Bex Blows--First Pele Agrees with Directortecnico, Now Maradona!

Discussion in 'LA Galaxy' started by Directortecnico, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. Directortecnico

    Directortecnico New Member

    Sep 10, 2007
    Negril, Jamaica
    I am back. Bad week for Bex. First, CUT from the England squad and now Maradona concurs with Pele and Directortecnico:

    Maradona: David Beckham overrated



    It's been 22 years since Diego Maradona's infamous Hand of God knocked England out of the 1986 World Cup and now, for the first time, the diminutive Argentinian has apologised, as well as dishing out a few home truths to some of England's current crop of players.

    On the subject of that 'goal', Maradona is quoted in the Sun as saying: "If I could apologise and go back and change history I would do. But the goal is still a goal, Argentina became world champions and I was the best player in the world. I cannot change history, all I can do is move on."

    However, it is Maradona's thoughts on a couple of high-profile England internationals that is most pertinent, especially with Fabio Capello set to name his first squad today.

    When asked what he thought of England's own footballing icon, David Beckham, the 5ft 5in legend said: "Beckham is a nice man and I am sure he will reach 100 appearances for England. But he is just a good player, nothing more.

    "He has a good long-range shot, but he's not a great player. He doesn't belong to the superior group of players. There are hundreds of Beckhams playing football all over the world.
  2. crookeddy

    crookeddy Member+

    Apr 27, 2004
    Are you some kind of troll or something?
  3. Directortecnico

    Directortecnico New Member

    Sep 10, 2007
    Negril, Jamaica
    Nope. Season Ticketholder. Are you a troll?
  4. The Cadaver

    The Cadaver It's very quiet here.

    Oct 24, 2000
    La Cañada, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Maradonna's brain is so muddled it resembles tapioca pudding. There's a great source for you. And, by the way, there is a difference between "over rated" and "blows." But I suppose that one is too technical for you to figure out.
  5. Directortecnico

    Directortecnico New Member

    Sep 10, 2007
    Negril, Jamaica
    Sure thing, Cadaver. He doesn't "Blow."

    He plays for the LA Galaxy and even a "brain-muddled" player can deduce what everybody else does (ie, that there are hundreds of Bex playing all oevr the globe).

    He is a great international. Oh wait, no he is not. He used to be.


    Go buy his cologne at Target.
  6. rtdavide

    rtdavide Member+

    Apr 20, 2005
    Whittier, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This is one of the reasons I love the internet.. we all get to advertise our own importance... as if anyone else cares :rolleyes:
  7. Anteaters FC

    Anteaters FC New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    Santa Monica
    Internet access: roughly $20/month
    BigSoccer account: $0
    Referring to yourself in the third person AND claiming that Maradona agrees with you: priceless
  8. Directortecnico

    Directortecnico New Member

    Sep 10, 2007
    Negril, Jamaica
    Guess what, Anteater? "Directortecnico" is not a real person or real name.....




    After a while, it is you guys with the Bex posters above your bed that are crazy.

  9. The Cadaver

    The Cadaver It's very quiet here.

    Oct 24, 2000
    La Cañada, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    But that's just it. "Everybody" doesn't agree. So its brain muddled people like you and Maradonna who can't tell the difference between "facts" and "delusions."

    In case you haven't heard, "There's only one David Beckham, only one David Beckham. One David Beckhaaaaam. Only one David Beckham." EVERYBODY know that.
  10. Directortecnico

    Directortecnico New Member

    Sep 10, 2007
    Negril, Jamaica
    According to the Cadaver (who is admittedly brain dead with that name):

    1. Pele? Wrong.

    2. Capello? Wrong.

    3. Maradona? Wrong.

    Affer a while, bro, guess what? YOU are wrong.
  11. crookeddy

    crookeddy Member+

    Apr 27, 2004
    VERDICT: Directortecnico is a loser. Ok, moving on to the next case.
  12. Anteaters FC

    Anteaters FC New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    Santa Monica
    So Directortecnico is not an actual name, but "the Cadaver" must be.

    You know, I'd glady give up Beckham if it meant not having posters like this in the Galaxy forum.
  13. Anteaters FC

    Anteaters FC New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    Santa Monica
    This is pathetic.

  14. The Cadaver

    The Cadaver It's very quiet here.

    Oct 24, 2000
    La Cañada, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Pele: great has-been who is so jealous he can't stand seeing another player in the spotlight.

    Maradonna: Does he still drool when he tries to eat?

    Capello: New coach setting an "I'm in charge" agenda. BUT how much do you want to bet that at some point this year Capello WILL call Beckham back into the team. And, of course, when he does, you will admit you are wrong. :rolleyes:

    Here's a radical idea. Why don't we actually watch to see what Beckham does this year and MAYBE then we can have an intelligent discussion about whether he still has it or is over the hill.
  15. TrickHog

    TrickHog Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 14, 2002
    Los Angeles, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
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    Holy crap! Some huge fat guy killed Maradonna, skinned him, and is wearing his face!!!!
  16. Spry

    Spry Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    He has cologne at Target? Are you sure you want to admit knowing that?
  17. sanda

    sanda Member

    Aug 29, 2007
    this thread is so funny I laughed for a couple of minutes. Thanks, everyone.
  18. rtdavide

    rtdavide Member+

    Apr 20, 2005
    Whittier, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    for all the beckham fan-boys that joined us here after DB signed, we got an equal or greater number of haters.. people that seem to lack any discernment beyond: Beckham is not the BEST, therefore he is the worst.
    Truth is somewhere between there boys and girls.

    in all fairness, Maradona was a great, great player... he had a skill set that few will ever match, Pele being one that did.
    And likewise, in all fairness, Beckham does not match that. But that doesn't mean he blows. There are precious few that will match what Maradona did, but guys: [and i'm talking to the haters here...] there simply IS a middle ground between the best ever and "blows". If you lack that kind of basic discernment, there is really no point in even trying to reason... and I suppose if you lack that much discernment, there's no point in me expecting you to do any better.

    DT: I'm not sure what you were hoping to accomplish here... if you are a beckham hater... OK, not sure why, but OK.
    Maybe you just think he gets too much recognition, or money, or whatever... you certainly can't think he doesn't merit a place on our team.
    He has without doubt raised the level of recognition for our team
    He has earned his money already

    The hate is just... well.. why?
    Even Maradona saying there are hundreds with his skill set... i mean, that's still pretty good, isn't it? I don't think many of us would try and say he is better than everyone else, we all recognize that there are better players... though there probably is a very short list of players that would make as much impact as he does overall... and certainly for his pay, there are lots of journeymen players in Europe making that kind of money, [though not the endorsements, but that's his extra anyway...] so even being in the top couple of hundred players.. it's not like he is a total loser for being in the top 5 percent of players

    If he has earned his money, and he is in the top 5 percent of players worldwide, then what is the beef with having him with us? how can you say he blows?
  19. rtdavide

    rtdavide Member+

    Apr 20, 2005
    Whittier, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    and i had to add this:
    in Talledega Nights, little ricky bobby hears his dad say: There is no second place, if you aint first place, you're a loser! [loosely paraphrased...]
    later on, the dad caracter says: I must have been high when I said that, of course there's a second place, and a third place and a fourth place...

    just to reinforce the idea: There is more to the scenario than either the best or he blows.
  20. dmhines

    dmhines Member

    Dec 28, 2006
    Los Angeles
    Los Angeles Galaxy
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    United States
    wow, you are a season ticketholder? how lucky you are indeed.

    freakin classic
  21. ragbone

    ragbone Member+

    Sep 2, 2005
    Santo Tomas, Batangas, Philippines.
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Well, Pele has repeatedly in recent years proved his Brain Muddled status, basically by opening his mouth. Almost everything that comes out of is is stupid shit. It's sad to the greatest player of all time embarrass himself so often in public.

    Capello has admitted his mistake at dropping Beckham after he signed his Galaxy deal. When he finally came around he returned DB to his 1st team and look what happened... His team won the championship straight away.

    Maradonna? This is what you present as an example of well thought out opinion? A life time drug addict? Please!!!!

    Lastly, Shut the ******** up. At least lower your voice. All the shouting is NOT appreciated!
  22. harry callahan

    Jul 15, 2007
    Angel City Brigade
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    Maradona produced the best performances on a footy pitch i ever saw and i thought he was the greatest, then i began to think were his performances enhanced by drugs and his greatness was possibly a big con.
  23. shirteesdotnet

    Feb 13, 2007
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Actually, his cologne isnt too bad. The dark brown square bottle has an almost cigar aficionado smell to it. Im not going to buy it, but if someone gave it to me as a gift? I'll wear it to some cuban restaurants :)

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