we see it everywhere when you go to the general threads and anyone else notice that the error 404 dead link image to this site is a pic of CR7 crying in Euro 2004? ******** this place honestly
All I do is whine ? Replace the word whine with "bang chicks and make money" and you are more close to my actual life. Not to mention my club is in first place and will be champion. I am not only a campeao on the field, but a campeao in life as well.
There is also and actor who bangs chicks all day and is used to "Winning" and things didn't turn out too well. Tem juizo. lol
I replied to some posts in the Cristiano thread that almost immediately sparked a wise ass response from one of their clueless mods "I didn't think you could post, only rep homophobic and trolling posts" or something like that Then when I asked him why he was so butthurt about me repping the Portuguese posters he came back with "you're walking a thin line blah blah blah", totally triggered We are disliked all over the world, the USA, the UK, I even met some asian who told me he was racist against Portuguese people, wtf did we ever do to asians? Anyway, these boards belong to americans so it's no surprise how much hostility is pointed towards our nation and it's great players
Guys, if other nations hate us, its actually a good thing. They hate us because the fear/closet respect us. Everyone use to like Portugal when we played pretty ball but were never a threat to win anything. To be fair, we also do the same thing. Many Portuguese soccer fans have a huge hate on for Germany and Spain for the same reason. Do their fans care what other think ? Nope not a all, neither should we. Our NT represents us and only us.
they hate the fact we have bigger cocks and then most of us are dark and descended from Arabs so that makes them hate us more we have all the postive influences from cultures without the negative aspects
studies show we are mostly descended from celtiberians (i.e. Lusitanians and other tribes who originally inhabited the land) Other influences are: visigoths, germanic tribes, romans, moors (i.e. berbers) and sephardic jews (many converted and stayed in the country rather than face death).
Studies also show that we're mostly descended from the Moors (The Moors were initially of Berber and Arab descent, not just Berber), lots of Arabs were also here during that time as lots of them were united with the Moors. There is a reason as to why ISIS wants to take back both Spain and Portugal. They want to take back Al-Andalus. Why would Muslim's remember that country if it was such an insignificant part of history? Lot's of Portuguese & Spanish people don't like to hear that, as Portuguese and Spanish people are often called Moors by Northern Europeans and often get offended by it so there has long been an agenda by many Iberians to fight against the fact our significant Moorish ancestry. It's there. Just be proud of what partly makes up your DNA, don't pander to the racist scum of Europe. Islam Slimani wouldn't be fond of that.
Can you point me to sources that support your arguments here? because most of what I have read supports my post. I am not contesting moorish or arab influence, but I believe most of Portuguese ancestry stems is from the original celtiberians and romans comparatively more than either moorish or sephardic jews. I myself have darker features so its not like I am saying this to support some agenda of aryan whiteness. I've been told to my face by some people "You are not white" and I personally always felt more proximity to many south americans than I do to northern europeans Everything Ive read says that: The native celtiberian tribes such as lusitanians are the majority of Portuguese ancestry, with moorish /berber and I guess "arab" , germanic tribes, sephardic jewish, and roman influences.
z is right on this one. While it is true that there are agendas on both sides, there is at least one paper (search for the references on Wikipédia) that says that the majority of the Iberian population has a relatively small influence from Northern Africans (around 5%, I believe). Saying that we're mostly descended from Moors is probably false. Initially, the Moors were composed by roughly 50k berbers led by some Arabs who conquered the Peninsula. Later, more came to the Peninsula, but I am not sure if their numbers ever grew far beyond 100k. Compare that to the total population of the Iberian Peninsula, which was probably well above 1 million, and you see that it's hard to believe that we descend mostly from them. Besides, the name Moor was given to anyone from the Iberian Peninsula who converted to Islam, Berbers and native Iberians alike. Add to that the fact that the Inquisition expelled many of them starting from the 16th century. My impression is that the genetic influence was and still is significant on the southern parts of the Peninsula, but much less significant on the North. This suggests that it wasn't much more significant than the influence by other populations that invaded the Peninsula, such as Celts, Romans, and Germanic tribes. The greatest heritages from the Moors are the architecture and language.
language is primarily due to Latin (Roman influence) as Portuguese is a latin language, however many words have arabic influences (Moors) i.e. "Oxalà" comes from "Inshalla-Allah" which arabic muslims routinely say still today. Your summary matches with my understanding of it. Here is the coat of arms of Evora, which is pretty interesting to say the least. It shows Geraldes sen parvo, legend has it he conquered the city from the moors and the picture speaks for itself I guesss. There was also a strong sephardic jewish presence in Portugal, sephardic jews typically have more middle-eastern or Mediterranean looking features as opposed to the majority ashkenazi jewish people who often tend to look more like northern europeans. this presence is comparable to moorish influence. i.e. David Ricardo (famous Econonomist) , Baruch Spinoza (Philosopher) , Benjamin Cardozo (maybe the most influential United States Supreme Court Judge in History) all descended from Portuguese Sephardic Jews. All of these influences: Celtiberian (our main root), Roman, Visigoth, Germanic tribes, Moors, Sephardic Jews, - contributed to Portuguese culture in some way. The acronym "Luso" which is often used as a synonym for Portuguese recognizes our main heritage is from the native celtiberian tribes of the peninsula, - Who are believed to be the most ancient European population of all (i.e. see the Basque culture- they were the most isolated Iberian population compared to others) although its not entirely accurate as the Lusitanian territory did not extend north of the Douro River (Which is of course the area Portugal actually originated in) but they were all celtiberian tribes nonetheless. If you go to Tras os Montes in Portugal, you won't see much moorsh influence on the architecture but more so Celt Iberian influence and Roman (i.e. the bridge in Chaves is Roman built) and some of the local foods like Alheira came from sephardic jews who were a significant presence in the area. Southern parts of the country have more Moorish influence on the architecture (i.e. parts of Lisbon like Alcantara, cities like Evora etc) Andalucia province in Spain is where most of the moorish influence in Iberia is preserved in terms of the architecture, etc.
Portuguese descends from Galaico-Português, which descends from Latin. There is no huge difference between northern africans and southern europeans in terms of looks, but that may have to do more with geography than the Moorish invasions. These two regions had a much longer relationship, so this question is much more nuanced. Think about the Greeks, who were not invaded by the Moors but also share to some extent the looks of Arabs and Northern Africans. Race is a social construct that has more to do with culture than looks. Portugal and Spain as we now them today were created by the Reconquista, which was essentially a prolonged conquest by Christians of Moorish territories. This does not imply that they were always bitter enemies and were constantly at war, but Islam never had a significant role in the history of the two Christian Kingdoms other than being the target of military campaigns. The concept of crusade is ingrained in the conception of Portugal and Spain, and consequently in their history. Portugal's independence was only given when Afonso Henriques won the battle of Ourique against the Moors, and Portugal's borders were only defined with the conquest of Algarve. The age of discoveries started with the conquest of Ceuta. The exploration of Asia by Portuguese sailors was marked by many wars with the Ottomans and local Muslim kingdoms. Portuguese and Spanish are people of Iberian descent, whose culture is primarily influenced by the Romans, from language to religion, traditions, and food. Every other civilisation that invaded the Peninsula left its mark. Questions like these that try to distinguish different degrees of "whiteness" and to define western culture and "race" in terms of northern european descent is ignorant and is a remnant of the racist Victorian era. The Western world was defined to a great extent by the Roman Empire, and I bet that they didn't look northern Europeans at all.
alot has to do with where you are from My Azorean side is Sephardic and Arab (whuch are very related as both are semitic) with small traces of Flemish. My Setubal side is mainly of Arab origins. Baptism records and FamilyTreeDNA are my sources what Z and Ravipet at saying is very true in the north in places like Guimarars and Braga
Notice that there is a big difference between having northern african genes, which is true for like 30% of the people in the south according to the paper I read, and being mainly of Arab origins. It's more that you have northern african ancestry, like I probably do, but for the most part our ancestry comes from the native Iberians that were here before the Celts arrived. It is difficult to tell whether these influences were all from the Moors. The same applies to Jews of course, but these lived for a much longer time in the Peninsula.
Also fun fact Coimbra which is pretty far north of Algarve has some.of the highest traces of Arab DNA in all of Portugal even having freguesias named Almedina some notable ppl from coimbra are joao costinha of setubal Sergio Conceicao and from lisbon with coimbra ties andre almeida
but end of the day the diversity is what makes Portugal the best and why the scum from Europe envy us.