The nearly three-hour open-air performance started at 8:30 p.m. with a recording of President Bush talking about the war on Iraq. Springsteen encouraged fans to sing along to "Waitin' on a Sunny Day," and got a little political, saying, "A little louder if you want to impeach the President." Springsteen, who has called for President Bush's impeachment in several recent interviews, sang "Souls of the Departed," which refers to U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Much more harsher rhetoric than the summer shows he did at Giants Stadium. Are the walls caving in on Bush, when the Boss asks you to step down?
Oh wow, a musician who wants the President to be impeached, let me know when I should start caring....
Totally, totally, totally out of context. For this entire tour, Bruce has had what he calls a "public service announcement" where he calls on both sides of aisle to come clean on why we went to war. It is generally a non-partisan rant, where he says that spreading misinformation in wartime has been a problem under both Democratic and Republican administrations, but it doesn't matter which party does it because when young men & women die from it, it's wrong. It has not been a controversial part of the show. Anyhow, in Buffalo last week, he gives the same speech, and some reviewer complained about the speech, saying that Bruce was calling for the impeachment of the President. Fans who were at the show said that Bruce never mentioned impeachment, or anything like that. Nobody knows what show the reviewer attended if he really heard that. So, last night, Bruce made a blatant "impeach Bush" remark that was clearly meant as a joke. The band started laughing at it. Take from it what you will. Bruce is on the record as a Democrat and I don't think he has any love for Bush, but where the Post gets the idea that Bruce "has called for President Bush's impeachment in several recent interviews" is beyond me - especially considering that Bruce gives interviews about as much as Axis Alex admits he's wrong. That reviewer and the Buffalo guy must be friends or something.
Why? The Boss hasn't put forth a real effort in 25 years. I've never seen a "legend" get more mileage out of less music.
Impeachment? I have seen this movie before. I know how it ends. Lets change the channel before we waste any more of our valuable time. PS: I am cool with Springsteen. He is an excellent musician and he can say whatever he wants. But I hope what Obie says is true. I hope he didn't sink to that level.
Now he plays old man crymeariver feelgood ditties. And if you don't like it, we can step outside to the Movies, TV and Music forum.
Just think. People thought we were Stones ripoffs once. Now we're just Aerosmith ripoffs. Yours truly, Aerosmith