Bryce Wegerle trial at Livingston

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad' started by dheck, Oct 7, 2003.

  1. dheck

    dheck Member

    Sep 20, 1999
    Chapel Hill, NC, USA
    From today:

    Bryce Wegerle
    From club: Un-attached
    To club: Livingston
    Fee: Free
    Livingston coach, Allan Preston: "He's not any better than what we've already got."

    Hmmm, probably not a good sign.
  2. harttbeat

    harttbeat Member+

    Dec 29, 1998
    New York
    Livingston is in 3rd divison?
  3. babytiger2001

    babytiger2001 New Member

    Dec 29, 2000
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  4. moorland

    moorland Member

    Oct 11, 1999
    Aliso Viejo CA
    Livingston is still better than any MLS team.

    Uncle Roy
  5. harttbeat

    harttbeat Member+

    Dec 29, 1998
    New York
    Isn't it the other way around.

    "MLS is crap and SPL is one of the better leagues in Scotland." - RW
  6. QuakeAttack

    QuakeAttack Member+

    Apr 10, 2002
    California - Bay Area
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Is there any team that Bryce hasn't tried out for?

    Geez...The next news we will hear is that he is playing for Katmandu in Nepal. Yeah, right!
  7. pething101

    pething101 Member

    Jul 31, 2001
    Smyrna, Ga
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Maybe he is trying to follow in the footsteps of Jordan Older.
  8. Isisbud

    Isisbud New Member

    Mar 10, 2003
    That's a good question--how many D2 and lower teams can you try out for, not get signed, before you admit that you aren't very good, come home and get a job?

    Which he isn't.

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