best mexican born player?

Discussion in 'Mexico' started by fnsandpwr, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. fnsandpwr

    fnsandpwr New Member

    Jul 20, 2005
    Rafa Marquez in my opinion is the best Mexican player.He plays for Barcelona and is a player that plays good to great defense on a consistent bases.
  2. fnsandpwr

    fnsandpwr New Member

    Jul 20, 2005
    By R. Morales I meant to put R. Marquez
  3. Hucsman

    Hucsman Football Ayatollah

    Jun 26, 2005
    I thought this was a "historically best", in that case I would've said Hugo. But right now yes, Rafa Marquez.
  4. Pottermaniac

    Pottermaniac New Member

    Nov 28, 2004
    RGV, texas
    How come Rafa is not an option.
  5. Pirru

    Pirru Member+

    Sep 21, 2004
    CD Chivas de Guadalajara
    hands down blanco :cool:
  6. fnsandpwr

    fnsandpwr New Member

    Jul 20, 2005
    I accidently put Morales instead of Marquez
  7. Hecho en Chivas

    Hecho en Chivas Member+

    Apr 22, 2004
    CD Chivas de Guadalajara
    Nat'l Team:
    if i would have known that i would have not voted for Blanco
  8. Pirru

    Pirru Member+

    Sep 21, 2004
    CD Chivas de Guadalajara
    i think you should add hugo sanchez
  9. Sir Cuauh

    Sir Cuauh New Member

    Jun 15, 2005
    Blanco without a doubt
  10. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Marquez is the most recognizable player BY FAR because he has been in Europe since 99 and plays for a big club in Europe.

    BUT, blanco is by far the most important player on the national team.

    Finding a replacement for Marquez isnt easy because MArquez is just elegant in the way he plays. But Mexico has managed to find good defenders. You can go with Duilio Davino, Joaquin Beltran, Ricardo Osorio, Carlos Salcido.

    NOW, under Lavolpe's scheme of things and his style, we cant find another player like Blanco. Blanco makes a difference much more than Rafa.
  11. cadblur

    cadblur New Member

    Jan 8, 2004
    Marquez without a shadow of a doubt!
    Marquez played (and was recognised) as one of the better player in la Liga Champions -Barcelona- Before he won Le championat with Monaco and was considered as one of the best players in France.

    What has Blanco done in his clubs ?
    One Championship.

    Parafraseando a RDL. Un campeonato de cerca de 20 posibles. Osea que ha tenido el 5 % de exito, eso mas bajo que mediocre. :D
  12. Various Styles

    Various Styles Member+

    Mar 1, 2000
    Los Angeles
    CD Chivas de Guadalajara
    Blanco has only won one league title !!! your sh'tting me right ;)

    He did beat Brazil's U-20 in the 99 Confeds Cup :D :p
  13. kehl

    kehl Member

    Feb 28, 2005
    Kamogawa BG
    Cuauhtémoc Blanco.
  14. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    que guey eres

    ahora un jugador es el que impone tactica y el desempen~o de un equipo?

    Chivas paso 18 an~os (no temporadas) sin ganar un titulo. Cruz Azul paso unos 15 sin gana un titulo... en ese tiempo todavia pasaron buenos jugadores por sus filas sin ganar nada. Un jugador no te gana un titulo.
  15. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    como nos sobra de pend.dejos en estos foros
  16. PUMA Auriazul

    PUMA Auriazul New Member

    Jun 7, 2005
    New Mexico
    Cuahtemoc Blanco. no doubt about that.
  17. metalmaster

    metalmaster Member+

    Jul 7, 2004
    In the wrong hood
    Hakoah Maccabi Ramat Gan
    Marquez by far.

    Davino? as a replacment for Marquez? hahahahahhahahahahaha!!!!!
  18. Various Styles

    Various Styles Member+

    Mar 1, 2000
    Los Angeles
    CD Chivas de Guadalajara
    That's what you think :D :p


    Maradoooooooo, Maradoooooooooo.. .

  19. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    we had marquez when we were almost elimnated last wc cycle... we didnt have came back... and things got better...

    Blanco is not the team nor will he win a tournament all by himself... but he can add to the team more than any player we have in Mexico...

    Davino, Salcido, Beltran, are all possible replacements for Marquez in case he ever gets hurt ( lts hope not)...

    luagh at davino... davino got hurt but got back into form.. davino is already a world cup veteran... Beltran, Salcido, Osorio cant say that..
  20. Goofy

    Goofy Member

    Jun 10, 2005
    support for oneself.
    Yep. Blanco WAS the best.
    But at this moment, it would have to be Rafa Marquez.
    Runner up would probably be... ugghh... that dopey chivas goalkeeper. oswaldo whatever.
    In fact, I hate to say it, and I really hate to say it, but...
    about half the chivas starting lineup are playing better than Blanco.
    Alas, I shall now clean my mouth with soap and water.
  21. sangreazul

    sangreazul Member

    Nov 17, 2003
    Belmont, CA
    Club América
    Nat'l Team:
    What have you been watching ??? When Cuauh was in Veracruz, he was almost single handedly responsible for their great season. Last torneo, he might not have scored as many goals as Piojo or Kleber, but he was the intellectual architect of a lot of their goals. He was THE leader of AMERICA as they won their championship. Did you see how much he went back and helped on defense ??? When he's on his game, their is nobody better. And he's been on his game for a year now. At this point, there is no chivas player who single handedly impacts a game like Cuahtemoc ...
  22. metalmaster

    metalmaster Member+

    Jul 7, 2004
    In the wrong hood
    Hakoah Maccabi Ramat Gan
    I still think that based on what each other has achieved, Marquez is better without taking away Blanco's importance in the N.T
  23. sangreazul

    sangreazul Member

    Nov 17, 2003
    Belmont, CA
    Club América
    Nat'l Team:
    Marquez is good, no doubt. But I'm wondering who actually makes a greater impact on the field. How much does the national team change when one of them leaves the field or enters the field. I think Marquez is a little easier to replace than Blanco right now ...
  24. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    what are people basing it off of?

    talent? productivity? importance?

    I agree that MArquez is by far the most recognizeable player we have. He has a lot of talent.

    BUT would the team respond the same if Marquez was on the field and Blanco was off?

    Would the team respond the same if Blanco was on the field and Marquez of the field?

    WOuld the coach have the completely change the tactics or add other player a responsibility if Marquez was absent? what about if Blanco was absent?

    You take Oswaldo Sanchez off the field, and you can replace him. The team could function the same.

    You can take Ramoncito Morales and replace him with Lozano on the left flank and both can penetrate the flanks.

    You can take out out alot of players in Mexico and substitute them with another player and the result and productivit of that player would be identical or almost.

    BUT... from a tactical standpoint, a team with Blanco and a team without Blanco are to totally different teams. You can not attack the same. I think Rafa is a world class player and I am so happy that we have a player like him, BUT the team is still the same and can still function the same with his absence.

    Blanco and Borgetti are probably 2 of Mexico's most infuential and importat players we have because of what they can do. Their absence shows.
  25. Deleted USer

    Deleted USer Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    that what i have tried to say...

    of coarse rafa is the best CB we have. of course Blanco is the best AM we have....

    how much in quality do we lose when those one of those guys is absent?

    the quality of the playeer/position drops when Marquez is absent.... the quality/position drops significantly when Blanco is absent

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