I'm feeling pretty good about this guy. He certainly can't be worse than GW. I just hope that GW & MP stay out of his way. http://www.oregonlive.com/timbers/i...r_named_portland_ti.html#incart_river_default
Finally, a beautiful style of soccer is coming to MLS. I'll be following the Timbers a lot more than I have before. Please bring Ampai from Thailand to help facilitate this system?
And this would be based on what exactly? And please don't tell me it is based on the Olympic team that was screwed by Johnson blowing a patsy shot in the last second of stoppage time.
Porter sucks and so does NCAA soccer. Yeah blame it on the keeper that he fielded vs El Salvador! If you cant beat El Salvador with MLS and Bundesliga players you suck bigtime especially when you are playing in the US. Porter sucks and don't get me started on Gavin Wilkinson who probably only has a job because he has an accent. Marret Paulson probably thinks Wilkinson is English...
Timbers fans are getting the very best. You have no idea how fortunate you are, but you will all find out next spring. Timbers are my new favorite side. Many from Akron likewise.
You folks should be much more excited than you evidently are. http://www.portlandtimbers.com/news/2013/0...lenges-portland
Welcome! I am excited to have Caleb Porter as the Timbers coach. I'll be more excited when the roster is more squared away though. The "lack of excitement" now may be due to the fact that he was announced as the new coach in the middle of last season. Not many Timbers fans pay attention to Big Soccer btw.
When the demeanor of your team has noticeably improved, please tip your hat to Akron. I suspect you will see this in April.
Caleb Porter introduced as Timbers coach: http://www.oregonlive.com/timbers/index.ssf/2013/01/caleb_porter_introduced_as_por.html Very interesting Q&A
http://www.stumptownfooty.com/2013/...match-thread-portland-timbers-colorado-rapids I'd say a fair number watched, wouldn't you? Timbers fans just don't use this board for talking all that much.
I had meetings, so was only able to catch a few minutes of the second half, so its really hard for me to say. Lots of comments up in that thread I linked, though, so I'd bet someone commented on whether anything was noticed.
And most Timbers discussion happens on twitter these days, not on any board or forum. When looking for a forum, stumptown footy is the main one people seem to talk on, with SCUSA being all but dead these days. SCUSA has been around for a very long time (there are threads dating back to 2002 on there, which is about as far back as BS goes), and was a private gathering place for Timbers fans. Stumptown Footy has become a good location because of the ease of chat, and its propensity for having timely articles on Timbers news. Twitter is used, because it lends itself well to the inane chatter no one actually cares about =P. For many Timbers fans, they have no use for BigSoccer because they honestly don't care about anything in the soccer world but the Timbers, and Timbers chat has always been happening elsewhere.
But how long has there been a forum for the Timbers on BS? SCUSA was posting match reports in 2001 I believe. The forum came later and was the ONLY source for keeping up on Timbers news. Not even BS could do that for the A-League/USL. The fans were insular only until a few years ago. Look at the traffic found in the NASL/USL threads of today for comparison.
Timbers acquire midfielder Ben Zemanski from Chivas USA Timbers get a very good player, a high character guy, a team glue guy. He will be good during the the offseason, at every practice, at every match. Hell, he may even start.
SCUSA message board is archive-only since March 1. I wonder how many folks will wander over here now.
My guess is very few. One of the reasons the SCUSA board went archive-only is because most of the regular users already migrated to other things (Stumptown Footy and Twitter primarily).
Yeah, but a lot of that was (reportedly) due to the "Old Boys Network" that was so prevalent over there. I think even a lot of the Old Boys were getting sick of each other. Some of the conversation has re-coalesced around Stumptown Footy, but I'm convinced that people are still looking for another outlet that isn't Twitter. I don't know if that's here or not, but it's the only thing going atm.
Twitter is a waste of time - discussions are limited to a few people and if you aren't watching as they happen, you'll never see them.
OK, Timbers Army. Are you folks happy with your new coach now? Was I right? Immediate improvement, I said. What say you?