Today a group of supporters had a conference call to iron out some details on making more banners, hanging banners etc. The main thing we need more help organizing is the Car Rally. Anyone who is willing to participate in any way can do us a big favor by calling into another conference call tomorrow at 8PM. The soul reason for this conference call is to organize a good old fashion car rally. So if you want to lead or even just participate, call 888-338-7820 and when prompted, enter passcode 413419# (MUST enter pound sign) tomorrow at 8PM. The more people that show the better. We're looking for input from everyone on where they'd like to start different convoys in the area etc. We need your help to do that. Thanks everyone. Oh and can Knave or Revelation close the old Blackout Convoy thread for us? Thanks and we're looking forward to having everyone join us tomorrow at 8PM!
Is this a video conference? Can I get a convoy to swing by my place in Takoma Park, stop at the new Silver Spring Chik-fil-a and make a stop at Shoppers Food to pick up a case? Cheers, Tim
Reminder bump! PLEASE, anyone that is interested in either being a leader of, or involved in any of the DCU FAN convoy's/ car rally's call in to the conference call this evening at 8PM. We need people to step up if we are going to make this part of our festivites happen. Lets show the city are DCU PRIDE!