Bobby Boswell in Cosmo - Potential Catfight with Nickell Implications

Discussion in 'D.C. United' started by Lanky134, Oct 9, 2006.

  1. Lanky134

    Lanky134 New Member

    Oct 25, 1999
    134, 3, 6
    I just received this press release from Doug Hicks.

    Let the jokes begin...

  2. Footer Phooter

    Jul 23, 2000
    Falls Church, VA
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?


    Naturally of course, we're going to need to stuff the ballotbox.

    EDIT: That could be taken so many ways.....
  3. fatbastard

    fatbastard Member+

    Aug 1, 2003
    Lincoln (ish), Va
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    they aren't illiciting votes very well by misspelling the website name :rolleyes:

    I see they mentioned it again spelled correctly later in the release.......
  4. Riz

    Riz Member+

    Nov 18, 2004
    R-ville, Murrlin
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    Tell me something I *don't* already know.

    Jeez. Took people long enough to realize Bozilla is a handsome man. ;)
  5. human2006

    human2006 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    Ha! Well, the poll is not up yet on Cosmopolitan's site, it says it will be there tomorrow. That was a pretty stupid video, but I'm down for helping Bobby win $15,000.
  6. Sinderella

    Sinderella New Member

    Aug 24, 2000
    Odenton, MD
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    yipppppppppeeeee...finally the issue is coming out!!!! gotta admit bozilla is a hot guy. he's got my vote.
  7. s0ccerm0m

    s0ccerm0m New Member

    May 8, 2005
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    I thought the video was cute, and the bloopers were hilarious. I wonder if the blooper video will be shown on the Cosmo web site.
  8. fatbastard

    fatbastard Member+

    Aug 1, 2003
    Lincoln (ish), Va
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    All this male objectification is damaging my delicate sensibilities.
  9. human2006

    human2006 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    Yes, the bloopers were pretty funny.

    fatbastard, you're just jealous that nobody photoshopped your photo to look like this:

  10. MagpieFan

    MagpieFan Member+

    Apr 25, 2004
    Back in DC
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    Har. I love the way this press release has a standard boilerplate at the end instructing editors the proper way to name the team...
  11. CHICO13

    CHICO13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2001
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    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    Yeah really. Weren't we getting the smackdown from the ladies on this forum a few weeks back? ;)
  12. Dave Brother

    Dave Brother New Member

    Jun 10, 2001
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    Those videos are a riot. :p
  13. roadkit

    roadkit Greetings from the Fringe of Obscurity

    Jul 2, 2003
    Fornax Cluster
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    I was thinking the same thing. I guess we'll know that DC United and MLS have finally made it when they drop that bit...
  14. MattMathai

    MattMathai BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 28, 2004
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    Or 'eliciting', speaking of spelling. :)
  15. MattMathai

    MattMathai BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 28, 2004
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    No, we'll know DC United and MLS have finally made it when they can stop making that stupid stadium announcement that the time (at the end of the match) will be kept by the referee.
  16. DangerMouse37

    DangerMouse37 Member+

    Jan 22, 2004
    WDC / Barra
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    thus doubling his salary, right?
  17. Hops

    Hops New Member

    May 5, 2006
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    Bobby Cosmozilla!
  18. DangerMouse37

    DangerMouse37 Member+

    Jan 22, 2004
    WDC / Barra
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    We'll know MLS has finally made it when there are no more references to MLS "making it". Or soccer.
  19. s0ccerm0m

    s0ccerm0m New Member

    May 8, 2005
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    I work with a guy who said he couldn't vote for Boz because it's in a women's magazine. Let me state that voting for him will not in any way alter your inborn sexuality. So, man up, cast your vote, and forward the link to your co-workers, family and friends. I think the voting lasts a total of 3 days, so if we're ballot-stuffing, we have to get out the vote quickly.
  20. Riz

    Riz Member+

    Nov 18, 2004
    R-ville, Murrlin
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
  21. DoctorD

    DoctorD Member+

    Sep 29, 2002
    Philadelphia Union
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    United States
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    Boswell always reminds me of Tim Finn.
  22. Riz

    Riz Member+

    Nov 18, 2004
    R-ville, Murrlin
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    That is a fantastic observation.

    Makes sense too, I think Tim Finn was one of my first crushes in the 80s. ;)
  23. SavannahFan

    SavannahFan New Member

    Nov 8, 2005
    RFK Section 135
    DC United
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    Hell yeah, you know what though, someone HAS to get Elliot from DC101 on this, he probably would help gather votes...

    Hopefully the DC media will pick it up too.

    Anything DCU positive is great in my book. Well, except for the part where my wife watched the video, said "hmm, yummy" and mentioned going to a match for the first time ever... ;)
  24. seahawkdad

    seahawkdad Spoon!!!

    Jun 2, 2000
    Lincoln, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    OK folks, time to get serious and stuff (I know, I know) that ballot box.

    Here's the link where you vote.

    And, should you need it, here's Bozwell's write-up page. With this quote:
    OK, Bobby. Getting close to a little too much information.


    There's even link to a Boz video.
  25. UlyssesGWashington

    DC United
    Sep 9, 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: Potential Catfight Between Boswell And Nickell?

    Isn't that like God creating a rock so heavy that He can't lift it?

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