OK, so before we start blaming ESPN or NBC, it looks as if the usual networks were simply outbid by beIN Sport. CONCACAF and the countries also had a choice not to sell to beIN Sport knowing full well that only a small percentage of homes carry the network. CONCACAF knew what it was doing...just took as much cash as possible without any concern for the fans. What can we do? If we show CONCACAF and beIN Sport that these deals are not lucrative, they won't make these deals anymore. My suggestion, simply boycott the road games. If viewership plummets, then CONCACAF may try to rework the deals and/or beIN Sport won't make such deals again. If you think this is a bad idea, then I am all eyes and ears for a better one.
You don't really have to boycott a network that is only available to 5% of the entire US population, let alone soccer fans.
I've got DirecTv, and it's my impression that if you payed to have FSC that you should have BeIn sports too. Could be wrong. But either way I appear to have the channel, and for me it's a much better option than PPV.
Guess it must just be my view being off, but I was under the impression that a lot more people had Direct or Dish. You have to pay to get the soccer package if you've got Direct, FSC is free on Dish, so I'm not sure about that. I wouldn't imagine that a non soccer supporter would buy the soccer package, so one could reason that the majority of that 5% is a large percentage of the fan base.
You guys get that this is exactly how you build a channel, right? Sorry if you get inconvenienced temporarily. But holding your breath until you turn blue....well, they're not going to notice. And you're not going to boycott a fricking qually and you know it.
I prefer to watch the games and support my country in their games. That means more to me than a boycott. I go to bar to watch the games anyway and the bar to go has Direct TV.
I LOVE directv. I love their whole home DVR service, and the fact I can makesomething record from my phone. Having BeIN for both south ameircan qualifiers, and USA away games!! FULL OF WIN!
Bingo. They are agressively splashing cash, so the big cable companies will at some point, have no choice but to go to them. There's a drug reference here somewhere...
If you eliminate Bars and Restaurants, DirectTV and Dish reach about 8 million "households". There are an estimated 125 million "households" in the US That's about 6%, so my math was a little off. If you are implying that the majority of soccer fans in the US are on DirecTV or Dish...well, you're mistaken. Or get inconvenienced for the duration of BeIN's contract because you only have access to one cable provider in your area and would have to sell your house and move in order to "enjoy" a channel. We used to have options. Now one channel is building a monopoly and leaving passionate soccer fans out in the cold.
I'm not saying DirectTV is bad. But there are tens of millions of people who CAN'T get DirectTV because its not available in their apartment complex or the Condo association won't allow it. Try putting yourself in someone else's shoes for two and a half seconds.
Why wouldn't you blame ESPN, NBC Sports, or Fox Soccer. They couldn't have been bothered to show the Guatemala match. Weren't interested. Fine. Somebody else is interested. Too bad for ESPN (we only want to show home matches against Brazil and away to Italy), Fox Sports (we want to show Scotland and Canada), Fox Soccer (we want to show replays of Champions League and EPL from last year). These networks said they couldn't afford these games. Where is the problem? Well, there is a new sheriff in town.when you snooze - you lose. No one was calling for a boycott of pay-per-view. It's the best we can do. The federation can't/won't help.
I do/have (trying to watch libertadores games/ south american qualifiers). I am sure there will be a TON of AWESOME illegal streams. I wouldn't be too worried. With the trransmission being in HD, expect decent illegal streams.
Bingo. ESPN wasn't interested in picking up that game. Maybe they were a little for the Jamaica game..... but BeIN threw more money out there.... why shouldn't they be allowed to get it for their network? It's them just agressively(sp) going out there, getting waht the people want, and finding a way to get people more interested in their channel and to run asking their providers "when is beIN coming to our tv's?" SMART.
Or is it the fact that Traffic sports who had the rights to Guatemala match had no interest in giving the rights to ESPN etc. ESPN will show all the home qualifiers btw
Fox Soccer has turned into Sky Sports America. They never cared about the US national team or MLS. I am however surprised NBC Sports Network hasn't done more.
I have Comcast which means I don't have FSC in HD or FSC Plus AT ALL. I am not holding my breath for them to add beIN. I can't help but feel that this development is destined to hurt the growth of the game in this country more than help.
I'll be coming to your house to watch the game, and I'm bringing the millions of other fans who don't and won't be able to get BeIN Sports in their homes. I'm sure you won't mind.
Yes considering the fact that you have to pay additional money on the Direct package, that is what I'm implying. You said that it is available to 5% of the general populous, so I assumed you meant that was the number of people with the soccer package on direct and dish. And it'd be kind of stupid to buy a soccer package if you weren't a soccer fan. So the way you worded it meant that 5% of the people not only had direcTv, but also payed to get the extra channels. It's less than ideal, but tons better than PPV.
I posted this in another thread, but it I heard that both Comcast and Fios are looking at adding beIN to their lineups. Grant Wahl also tweeted something about Comcast adding beIN to their platform. So you might be in luck, my friend.