Brad and Jeff

Discussion in 'New England Revolution' started by dncm, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. dncm

    dncm Member+

    Apr 22, 2003
    C'mon guys.

    Brad: "Soares aimlessly kicks the ball up field and out of bounds - but at least it advances the Revs up the field"

    Jeff: "Definitely"

    And what was Brad's 5 minute tirade about Videira for?

    Thank you Robbie Mustoe
    RevsFanDan repped this.
  2. It's-A-Trap

    It's-A-Trap Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    New England Revolution
    Unreal how bias and unprofessional they are. I saw journalists on twitter getting mad at their stupidity out of frustration.
  3. NHFootyFan

    NHFootyFan Member

    May 28, 2007
    Outside Concord NH
    New England Revolution

    Make the bad man go away!!!!
    patfan1 repped this.
  4. Doublecard

    Doublecard Guest

    I facepalmed that moment. Stopped watching at half-time cuz I was bored and getting sleepy.
    nsa repped this.
  5. Achowat

    Achowat Member+

    Mar 21, 2011
    Revere, MA
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    I find myself, based on my lifestyle, listening to a lot of games on the Radio. It's a wonder I haven't crashed my car into a telephone pole yet
  6. Kraft Out

    Kraft Out Member+

    Aug 2, 2010
    New England Revolution
    Brad and Jeff are the perfect representatives of what this entire franchise really is: A complete and utter joke.
  7. ToMhIlL

    ToMhIlL Member+

    Feb 18, 1999
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    Wait a sec... rkupp sez that no one listens to the radio, so there is no need for the TV guys to do a "radio" pbp, even if the TV audience can see who the guy is with the ball on the left side of the box...
    Rangers Rob repped this.
  8. Achowat

    Achowat Member+

    Mar 21, 2011
    Revere, MA
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    You never notice how many times Bradman just royal screws up until you've heard it without the video.

    "And Tierney is Guy"
    "And in comes the cross...shot wide"
  9. Kraft Out

    Kraft Out Member+

    Aug 2, 2010
    New England Revolution
    You're so negative. If you turn the sound all the way down on the radio, then it's not so bad. Heck, this team hasn't even lost a game or conceded a goal if you do that!
  10. Fire Mike Burns

    Aug 16, 2012
    New England Revolution
  11. RevsFanDan

    RevsFanDan Member

    May 24, 2005
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    It's a downright shame when I have to agree with a $hitcargo fan..! but those two made dumb and dumber look like Woodward and Bernstein!
  12. revsrock

    revsrock Member+

    Jul 24, 1999
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    Brad went above Tommy Heinsohn and Johnny Most in homerism Saturday night
  13. firstshirt

    firstshirt Member+

    Bayern München
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    Morons......da boat a dem!
  14. Soc4Us

    Soc4Us Member

    Jun 11, 2004
    Dunstable, MA
    I'm ok with Brad but have not warmed up to Jeff. Saturday was a low point for them given the dwelling on, at best, a questionable call, but I think Brad prepares well and I think it is the norm to be biased a bit to the home team.

    I just don't find Jeff entertaining. His insight might (or might not frankly) be better than some analysts, but he just lacks personality. It is discouraging to me that someone would select him as I can't see what would be the draw.
  15. Jon Martin

    Jon Martin Member+

    Apr 25, 2000
    SE Mass
    I would be absolutely fine having a beer with Brad, but he doesn't belong in the same chair as Derek Rae, or Adrian Healy. Jeff is somewhat more frank than Jay Heaps was. He's just a bland individual. FWIW, I don't mind the homerism nearly as much as some. Brad's just an amateur (in the best sense) doing a pro's job.
  16. Doublecard

    Doublecard Guest

    I liked David Amon - can'tspellhislastname - a when he subbed for Brad in the booth.

    Sometimes a change can be refreshing. How long has Brad been in the booth, anyway?
  17. Weber King

    Weber King Member

    Sep 28, 2001
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    That was Damon Amendolara (aka D.A.), normally the sideline reporter on Revs broadcasts & the night time host on 98.5 The Sports Hub. He used to work in KC and is fairly knowledgeable about soccer. Plus he has a good amount of youthful enthusiasm. If KSG had any sense, they work him into a bigger role and hitch their wagons to him as far as getting more outreach on the radio.
    Revolution909, NFLPatriot and patfan1 repped this.
  18. Weber King

    Weber King Member

    Sep 28, 2001
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    For those of us who know him, Brad is a pretty good guy. And I've had a few beers with him.

    I remember on my honeymoon, we got the ESPN international feed on my cruise. I tuned in one day to watch a La Liga match with Barcelona and Brad was in Bristol doing the PbP. And he wasn't bad.

    The problem I have is that it is incredibly difficult to get past the fact that a team's Media Supervising Producer (and formerly Dir. of Communications) is also the main PbP guy who is supposed to provide an unbiased depiction and analysis of the game action. As we've seen, this tends not to be the case. Rarely, if ever, do we hear criticism of the Revs when it is apropos to do so, at least at the level that seemingly would be dictated by the action on the field.
  19. dncm

    dncm Member+

    Apr 22, 2003
    Agreed, I normally do not mind Brad either or the homerisms a little, but the last couple of games, and especially Saturday, were just painful. Brad is either too close to the situation or doesn't understand. It is almost like he is trying to "fool" people who might be watching what they are seeing (or make his bosses happy that he is not bad mouthing the product).

    His tirade about Videira especially was just mind boggling.

    When he gets going, he becomes out of control. And without a strong color guy, they just go with the flow(Heaps and Causey). Lalas was someone who countered Brad and kept him in check. Those years were some of Brad's best years as a broadcaster.

    I am glad (and impressed that Brad said on the air) when Mustoe let him know he was being a crazy man.
  20. Chowda

    Chowda Member

    Sep 13, 2004
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  21. Steve_R

    Steve_R Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    Somerville, MA
    I'm curious, what exactly did he have to say about Videira?
  22. BBruin66

    BBruin66 Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    I get it.
  23. Revolution909

    Revolution909 Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    He gave us Videra's history, his time with the Revs, the hype about him, and then talked about what he could have been and who he was compared too for about two minutes. The link earlier in this thread will give you some more insight. It was way too much info on a crappy player who never worked out. Then Videra took a nice shot, and Brad talked about him quite a bit more.

    Brad spent the first 10 minutes of his time on 'The Far Post' podcast talking about the crap he got on twitter from fans in Chicago & New England about the PK, btw. Spent quite a while defending his call of the game.
  24. Revs in 2010

    Revs in 2010 Member+

    Feb 29, 2000
    Roanoke, VA
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    When I saw the title, I really thought this thread was going to be about the homerism of his certainty that the PK was a bad call. I saw the replay a dozen times and still think the call was right (I don't see the "change of direction" of the ball the Brad claimed).
    RevsFanDan repped this.
  25. rkupp

    rkupp Member+

    Jan 3, 2001
    - It was a dumb tackle by Soares (Rolfe was being pushed wide enough, and there's always the risk of a dive and the ref being fooled, even if you do get "ball")

    - After watching the replays frame by frame, you can't really tell if Soares touches the ball or not.

    - It looks like Soares steps on Rolfe's plant foot - not sure that's enough for a penalty.

    - Rolfe sees Soares slide and hooks his lead foot under Soares leg to go down and get the call.

    So, in all, there are a bunch of elements. High risk/low reward attempt by Soares, some contact, some embellishing/diving, ...

    If it were me, given the early point in the game and the fact that it wasn't a prime goal-scoring opportunity and the fact that it's very, very hard to determine if Soares got any ball, I'd probably wave that one off. The main reason Rolfe went down was his own intention and I wouldn't reward that.

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