Boliva in Copa Libertadores 2007

Discussion in 'Bolivia' started by HeartandSoul, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. MrNiloBraun

    MrNiloBraun Member

    Jan 16, 2007
    Am I the only Bolivian on earth who was rooting for Boca to get it into the double digits?

    I don't like Bolivar, and I can't stand their front office. They embody everything I hate about our futbol, so I celebrated each Boca goal as if it were from la seleccion de Bolivia.

    Their front office continually disrespect local Bolivian players by never giving young kids a try instead importing half ass talent from abroad. They're managerial and fiscal strategies are a joke, shady contracts, and I've heard from more than enough people who've dealt directly with them that they're down right BAD people.

    So here is to Boca kicking Bolivars teeth in & here's to every team that I hope continues kicking Bolivar when they're down, and no, Bolivar DOES NOT represent Bolivians or our futbol, so I for one slept quite nicely last night :D

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