Bruno Fernandes : Premier League

Discussion in 'Portugal' started by prodigal_mind, Jan 11, 2020.

  1. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Well, your wish came true, you are wrong.
  2. money11

    money11 Member

    Apr 15, 2007
  3. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    He missed the game against crystal palace and it was uniteds best performance of the season.

    totally carrying them tho!
    money11 repped this.
  4. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    This guy is so trash. They lost to the team they beat without him in midweek.

    absolute garbage player. When will ten hag realize he’s a fraud.
  5. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    “We had a four year thread like this with Pogba which was ultimately proven right, and it's high time that this was said in the same direct manner.

    Bruno Fernandes is a pseudo midfielder without any top level ability to play a short game. He has no ability to retain the ball under pressure and compensates for this by swinging the ball with his first touch (or falling over) if he receives the ball with an opponent on him. He gives us no real advantage on the ball with the exception of an ability to at times play some outrageous final passes. He cannot open up a game with a quick one-two, a dribble or a carry, so in real terms - he does not add as much creativity to the team as is made out, because the ability to step away from two players and then play in Sancho to get an assist is of greater value to the team as a whole than the assists he may get himself from swinging it in behind first time from deep.

    We effectively need to rely on two midfielders to keep the ball rather than 3, which is fine against the few teams that are scared shitless of us, but there are not many of those any more. This is a part of why we cannot keep the ball at a top level. In order to be a 'possession team', you absolutely need players with courage on the ball. Courage is not 'trying a risky pass', but it is trusting yourself to take it and absolutely ensure that the next person that gets it is one of your teammates, regardless of pressure around you. Preferably at speed.

    Bruno is good at a few things, but whatever they are, he is not good at being a midfielder in any fundamental sense of the word. Given that the act of scoring or creating a chance comes so infrequently for any player, he is too poor at anything else for us to have a top class midfield 3 with him in it. Similarly to Pogba - he's a cherry on top player. It's not as noticeable to many as it is with Pogba because the issue and complaint there was that he needed to be carried without the ball. With Bruno, it is more the opposite in that without the ball he will do his bit, but a top team needs to carry him with the ball, i.e - find a way of becoming a dominant possession team bizarrely without much contribution from it's #10, probably the player supposed to be most fundamental to it. I say we'd never win the league like this because simply, over 38 games, any sort of throwback football Bruno may excel in will almost certainly fall short. The only title winner he could have played for is Leicester's anomaly of 2016 - whose football he would have suited perfectly.

    The quicker we accept that we cannot cheat the process by sticking a few goals in the side and instead need to establish foundations, the quicker we will be on our way. And the shrinking minority who seem to believe that this can happen with Bruno in the team need to wake up and see what has been staring them in the face. There is no 'Bruno hatred' not even any 'Bruno vs Pogba' anymore. This is just what it is.”


    absolutely fantastic post. Highly recommended read for sportinguistas.
  6. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    You went back and found a post from 2022. Kind of sad my guy.

    Anyways, it’s cute how much importance you give him. Didn’t realize you were such a big fan. Make it sound like it’s Bruno vs 11 out there. Sounds like a great player to me playing by himself out there.

    Bruno is uniteds best player. By far. Do I think he can be the best player on a title winning team? Probably not. Can’t get mad at him for that though. Get mad at the owners for having a shit GK, a shit back four, shit strikers, and a shit manager. Getting mad at the best player for not being able to carry all the shit by himself is pretty funny. Get better players than him around him and he’ll do just fine. Man they did the same shit with Ronaldo until he cried to Piers Morgan. Absolutely stunned that he couldn’t carry a bunch of trash players by himself to win the league.

    I don’t think Pote can be the best player on a title winning team either. So what did they do? Brought in players that theoretically take some of the pressure off him. Not rocket science.
  7. money11

    money11 Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    bruno actually played really well vs crystal palace on Saturday, i actually thought it was one of his better performances this season, he didn't have any careless turnovers and his passing accuracy was high. If i had to put the blame on someone for this game it has to go to rashford..... he was HOT GARBAGE that game..... selfish, no vision and kept losing his 1v1's it was one of the worst rashford games I've seen in a long time.
  8. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:

    Please stop using logical facts with this dude. It's not going to work.
  9. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    #334 prodigal_mind, Oct 2, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2023
    Yea its always his teammates fault! Havent you ever wondered why no better team ever wants him (or even wanted him at sporting when he was 25 years old?). I know this thought brings cognitive dissonance, so feel free to bury your head in the ground.

    The post I linked is spot on. I know you only look at transfermarkt statistics though rather than actually watching games to see his deficiencies and poor midfield play. I think you do not understand a midfielders role in all honesty.
  10. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    #335 prodigal_mind, Oct 2, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2023
    You realize the guy you speaking too thinks bruno is absolute shit too :ROFLMAO:

    Yea, another overrated shit player who is supposedly carrying man united! Im on record saying that guy is trash too even years back. Their best game of the season came with those two benched in midweek. I was reading his thread over on redcafe too and I was suprised to see they have finally woken up
  11. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    #336 prodigal_mind, Oct 3, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2023

    Bro is getting cooked. Hopefully someone is kind enough to make a Bruno vs galatasaray compilation vid.

    The fact Sportinguistas can read those comments and not consider the possibility that bruno is indeed a stat merchant who is overrated at delusional. Those people watch the full 90 minutes of all of his games, I know yall are just checking the transfermarkt stats sheet. Football is not baseball unfortunately!
  12. money11

    money11 Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    i watched the game today and i honestly didn't think he played that bad at all.... once again if the blame has to land on someone I'm giving it to rashford again, it was brutal. bruno actually had some great passes today that his teammates didn't make the most of.... and yes you are correct in regards to your comment to scp_16 i usally think bruno is average at best but in all honesty i thought he played good today. bruno, mount and haaland 3.0 were the only ones who looked like they even wanted to be there. a rashford vs galatas comp would be wayyyy more epic. that was fkin brutal. let me go see what redcafe is saying about rash lol
  13. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    #338 prodigal_mind, Oct 3, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2023
    well according to Bruno fans logic, rashford played spectacular. He got an assist, so he is carrying the team. The other useless things he did are irrelevant!
    money11 repped this.
  14. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    #339 prodigal_mind, Oct 3, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2023

    the Bruno compilation just dropped. Good lord this guy is horrific.

    In other news, he lost the ball 27 times today. But but his teammates
    money11 repped this.
  15. money11

    money11 Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    dam they took it down before i could see it, like i said i watched the full game and I'm usually a tough bruno critic but i didn't feel as if he played particularly poor. i wanna see that lowlight
  16. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    #341 prodigal_mind, Oct 22, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023


    Usually to make a fail video compilation like this of a player it would be a compilation over many games across the season. With Bruno it’s just a single match, and he does this stuff on the regular.

    He is an embarassing player and he will cost us the minute we play a good team at the euro. Just in this video alone he almost causes his team to concede 3 times
    money11 repped this.
  17. money11

    money11 Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    I've been a clear bruno critic and although i am a manchester united fan i will always above all be a PORTUGUESE NT fan over everything and this weekend was another nail in the coffin for me regarding bruno, yes I've been critical in the past because i believe he is one of the most overrated players on the planet....... I've all always said he isn't good at this, he isn't good at that, bla bla bla BUT THE NUMBER ONE ISSUE I have with this guy is his attitude. ITS EMBARRASSING, i get goosebumps that me and this guy are from the same country.... roy keane says it exactly how it should be said..... yes bruno played "incredible" in euro qualifiers but ask yourself, when did Portugal come up against any adversity? Bruno is the type of player when things aren't going well, hell drag the team down instead of lifting them up.

    if this man ever becomes Portugal captain in a tournament that matters. we are cooked.

  18. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Lol the current captain of Portugal literally pouts in the corner if someone scores instead of passing to him. Relax.
  19. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    #344 prodigal_mind, Oct 31, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2023
    Zero league titles
    Zero impact in champions league knockout rounds

    and he's 30 years old. The way sportinguistas continue to make excuses for this guy is next level glazing. Y'all take it one step further than kissing his ass, you even spread the cheeks and kiss the taint.
  20. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    You understand this is a team sport right? Or is Harry Kane trash too? How about Gerrard?

    The way you’re talking is like I’m arguing he’s some kind of generational talent. No one has said that. I’m saying he’s a very good player. It’s so strange to me that you’re going so far out of your way to try and prove something that isnt there. It’s very odd. I’ve never hated a player the way you seem to hate Bruno. Genuinely very strange, what’s the point.
  21. money11

    money11 Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    completely agree with you and I've consistently been saying the same thing. Its been one of my biggest arguments as to why i think ronaldo no longer has a place on our team, but I've also said that while ronaldos attitude is garbage he has been excused because he was arguably the greatest footballer on the planet for a 12-year stretch. If anyone can reproduce ronaldos form i don't give a fudge on how they act..... but when you act like a ronaldo but perform like a bruno. I'm sorry, you need to reevaluate what your doing and how your behaving ESPECIALLY when you have a captains armband.
  22. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    Why is he not a generational talent? He has more goals and assists than modric, xavi, iniesta and pirlo, and hes still only 30.
  23. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    This is how you win a game:

    Hit me up when bum ass FAILix playing in a fuckin farmers league and against scrubs in Spain can do something like this. Unfortunately for him, it takes a spine to put the team on your back and scrawny little cuckold FAILix doesn't have it in him. Dudes too busy watching Porro fuck his lady.
    money11 repped this.
  24. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    Putting the team on his back :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: He was trash all game.

    Nice clearance by your boy Palhinha, another overrated sportinguista.
  25. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:

    He won the game. Hit me up when cuck boy can do anything other than watch his lady get plowed by other players.

    Agree tho, shambolic defending by Palhinha. But while we're on the topic of saving their teams, he scored a banger last week, something Joao Cagao FAILix could never do.

    Btw how'd your boy Guedes doing? A dub off the weakest Benfica bench in years LOL.

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