Gray Davis Recall thread. BTW, as I have an absentee ballot from Sacramento County (one of the six mentioned in the ACLU suit) , I wonder if I should even bother sending my ballot back, "hanging chads" and all...
Mod's bump please to main Greay Davis Thread ! Sorry bout that - I guess I just did the exact thing I was complaining about by starting a whole new thread