Starts 7/15/2012, 10/9 central on AMC. So who else is pumped for this? I was totally new to Breaking Bad about 2 weeks ago, but thanks to AMC running a marathon for seasons 1-4 I'm now in the loop and pretty much hooked. As far as TV series go, this has been my favorite by far. So I'm guessing that because Skylar blew through a bunch of the drug money by paying off Ted Beneke's taxes, Walter is going to start cooking again. I'd like to think that the DEA will chalk all of the recent violence up to the cartel wanting revenge on Gus but Hank is probably way to0 smart and obsessed with Heizenburg to stop digging. A couple of things I want to see answered: 1. Did Walt really poison Brock? I suppose if even if he did I could still justify Walt doing it it was to save his family, and such a smart guy knew that no real harm would come to the kid. 2. Who Gus was in Chile.
Yes, Walt poisoned Brock. I think the point of showing the plant at the end of the season was to show how much Walt has changed and become like Gus being that he no longer draws the line like he would have just a season earlier. I believe Gus' true identity or orgin will be a plot point this season.
What in the hell was up with that cold opening. BB loves to do that, we might not know until the series finale.
Kind of a ho-hum episode for me. The magnet plot felt a little too A-Teamish to me. It's getting near impossible to find any redeeming qualities in Walt.
So seasons 1-4 took place over roughly a year in which he was 50 years old. At the end of this season he's 52, so it seems like they are spacing this one out differently. That beginning sequence feels like Walt is heading towards the end-game. I did like how Saul and Skyler's fear of Walt was paralleled with Ted Beneke's fear of Skyler. It does seem a bit silly for all of the characters (who have broken bad) acting morally outraged at Walt because they feel he has crossed some line.
Anyone have a take on the Swiss Bank accounts? I would of thought that would of have been a give for a drug dealer moving large sums of money.
Recap of episode 2, "Madrigal" here: I really enjoyed this episode, especially all of the Mike scenes. Hank's interrogation of Mike was about as good as it gets. Isn't it a little hard to believe that the Feds wouldn't have Mike and all of the ex-Pollos Hermanos associates under surveillance 24/7? I'm also wondering just how much Hank suspects or knows about Walt at this point. He's had a few looks on his face in the first 2 episodes which tell me he might have actually seen something. Lydia should be a really good addition to the series. As much as I wanted Mike to do her in, she played her part perfectly.
Mike has been acting really well (the actor that is).....I can't wait to see where all of this is going.
Gotta love Time Warner, I watched the show but it kept getting pixalized and I missed half the dialogue.
You might want to try trading in your box. I had that problem once when I had Time Warner and a new box fixed it.
Yes, I have a feeling we are going to get the story of his Philly PD days. Something must have really soured him.
Oh, I know that's the problem. I pretty much have to get a new box every 3 months. I just havent had time to go up there yet. I have to trade in my modem too. I cant wait to move in a couple of months and get something else.
I've loved the first two episodes so far this season. As for Walt turning 52-- technically, we only know that it was the 52nd birthday of whatever name was on his fake New Hampshire ID. Also, in that scene, I feel it was strongly hinted that his cancer had recurred. It was announced that Jesse Plemons, who was in Friday Night Lights, is going to be playing a role this season. He's a great young actor and I'm excited to see how he'll contribute to Breaking Bad.
I'm pretty sure (and not at all happy to think) that Walt will kill Hank this season. I think that's what the cold opening was about. The gun is to kill Hank. I also wonder if we're supposed to think Walt really "broke bad" or that he's simply always been a "bad" person who was restrained by cowardice, insecurity, social expectations, etc. Walter didn't have a conscience so much as he felt that the rules of society applied to him just like everybody else. Now he thinks he's above the law, and so the "real" Walter White has emerged.
It sounded like a thinly-veiled warning to Jesse. Jesse showed during the trip to Mexico that he could do it on his own and Walt couldnt have liked that.
I don't know. During their 1st cook session, he indicated that he trusts Jesse and all.....Unless he saw the money situation being a problem and then hinted at Jesse being too close to the sun.
I wonder if that tape the cartel made of Jessie showing them how he cooks will make an appearance in the future. Also, Walt is letting his ego get in the way of logic. So he now nets about 130K per cook. Less than with Gus, but he no longer has the constant threat of death hanging over his head. Just doing 1 cook at week nets him over 6 million per year. That should cover all of his needs, medical and otherwise, and desires.