One officer injured, three protesters arrest in clash.
Did you hear his quote at the news conferece? "I'd like to thank the Canadian people that came out to wave today." lol, that was a good one.
I only wish that President Bush delivered a bill to Canada; for ten (10) years worth of military defense, that this nation has given free to Canada, and demanded immediate payment! The fact that we allow Canada to exist is reason enough for the entire Canadian nation to bow prostate at our feet! That fact that Canada has repeatedly insulted us and threatened our security through their own lax security, seems to suggest it is time to make the great north and every province our own great northern personal parking lot! IntheNet
No flowergirl, because if I was the honorable Ms. Coulter, my BigSoccer name would be "InthePants"; but note that it clearly is not! Pay more attention! IntheNet
I completely disagree. Canadians are very important to America, and actually serve a vital role in america's national defense. Without canadians, we would need americans to be polar-bear meat.
Bush makes his stop in Halifax and ups the ante a bit
All George W. Bush quotes are immediately funnier when you read them while imagining Jon Stewart reading them in his George W. Bush voice.
Just to remind you historically illiterate, the last time the US and Canada mixed it up (war of 1812) Canada kicked ass. Canadians look at Americans like we in the North look at southerners: rather like cute, but horrendously dim bulbs.
You can't properly use the term "Canada" in this context. Second, by the time the "War of 1812" ended (i.e. 1814) we had done some ass kicking as well. In any case, care for a rematch?
If we have to start fighting with Canada, then it's all over for us anyway. the whole world would already be bombing the $hit out of us.
You support both America and Canada. That's like supporting both Ireland and England. And some people do that.
Careful now. All they have to do is start blasting their wretched Canadian rock music our way and they have already won the PsyOps battle.