Burn players in AllStar game

Discussion in 'FC Dallas' started by sweeper33, Aug 5, 2002.

  1. sweeper33

    sweeper33 Member

    Jul 24, 2000
    I missed the AllStar game last Saturday (I'll get to catch it on tape this week) Could anyone who saw it post some impressions/reviews of the Burn players who were involved?

  2. Northside Rovers

    Jan 28, 2000
    Austin TX
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Kreis had a goal and an assist.

    He and Graziani were teamed up front for a time, which looked a little weird. They did not punch each other. I jest. They were pretty friendly.

    Vaca played okay. And even though I wasn't drinking, I don't remember anything about Deering. I don't think Surez played either.

    Weird game. The half-time show was just about as lame as you will ever see. The best part was at the end, they had some two fireworks setups on either side of the stage: One of them was knocked over and shot the fireworks along the ground for about 20 yards.

    I like the All Star game but this one was a dud - due mostly to the weather.
  3. PaulGascoigne

    PaulGascoigne Member+

    Feb 5, 2001
    I dunno. There were some pretty hot mamas up there on stage. As far as actual presentation, yeah, you're right.
  4. stopper4

    stopper4 Member

    Jan 24, 2000
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Suarez started on the right for the MLS side and got pulled right before the delay because of an apparent injury.

    Does anyone know his status? Cleary, he's an essential player to Burn's success. I hope he's healthy by playoff time.

    Also, does anyone know more about his decsion to accept an invition to the Uruguaian Nat Team camp at the end of this year?
  5. Rocket

    Rocket Member

    Aug 29, 1999
    Everton FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Ryan was nursing an injury entering the All-Star game. I imagine he felt well enough to start but didn't want push his luck amd stay in the game for too long.
  6. SoCcErHyPeR 2

    SoCcErHyPeR 2 New Member

    Aug 6, 1999
    San Jose, CA
    Hamstring injury right?
  7. Rocket

    Rocket Member

    Aug 29, 1999
    Everton FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    From today's Dallas Burn Weekly Update newsletter:

    "Ryan Suarez played 18 minutes before leaving the game with a lingering hamstring strain while Chad Deering played the second half for the US National Team."

    The newsletter list Ryan as "questionable" for the Burn's upcoming U.S. Open Cup match.
  8. burning247

    burning247 Member+

    Liverpool FC
    Sep 16, 2000
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:

    I just realized, you know how Vaca has always thought of Etchevery (spelling sorry) as a role model. Think of how if must have felt to set him up for his goal, it could have been like a dream come true, growing up and never thinking one day you'd be on the same team as him. Just thought that was cool.
  9. Rastlin

    Rastlin New Member

    Nov 20, 1999
    Myrtle Beach
    What?! Suarez might accept an invite from the Uruguaian NATs team? How old was he when he came to the states? Damnit, this would be very unlucky for the US nats...
  10. Rocket

    Rocket Member

    Aug 29, 1999
    Everton FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Ryan was born in California, but because both his parents are from Uruaguay, he's a dual citizen.

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