Here's something for you paranoid, bogeyman-loving rightwing types to think about: I never met a radical feminist yet who wouldn't service me once I yanked down that zipper.
Re: Re: Breaking News!!! Men think differently than women! So the moral of the story is that Texas women, no matter what their political persuasion, get really turned on by the smell of cow dung?
Re: Re: Re: Breaking News!!! Men think differently than women! What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, then this liberal scum that ruined your time in the politics forum would be suffering this very day. And if by chance an honest conservative like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Breaking News!!! Men think differently than women! It was the Dallas Cowboys comment in the Limbaugh thread that cheesed me off. And, by the way, no one has ruined my time in the politics forum, really (aside from various members of the Bush administration). It's just funny that so many here who used to be fairly reasonable have amped up the hatred and hyperbole to the point where there is no point in arguing with them. Sort of like the rabid Clinton-haters during the 90s. I mean, seriously, how fun is it to respond to ridiculous diatribes with the rolling eyes smiley over and over again? The answer: not very. As for being disrepectful, you must have missed me blowing smoke up your ass in the Once Upon A Time in Mexico thread. I beg your forgiveness, Don GringoTex.
ATTENTION LIBERALS: You talk about vengeance -- is vengeance gonna bring your boy Clinton back to you? Or a conservative's drooling Reagan back to them? I forgo the vengeance of Bill-- But I have selfish reasons. My friend WakeUpBomb was forced to leave this forum, because of this WMD business. All right -- and I have to make arrangements to bring him back here safely -- cleared of all these false charges of being a Dubya crony. But I'm a superstitious man -- and if some unlucky trolling should befall WUB -- if he should be accused of being a Rumsfeld apologist -- or if he there be a claim against him of finding Rove sexy -- or if he's struck by a biased FAIR media report -- then I'm going to blame some of the people in this room. And that, I do not forgive. But -- that aside -- let me say that I swear -- on the souls LBJ and Ann Richards -- that I will not be the one to break the peace that we have made here today...
Anyone who has ever tried to explain to his wife that a lap dance is not cheating knows full well than men think differently from women.
So women think different than men? I hope they didn't spend my tax money to reach that conclusion. Here is my research: 1)Woman nags 2)Man tunes her out 3)Breakup ensues (Of course, ElJefe's lap dancing issue might acelerate the process. )