I have just started a new job in Manhattan, and although I am a DCU fan since day one (pause while you all finish laughing), I still want to read extensively about my favorite sport. Since I can't surf bigsoccer on the subway en route to the office, what newspaper should I buy to get the best soccer coverage in New York? By the way, I don't speak Spanish, so El Diario and Hoy are out. 1. New York Daily News 2. Newsday 3. New York Post 4. New York Times 5. One I didn't think of
I think the Bergen Record has by far the best coverage of the Metro, but I am not going to Jersey to buy a paper, so I don't read it. Their Online articles are usually good. They actually write enough to be considered "covering" the Metrostars. All of the other papers give mls a brief glance, if that. Daily News is the best of the NYC papers. If you buy the village voice, we will punch a hole in your neck. (long story).
The Newark Star-Ledger's coverage is up and down, but probably better than any of the NY dailies. But I doubt you'll find it at any stands in NYC.
Even if there had not been that Article in the Voice, buying that gay rag warrant a punch in the neck.
Bergen Record is definitely the best Metro area paper, and IS available in Manhattan at the PA bus terminal (pick it up on your way to the game!) Penn Station and the newsstands at the 33rd St. Path station. The Newark Star Ledger is a close second, and then I'd say the Daily News. P.S. If you buy the Village Voice, you're a sucker. It's FREE!
These papers have guys on staff covering the Metrostar beat. Star-Wretched http://www.nj.com/metrostars/ledger/ http://www.nj.com/metrostars/ The Grey Lady http://www.nytimes.com/sports/soccer/
the post and newsday did not send their own reporters to the WC. Now if that doesn't show disrespect, what does? Or maybe, they could not because they the ussf would not give them credentials because they didn't cover US soccer qualifiers. Either way, those papers are very weak in soccer support.
I think they both have Tuesdays and Thursday set aside for very small article or very small print on soccer.