Bin Laden wants Bush to win....

Discussion in 'Elections' started by Excape Goat, Oct 30, 2004.

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  1. Excape Goat

    Excape Goat Member+

    Mar 18, 1999
    Real Madrid
    I always believed so.... I am now more convinced. His tape was to reinforce the notion that he is still around. The release of the tape is definitely election-related. He knew from public opinion that Americans trust Bush more than Kerry on terrorism. He is reinforcing the fear in Americans.

    Frankly, I always thought that bin Laden prefers Bush. His object of 911 was more than an attack on the economic center of the US. I always thought that he wanted to draw America into Afghanistan. He wanted another "Vietnam" for the US. We are talking about a guy who fought in Soviet Union's "Vietnam". He beat the Soviet Union twenty years ago. That war actually eventually destroyed the Soviet Union. He must have thought that he could do the same to the US. And before 911, he even killed the best anti-Taleban leader in Afghanistan. He was preparing for a war over there. Of course, the war only lasted for awhile. The fightings did not elevated into another Vietnam.

    And then, Bush decided to invade Iraq and bin laden got his Vietnam. On the day of the invasion, I thought bin Laden must be a happy man.
  2. fidlerre

    fidlerre Member+

    Oct 10, 2000
    Central Ohio
    Well considering I got some Bush supporter telling me the same thing today I wouldn't doubt Bush is going to take this to the "underground" movement to scare voters.

    Guy comes to my front door and tells me I should vote for Bush on Tuesday. Hands me a brochure, I proceed to give it back to him telling him it'd be a waste of his time. He proceeds to ask me if I wanted the bin Landen video yesterday, and if so, how could I still vote for Kerry?

    Despite George's plea for unity on fighting bin Laden and not allowing him to influence this election, his supporters are using it as a pitch the day after it was released.
  3. Ian McCracken

    Ian McCracken Member

    May 28, 1999
    SS Lazio Roma
    Nat'l Team:
    That is some of the worst analysis I have ever read, with all due respect. He wanted to draw America into Afghanistan? If he did, it backfired badly as the Taliban was routed and Bin Laden himself is on the run and reduced to communicating thru grainy videotapes passed along thru donkey passes. The tape was obviously a weak attempt to "reason" with the American people into thinking there was a chance for peace if only we leave the poor Muslims alone. That translates into an anti-endorsement of Bush, since everybody knows his policy is to take the offensive against the terrorists. Osama was a pathetic figure, pleading for his life.
  4. dfb547490

    dfb547490 New Member

    Feb 9, 2000
    The Heights
    Like it or not, the release of the tape was CLEARLY timed to try to hurt Bush at the polls. They influenced the Spanish election, now they're trying to influence ours.
  5. superdave

    superdave Member+

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    You're thinking short term, tactically. OBL is thinking long term. These are guys who tie this war to the Battle of Tours.

    With a decent president, OBL's hopes would be dashed now. With Bush, it's clear that OBL has won his gambit. Hopefully Kerry will win and somehow salvage Iraq, and then move on to fighting OBL.
  6. superdave

    superdave Member+

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Right, but the way they "influenced" that election was to use their mind control rays to get Anzar to blame the Basques without any evidence that it was the Basques.
  7. Ian McCracken

    Ian McCracken Member

    May 28, 1999
    SS Lazio Roma
    Nat'l Team:
    Apparently the 5 minute tape we saw was not the whole thing. According to some talking heads, the actual tape from Bin Laden was 18 minutes and had threats against the Bush family and several Cabinet officials. The State Department appealed to Al Jazeera not to release the parts they deemed could be signals for attack.
  8. skipshady

    skipshady New Member

    Apr 26, 2001
    Orchard St, NYC
    This lefty at Slate agrees with you:
    Now, I disagree with the above, sort of. Bin Laden doesn't care who wins the election on Tuesday. It doesn't matter for him who is in power as long as he's American. But, like Saletan says, he would like to take credit for driving Bush out of office (which he won't - if Kerry wins, it will be in spite of the videotape).

    At the same time, again, as Saletan says, Bush helps Bin Laden more than Bin Laden realizes (or maybe he does). A President Kerry wouldn't hurt OBL, but wouldn't help him as much as Bush did, either.
  9. 1953 4-2-4

    1953 4-2-4 Red Card

    Jan 11, 2004
    Wait, I thought you Dems insisted that we already captured Osama and were going to "oficially" catch him in public several days before the election.

    As a side note: in Cuyahoga county in 2002, THREE people named Osama Bin Laden (all registered Democrat) voted in the last election. After checking addresses, surprise, all three were from non-existant addresses, so for this election, the three Osama Bin Laden's will be erhm, cough, "disenfranchised."
  10. Garcia

    Garcia Member

    Dec 14, 1999
    Castro Castro
    You forgot to add that they were all on crack.
  11. 1953 4-2-4

    1953 4-2-4 Red Card

    Jan 11, 2004
    Well, crack just got them to the polls/
  12. striker

    striker Member+

    Aug 4, 1999
    Why would you do that? If I were in your situation, I would ask that guy to give me as many brochures as possible since I was going to hand it out to all my friends and neighbors. I would also ask him to arrange for some one to pick me up on election day and drive me to the local precinct. I would also ask for as many lawn signs as he can spare..............
  13. Chicago1871

    Chicago1871 Member

    Apr 21, 2001
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I would have answered the door drunk and naked, and at some point during his Jehova Witnessesque rant I would've peed on his shoes.
  14. dreamer

    dreamer Member

    Aug 4, 2004
    It's clear Bin Laden was trying to influence the US election, but in who's favor he intended it I'm not sure. But the result is clear. It benefits Bush more than Kerry since it reinforces the notion that Bush is the one who wants Bin Laden dead and whom Bin Laden wants dead, since the war on terror issue is now the top issue among voters, much more so than the economy, according to the mainstream media.

    And speaking of the media, I'm willing to go out on a limp here to say the media prefers Bush over Kerry for now. They want a lameduck president in Bush rather than a Democratic president that seeks re-election in 2008. The media wants Hilliary Clinton for 2008. We will get our first Jewish president in 2008 make no mistake about it, if the media can help it.

    This election is over people. Bush, now with the media on his side temporarily, will win with a landslide.

  15. Own Goal Hat-Trick

    Jul 28, 1999
    this speaks volumes about the small-mindedness of the vast majority of the population here.
  16. Attacking Minded

    Attacking Minded New Member

    Jun 22, 2002
    Bin Laden doesn't care who wins. He knows the politicians follow our opinion. He wants to change American opinion.
  17. NSlander

    NSlander Member

    Feb 28, 2000
    LA CA
  18. dreamer

    dreamer Member

    Aug 4, 2004

    Haha fair criticism. I stand corrected. Out on a limb it is. :)

    And out on a limb my prediction stands, should go down well with a grain of salt on you part and there's nothing wrong with that.

    In two days we'll see.
  19. superdave

    superdave Member+

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    OK, since he's new, I'm not gonna go nuts.

    But what Jew, exactly, has a snowball's chance in hell in 2008? Spector? Liberman? No, and hell no.

    Are you saying Hilary is a Jew?
  20. dreamer

    dreamer Member

    Aug 4, 2004
    Are you saying you don't know Hillary is Jewish? Time to do some googling my friend.

    And please don't go nuts. Not a scene I want to see right now. :)
  21. superdave

    superdave Member+

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I thought she was a Methodist and googles "Hillary Clinton" and "Methodist." You can see what pops up.

    She's a Methodist. Nice try. You'll have to find some other ZOG official to complain about.
  22. dreamer

    dreamer Member

    Aug 4, 2004
    Nice try what? Everyone in NYC, maybe except you if you're from New York too, knows she's really Jewish. What's ZOG anyway? And I'm not complaining about anything. What the heck?

    Try google again. This time, try "is Hillary Clinton Jewish."

    What are you, the twelve men on the team? :)
  23. superdave

    superdave Member+

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    "is Hillary Clinton Jewish"

    First hit from "Hillary Clinton" + "Methodist"

    Eat some neg. rep.
  24. dreamer

    dreamer Member

    Aug 4, 2004
  25. dreamer

    dreamer Member

    Aug 4, 2004
    How about Jon Corzine, senator from NJ? A Goldman guy. Very smart. A Corzine-Clinton ticket is not unplausible for 2008.


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