For all the Fire Supporters out there. Here's an idea: Why not create your own personalized banner or flag using the city of Chicago Flag? In the same way England Supporters use the St. Georges cross, by putting their city name on the flag, we could put our neighbourhood name or village name across the blue bars in our city flag. Imagine a ground filled with personalized city of Chicago flags. In the same way the England flag is an umistakeable symbol of an England Supporter, I think that the City of Chicago flag could be the same for the Fire supporters all over. Our clubs' connection to our city should become much strong and closer once we move to our new ground at Bridgeview.
The way to do this might be to buy a bunch of 3x5 flags and resell them to people so they can sew or paint on letters.
A whole bunch of these would be cool: There's got to be some way to get them cheaper though.
4" X 6" ??? From the next section, they'd barely look different from 3 X 5 index cards. What would you do with them?
No. I dont think so. What would be wrong would be to see a Village of Naperville flag. Especially since nobody knows what it would look like except Napervillians. Chicago's flag is known across the region and I dont think anything would be wrong by adding suburban villages on it. The flags are also on sale at various Chicago Store shops Here are some cheap places online: $6.95 - 3x5 Available on Ebay $13 - 3x5 $39.70 - 3x5 Various -
Daley never lifted a finger to help the Fire stay in Chicago. When we wanted to play in Comiskey instead of Naperville he didn't put any pressure on Reinsdorf. Forget the Chicago flag once we go out to Bridgeview, just have Chicao Fire flags and logos.I don't know if Bridgeview has a flag but since it is not well known I wouldn't use it.
Well at the end of the day the club is still called the CHICAGO FIRE...not the Bridgeview Fire. The fact that we dont still play in the city anymore has nothing to do with HERITAGE of the club or the NAME it was given. Bridgeview is not some major entity in and of itself. Its a part of the CHICAGO AREA. To bring the "Daley-factor" into this discussion is insignificant to the large scheme of things. The CHICAGO FIRE is still a CHICAGO team and always will be. Its tied to the city and always will be. Even club crest features the points from the star on the CHICAGO city flag. Plus the fact that we will have flag kits arriving soon signifies the club wants to continue it close ties the Chicago symbolism. (hopefully also with the Addidas deal) I will refrain from saying anything about my dislike for anti-city comments made by isolationist suburbanists. I'd rather for this thread to the STAY ON TOPIC guys. So can we please end it here? Thanks.
It just seems like an insult to Bridgeview. I know we're still the Chicago fire but to go out of the way to display chicago flags when the mayor of Bridgeview, who worked so hard to accomodate the fire, is trying to establish an identity for Bridgeview and get publicity for his town it just seems the wrong thing to do.
Well, what does the Bridgeview flag -- if they have one -- look like and then maybe we can "amend" it to our needs, too.
I don't accept this argument at all. One, Chicago was one of the three finalists to build the Fire stadium. Two, it's not the Mayor Daley Family Flag, it's the Chicago flag. It's come to represent Chicagoland as well as the city. Three, as has been stated, we are the Chicago Fire. No disrespect to Mayor Landek and the village of BV...but whether we play in Naperville, or Soldier Field, or a stone's throw from the city limit in Bridgeview, we are Chicago, and the Chicago flag is our flag. I think they understand that.
PREACH ON BROTHER LIAM!!!! Couldnt have stated it better. Hopefully these eloquent words puts this issue to rest. There is not intention to disrepect Bridgeview, but Chicago is our region and it is represented by those 2 blue bars and 4 red stars.
If you guys want to use the chicago flag go ahead. Yes, Chicago was a finalist for the new stadium but obviously Daley didn't try too hard to keep the Fire in Chicago, or we all wouldn't have been in Bridgeview Tuesday at the stadium ground breaking ceremony.I wonder how many people outside of Chicago recognize the flag as Chicago's.
Hmmm I wonder as well. "Chicago is the standard by which all US city flags should be judged. "
what i'm thinking has really nothing to do with the anti-daley or anti-chicago argument. and i also realize that since i hardly ever went to any games this past season my word might not stand up to well, but whatever. using the england flag and using the chicago flag is kind of an apples-to-oranges thing. if you've got an england flag with, say, 'surrey' on it it makes sense, because hey, surrey is in england. but a chicago flag with 'naperville' or 'oakbrook' or whatever just doesn't make as much sense, because naperville and chicago are two different things. maybe i'm just too paranoid about being seen as some kind poser. $.02
Yes Chicago has a nice flag,we are in agreement. DC is rated the top flag and I have no idea what it looks like, so my question stands, out of 100 people in La or any other city outside chicago, how many would know that the flag draped over the Bridgeview stadium's ledge represents Chicago.
Okay, I had to pull up this old thread for an idea I have (and I may have expressed this before). As anybody who has been to an Iowa Hawkeye football game knows, we have some great, loud fans that rock Kinnick (and the MetroDome a.k.a "Kinnick North"). One of the great traditions, as noted by Sports Illustrated, is the I-O-W-A chant that goes around each "stand" after TD's. I think the Fire could really work this into the Bridgeview opener. Here is my idea: Make some signs. One that says "SHEE", another that says "CA", another that says "GO", another that has "FIRE!", and have the other signs say "FIRE!" on the other side. Get some staffers to, after a goal or maybe even at the start of the match, hold up each in its turn so that you get a chant of "SHEE-CA-GO" at the three stands and everyone in the stadium yelling "FIRE!" (with hopefully no stampeding) at the end. What would be really sweet is that you can have Section 8 do the "GO" part, hence "GO FIRE!". I think the crowd would love it. Thoughts?
Can't we just use all the flags? Fire flags, Chicago flag, Bridgeview, Moralia would be cool too. Flags that represent the countries of particular players. The U.S. flag perhaps?