C.A. Paulistinha

Discussion in 'Brazil: Clubs and Competitions' started by mintone, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. mintone

    mintone New Member

    Jul 7, 2007
    I think that is how it is spelled.

    Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows of a club or youth club by that name from Sao Paulo.

    When I was 14 ( I'm 30 now) my youth team from Hudson WI USA hosted a team called that for the USA cup in Minnesota.

    If you do know of them what team are they linked to if any? Are there any 30 year old players that may have come from that team?

    I have done a little bit of searching but since I can't read Portugese it has been a bit tough to find any thing. The only thing I could find that might be relevant is a pro team called Paulista.

    Any info would be great. Thanks.
  2. mintone

    mintone New Member

    Jul 7, 2007

    They are located in Sao Carlos I think. And won the 1991 USA cup U-14 division.
  3. Mengão86

    Mengão86 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 16, 2005
    Maryland, RJ/ES/PE
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    Nat'l Team:
    I don't remember any players coming from there. They competed recently in the Sao Paulo Youth Cup.

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