Brenden Aaronson at Union Berlin (olf Leeds)

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad' started by ShaftBrewer, Jul 20, 2020.

  1. ebbro

    ebbro Member+

    Jun 10, 2005
  2. Roblar

    Roblar Member+

    Sep 15, 2000
    The 73072
    New beginnings.
    LouisianaViking07/09 repped this.
  3. felloveranddidanadu

    Plymouth Argyle FC
    Dec 12, 2009
    San Jose Frogs
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    I don't think this is gonna do much for them. They have looked like hot trash. An improvement would be to make them look like cold trash.
    LouisianaViking07/09 repped this.
  4. glutton4Bolts

    glutton4Bolts Member+

    United States
    Mar 18, 2019
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    At this point they are just looking for enough positive momentum to get them out of the relegation slots. That could mean being trash just a bit colder than Hedenheim, Bochum Darmstadt etc.
  5. Jazzy Altidore

    Jazzy Altidore Member+

    Sep 2, 2009
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    Los Angeles Galaxy
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    Did anyone follow them last year and can tell us wtf went wrong this year?

    @Casper ?
  6. freisland

    freisland Member+

    Jan 31, 2001
    There is no reason for Union to be clawing their way out of relegation. They were always going to fall as they had a couple of cinderella seasons, but they should have put a more solid floor under them than this. Never shoulda dumped Jordan! Or shoulda bought Pepi! Or both. lol.
    LouisianaViking07/09 repped this.
  7. Gorky

    Gorky Member+

    Jul 28, 2006
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    LouisianaViking07/09 repped this.
  8. glutton4Bolts

    glutton4Bolts Member+

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    Mar 18, 2019
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    Pl@ymaker repped this.
  9. Roblar

    Roblar Member+

    Sep 15, 2000
    The 73072
    Well... new beginnings cut both ways, I guess. Will be interested to see if it stays the same after he's been with the team for a whole week.
  10. moochie

    moochie Member

    Feb 14, 2002
    No Becker or Kral either...wouldn't read anything into it.
  11. wrench

    wrench Member+

    May 12, 2007
    Arsenal FC
    AR took a beating against T&T. Don't blame him for chilling for a game.
    felloveranddidanadu and Pegasus repped this.
  12. Roblar

    Roblar Member+

    Sep 15, 2000
    The 73072
    So... apparently Brenden Aaronson subbed in in minute 78 of the Union Berlin--Braga game. I didn't find anything else in the BBC match-tracker. Union Berlin had a man-advantage for 60 min and only managed to score an equalizer. 1-1.
    glutton4Bolts and Pl@ymaker repped this.
  13. glutton4Bolts

    glutton4Bolts Member+

    United States
    Mar 18, 2019
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    Union are pitiful right now. What a 180 from last season. They had a man advantage but Braga were still the more dangerous team in the 2nd half minutes I watched.
  14. Roblar

    Roblar Member+

    Sep 15, 2000
    The 73072
    Googled and found this: "Brenden Aaronson - 5/10 - The Leeds loanee did little to provide any further attacking threat when brought on late in the game." -from vavel

    Wish he'd gone all Pepi on Braga in his 12 minutes (plus added time).

    I still remember him looking good in early Leeds games and, of course, in Salzburg. Haven't seen that side of him in a while. I think the potential is still there, but despite how unlikely it seems right now, I keep finding myself expecting to see it again. ...perhaps in the not-too-distant future.
  15. glutton4Bolts

    glutton4Bolts Member+

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    Mar 18, 2019
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    I am not closing the book but at the same time I am not holding on to much hope. He looks lost right now.
  16. zlatan_but_a_car

    Botswana Meat Commission FC
    United States
    Oct 16, 2017
    I think that, similar to one of the kids at Shalke's academy, BA never got back to full health after his bout of appendicitis / emergency appendectomy last winter. My memory is that his disappointing performances started after he missed the bench one week due to the emergency appendectomy.
  17. Excellency

    Excellency Member+

    LA Galaxy
    United States
    Nov 4, 2011
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Brenden v. Braga yday:

    Comes in at 78'

    78:12Braga throws ball in.
    78:15 Brenden presses ball recipient forcing a square pass across goal at Braga's 30M line but rest of press not good enough to capitalize and Braga easily sends ball up the opposite side. After recicrculating, Braga try to get the ball thru Brenden's side but Braga guy panics on receiving ball sandwiched by Brenden and Gossens and spills ball to Gossens 78:32 who heads up the pitch, is blocked and gets the ball to Brenden 78:35 and Brenden, on the half turn towards the center has Kral on rushing past him and he gives him the ball 78:36. Union now have a 4 on 4 counter just a couple of meters over the halfway line in Braga's turf with Gossesn wide left, Slofana narrow right and Kral and Brenden centrally. Kral advances and sends a diagonal ball left to onrushing Gossens 78:38 who manages to cut a cross back from endline to just above the spot in the box. Unfortunately, Brenden and Kral aren't staggered vertically and both miss the cross which goes in just behind them. Braga gets possession and hold it til 79:42 when the keeper launches a 50 yder with Brenden closing in on him. Ball over to Union Berlin 74:44 as the Berlin CB easily wins the header against the forward who was target of keepers 50yarder clearance.
    74:49 nice pass from Kral to put Union's right mid in space 3 on 3 with Slofana central and Brenden wide open slightly left The Union guy hesitates just a second and is tackled by 3 guys from behind and he spills the ball as incredulous Aaronson wide open with nobody to beat but the keeper and no ball!! Go to 79:50 of game clock.
    Brenden wins the ball back anyway and calmly controls the ball amid 3 Braga guys. Passes to to Gossens to re-group who gets it to Krall who sends a hospital return ball to gossens who is hurt by a kick of the ball to the stomach. 80:08 At this stage the cameraman is so engrossed in showing the "foul" on Gossens over and over interminably and we miss the build up to the next play where Braga score on a bad giveaway pass from Union Berlin's right sided defender. Gossens is still on the ground as they score.
    83rd minute Aaronson nicely closes off the triangle to win ball back and get it to wide open teammate who doesn't know what to do and backpasses. Possession leads to Slofana header that goes over the bar just slightly.

    Anyway, that's 4 minutes worth. I'm not sure "didn't do anything" really describes it all that well but I'm used to it by now.

    Union shoot themselves in the foot again.
    GumbyG, TimB4Last and Roblar repped this.
  18. uniteo

    uniteo Member+

    Sep 2, 2000
    Rockville, MD
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    Not quite, Union gained the man advantage, the took the lead before the half, only to give up the lead early in the 2nd and barely hold on to the point.

    still, that’s 3 draws in 4 games. If they can hold it together somewhat in the next 3 (Bayern, ‘Gladbach & Real Madrid) maybe they can recover some.
    Roblar repped this.
  19. TimB4Last

    TimB4Last Member+

    May 5, 2006
    No match today …

    “Saturday's Bundesliga clash between Bayern Munich and Union Berlin has been postponed due to heavy snowfall in Munich, …”
    ChrisSSBB repped this.
  20. thedukeofsoccer

    thedukeofsoccer Member+

    Jul 11, 2004
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    Came in at the 74th minute to help Union stop the bleeding. They win 3-1 v. BMG.

    Commentary was complimentary. From what I saw, he brought a little bit of that ol' sauce, megging fools. The volcano is bubbling a little.
  21. HScoach13

    HScoach13 Member+

    Nov 30, 2016
    After being thought of as almost extinct, that is an improvement.
    CyphaPSU and LouisianaViking07/09 repped this.
  22. Pegasus

    Pegasus Member+

    Apr 20, 1999
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    He was just dormant but always a latent threat.
  23. Gorky

    Gorky Member+

    Jul 28, 2006
    New York Red Bulls
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    United States
    Isn't this like their first win?
  24. Roblar

    Roblar Member+

    Sep 15, 2000
    The 73072
    That's what the announcer's said. And Aaronson had one really nice run to take the ball out of pressure and even turn it into an attack. Failed to make a pass soon enough (or beat a defender off the dribble) at the end, and came to nothing, but the touches to get there were enough to make you think he's got skill for this level.
    TimB4Last repped this.
  25. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

    Notts County and NYCFC
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    Apr 18, 2015
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    The first since they beat Mainz and Darmstadt.

    They have 10 points.

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