Ive become a big fan of American Sports lately and after watching an enthralling World Series, I decided to expand my knowledge of baseball by doing a quick google search of America's best baseball cities. Near the top of most lists is St Louis, which is great as I really like when a passionate city/fanbase gets to celebrate a championship. But it got me wondering. If someone did a list of "America's Best MLS Cities", how would you rank the cities out of the ones that MLS operates in(include Montreal next year). Im guessing the three PNW teams would be high on the list. So how would you guys rank the Best MLS cities?
This is about right. If you're looking for big general soccer cities (youth game, development, foreign based teams) I'd also include Houston and Dallas somewhere in there. I'm a homer but I think the location of our stadium is going to expand our fan base and we have the population and demographics to be a really great soccer city, if the people so choose. The best soccer cities you'll find in the U.S. are generally mid-majors with supporters groups who are all on the same page. They really can set the tone for the whole stadium. In the case of Seattle and Portland I'd also like to point to their lack of other good sports teams
1. Seattle 2. Portland 3. Los Angeles 4. Toronto 5. Philly 6. Vancouver 7 Chicago 8. Kansas City 9. Houston 10. Salt Lake City 11. Washington DC 12. New York 13-18. Columbus, Colorado, Dallas, San Jose, New England.
It depends whether you're ranking current fan support or potential fan support. There are several cities where poorly run teams and bad ownership cause the teams to be unsupported in markets that have the potential to be the best in the country. Cities like San Jose, Boston (New England), and Washington DC, are large soccer hotbeds, but poor ownership and/or the lack of optimal stadium facilities has significantly reduced the size and quality of the local MLS fan base.
1. Portland 2. Seattle 3. Vancouver 4. Philly 5. Toronto with KC, LA, Houston, and Chicago next. Sorry, but you have to include Toronto in the top 5. Their team has never even made the playoffs and their fans still pack it in ten times more than MLS Cup runner-ups, FC Dallas' fans.....even during the playoffs. Now if we're talking about cities that we think MLS could thrive in (in no particular order)..... 1. St. Louis 2. San Diego 3. Boston 4. Atlanta 5. Detroit
SLC, while not there yet is making leaps and bounds to be one of the better cities... esp considering our short existence in the League. a lot of the 'better' supported teams have much longer, deeper roots (sounders, timbers for example) from supporting their teams in other leagues. reasons for RSL's continued/growing support include, IMO: -Ownership that fought to provide a beautiful stadium (too bad it is in suburbia and not downtown!) -Utah always has a chip on their shoulders and sports are a good way to broadcast this -one of the fastest growing regions in america -exploding latin population -many of the mormon boys go on their missions to the far reaches of the world and see the passion of the local/national teams where they live and try to replicate that at home... too bad most of them don't drink! - on-field success. Let's face it, every fanbase has a fairweather element to them! Blah, blah, blah....
my grade categories...graded on BEST MLS cities overall everything . A Grade Portland - (A) Seattle - (A) Vancouver - (A-) B Grade Philadelphia - (B+) Toronto - (B+) Kansas City - (B) Salt Lake - (B) Houston - (B) New York - (B) Los Angeles - (B) D.C. United - (B-) Chicago - (B-) C Grade Colorado - (C+) San Jose - (C+) Dallas - (C+) Columbus - (C) D/F Grade New England - (D) Chivas USA - (D-)
Chivas and Galaxy are completely two different experiences, I couldn't really put the in the same "city".
That's not even close to Galaxy and Chivas USA. They are run two totally different ways. Chivas rents out the HDC from the Galaxy. They stole their name, colors, crest, and uniform from Chivas Guadalajara. The Chivas USA FO are ok with just coasting through the season in hopes of maybe making it to the playoffs. I've been to both teams' games live and the Chivas USA games are run like a third tier league. You cannot compare those two to the Lakers and Clippers.
How can they steal something they were allowed to use? It operates as a sister-club to the original Chivas, they have every right to use that name. I don't follow any particular MLS team, so I'm without an inherent bias in this: Boston/Foxborough: D-. A mess, will probably improve with an urban stadium, hopefully. Chicago: C. It could be better, and shows signs of being great at times. Columbus: D. Ugh. DC: B. Despite their hole in the wall stadium they still get great, loud crowds and probably have the best support of the "1.0" teams. Dallas: F. No. Denver: C-. Not terrible impressed, but it's better than some. Houston: B. Polar opposite of their in-state rival. Kansas City: B-. A couple of years ago a D. Wonderful with the new stadium, hope the energy is sustainable. Los Angeles (2 teams): A-. The city does support two teams, even if Chivas games are a bit of a joke, they're actually better than some 1 team cities, which is sad. Galaxy = fantastic. New York: D-. It would be an F but the stadium is great. Shouldn't be in the discussion for another team, but whatever. Philadelphia: A-. Super impressive. Portland: A+. Goes without explanation. Salt Lake City: A. The model for MLS cities outside of Cascadia. Team name is silly, but the Utahns don't seem to care. San Jose: C. It's been a rather torrid road for them with the relocation and all, but yet they still show up to a less-than-adequate stadium. Seattle: A+. See Portland. Toronto: B. I actually expect more from Toronto, but they're better than most. Vancouver: B. Considering how terrible the team was, the crowds are good.
I don't mean "stole" in the sense like Salt Lake "stole" from Real Madrid, but Chivas USA is an exact replica of their sister club. I know Vergera has dealings with both, but it still doesn't change the fact that Chivas Guadalajara came first and Chivas USA is an exact copy. Both Real Salt Lake and Chivas USA sound silly no matter if they have a connection with the team they're copying or not. The rest of your post I agree with. I think San Jose and New England would do much better in a situtation like Kansas City or Houston. They need their own stadiums, in a good location, and a good team on the field. It doesn't mean it will be an instant success though, look at Dallas and Colorado. Both have excellent teams with their own SSS and they still can't draw more than 10,000, even for playoff games. Some markets are just more soccer driven than others no matter what.
IMO, folks are being way too hard on LA. Chivas is a marketing nightmare. CUSA shouldn't count against LA too much. But the fans have always supported the Galaxy. Except for Seattle, the Galaxy (grrr) have the highest average attendance in MLS history. The Galaxy also have the largest SS. That's not an accident.
I'm confused as to how people are capable of ranking these cities when they (likely) haven't been to all of them. Sure, Seattle has a ton of fans show up, does that mean they are a "great" soccer city, though? Unless you've been to the city, been able to actually get a feel for what is important within the city (papers, radio, tv, etc) then how the hell can you say one city is better than another?
You're telling me that we can't get a gauge for how crazy Portland is for the Timbers without actually going to Portland? Or how empty the stands were for the Dallas-NY playoff game? I've never been to either Portland or Dallas, but I can tell you that Portland supports the Timbers faaaaar better than Dallas does FC Dallas.
Well, within the state of WA there are more registered youth players than any other sport. Also the Sounders are competing with big league franchises (Huskies, Mariners and Seahawks) and are, for the most part, taken just as seriously. Around town I see the Sounders represented more than any other team. I'd say the biggest thing holding the Sounders back is that the majority of MLS isn't well represented. (No need for a defensive explanation here, I'm well aware of the leagues early shortcomings.) The main reason I'd put Seattle over Portland is the fact that Seattle is a big league city and is much more internationally recognizable, whereas Portland, despite having great Timbers support and youth soccer systems, doesn't appear to have the same long term, large scale potential.
Best in what way? You need to set some criteria first. I think San Jose is best, but, I am guessing you are not asking about the weather.
The thread is about cities. Fans are only one aspect of a cities "sporting experience." Edit: Actually it is about MLS cities, so I see your point.
I understand your point, but the only way I can judge that is by the games on TV. That should be enough. If Dallas supports FC Dallas by promoting their games and writing about them in newspapers, it doesn't seem to work. I actually have been to a Sounders game and the city of Seattle advertises Sounders matches like nothing I've ever seen before. And it shows on TV. So, that is how I'm gauging MLS cities.
you have to understand that Mintydude always gets butthurt when someone else compliments the Timbers. The thread is about cities. Fans are only one aspect of a cities "sporting experience." a Soccer experience IMO, is largely based on strength of supporters and fanbase. That cannot be argued.
LOL... this coming from a "GALAXY" fan... That name wasn't just made up! BTW, we stole the name from Real Betis!