I didn't know exactly where to put this topic but if the moderators feel it should go somewhere else then please move it. Anyway, GOLTV has a program called Bundesliga Magazine. They finally did a piece on Bayern Munich. Uli and Karl were interviewed and even some previous coaches, such as Magath and Lattek were interviewed. They even had Matthaus in it. The comments that these men make are short but they're interesting to hear. Also, Karl and Uli talked about how they had to change philosophies since Bayern ended up in fourth place last year. They realized that the philosophy they had, when it came to transfers, was not working. Uli stated that there will only be two to three transfers for the next few seasons so that the team can developed. Karl made the comment that one reason why folks come to see Bayern is because of Ribery's talent and that Toni has brought more women to the games. I guess Kahn's looks were not bringing in a lot of women. LOL!!! Sorry, but I could not help but laugh at that comment about Toni bringing in the women because it's like that was one of the reasons why they got him. They need more women in the stadium. Well, that is all I can really remember at the moment. I did miss a few minutes of the program and I was trying not to fall asleep since I was already in bed. Anyway, if anyone is interested I think they will rebroadcast this particular episode Sunday at 5am and Monday at 1pm. All times are Eastern.
oh oh... I saw that too today as well...I thought old stuff but it comes out to be pretty new....nice to see those interviews with Uli., Magath, Ottmar...etc~ yeah about Toni's part...I agree that more females watch Bayern because of Toni... but I think Kahn still looks cool to me~.....he was the one that made me pay attention to Bayern Munich in the first place...so Kahn is still my hero ^^
Good post Trace. Yeah, I DVR that show every week. It is well done. The week before was VFB Stüttgart, which was also very very interesting. (not to mention the DJ in me was totally wanting the tracklist to the show as it had some outstanding minimal German tech house). I started to watch it this morning, but my kids relegated me to the computer with their incesant requests for "The Wizard of Oz". I will get back to it later. Thanks for the "primer" though TL and Gantade. ----------------- Funny about Toni. I will say this, at the World Cup in Germany, my wife fell in love with Luca Toni. He is the one player she identified with... likely because he is tall, dark and handsome (her words, wink, wink). So there is definitely something to the whole Toni thing. My wife would rarely be interested in a Bayern shirt of any type before.... now?.... ha! different story. Hey, whatever sells merchandise, right?
I believe Karl made similar comments about Toni being tall and handsome. I can't remember if he also said dark. Anyhoo, Toni is an attractive guy and it's not his fault that he's attractive and many women notice him (not to say that you're saying it is his fault). The point being that both men and women will always notice the most attractive player first before looking at their abilities. In the program they did talk about how they were trying to get more notice worldwide. Take a look at it this way...some women who might not be interested in the team but then are shown a pic of Toni, many women would become interested in Bayern. Sex sells and Toni is selling the product to many women. BTW....Eissman, my name is Tracy, not Trace. LOL!! Are you getting back at me for calling you, Eissmen and not Eissman?
It's always groups of two attacking me.... I feel like Ribery. Tracy... I have a knack for shortening everyone's name. No worries. DF... does the avatar now lend me to believe you have seen NCFOM??? Thoughts (in NSR thread of course).
Sure they did. Bayern is starting to develop an all male model first 11. Thats why they bought Poldi too...he's the one my GF is always swooning over (well he and santa cruz).
among young german girls, schweinsteiger seems to be the most popular....for some reason; my sister said that when he broke up with his girlfriend, all of the girls in her school went crazy thanks for the post about bundesliga magazine, i saw that on the goltv schedule but i thought it was just "hallo! bundesliga"..i'll check it out, it's always neat to learn stuff about the different clubs
Hallo Bundelsiga is the weekly show that reviews the past weekend games, while Bundesliga Magazine is the one where they talk about the teams and even players. Both shows are pretty interesting to watch.
would love to have these two programs on here...but i do get "premier league world", "premier league preview" and "premier league review"
yep, i'll be watching hallo! bundesliga next week since i have class during this week's friday bayern game
Bundesliga magazine is basically a 1 hour long "premier league world" knock off. It is pretty interesting, but everything on the show is a rehash of the past week's articles on bundesliga.de.