Bernardo shouldn’t have gotten called up

Discussion in 'Portugal: National Teams' started by Ohbleeka, Jun 9, 2024.

  1. Ohbleeka

    Ohbleeka Red Card

    Mar 17, 2024
    I hate to say this now but it’s basically confirmed in my mind this guy is a pure bum for the national team. He’s Superman for city but forgets how to play when he puts on the Portugal shirt. Unbelievable, he shouldn’t even be on the bench let alone the team. Waste of a roster spot, we could’ve called up someone who actually has heart and passion, someone who actually tries. Jota Silva… Pote ? Anyone else… Nuno Santos… Also Felix and Ramos should’ve been kept at home too. They stunk so bad I thought it was a scrimmage game. Walking around, ghosting, awful first touch for a striker that just scored a hat trick in the last World Cup against Switzerland.. Wtf happened to this guy, Ramos are you getting black mailed again ? At least look like you’re trying… Can’t walk around the pitch like you’re drunk stumbling over and kicking at the ball delayed reaction 5 seconds later
  2. Ohbleeka

    Ohbleeka Red Card

    Mar 17, 2024
    Also goncalo inacio is a major bum, I’ve been telling you guys this for a while now and nothing can change my mind. Never understood the hype, he’s slow as a grandpa, always out of position and just sucks
  3. TorontoCalabria

    Sep 12, 2018
    England has a similar issue with Foden. It's not so much that Pep makes these guys look better than they are it is that the way City dominate the ball they are used to being in one on one positions with slower defenders and midfielders and always having an option to lay off the ball and perhaps feel like a fish out of water when not in that system.

    They have had no reason to develop any other way. They are objectively very skilled players but give this Pep system prime Figo and Gascgione and it would not have taken him so long to win the CL. I don't think it is an insult to say Bernardo is not Figo and even Figo could only do so much on his own. I think sometimes when national teams have a lot of "stars" fans will both overate the team on paper and then kill the players for being bums when they are not dazzling
    like prime Ronaldinho.

    National teams need a balanced system and need to be difficult to play against. Teams don't fear a Bernardo and why should they? It would be like if Spain did not have Iniesta Xavi Busquets and people were supposed to fear David Silva. Talented player but not going to invent something on his own 8 games in a row.

    Having a strong defence GK coach and midfield are far more important than having attacking flair players. Outside of Maradona 86 and Messi 2022 and Brazil 2002 with their generational trio no other teams have won tournaments with flair or individual brilliance as a primary factor. Henry never did much for France at international level. He was useful but the likes of Thuram Viera Makele are far more legendary for that shirt. Both 98 2018 they won without a proper top level centre forward. The same can be said for Spain 2008-2012 Germany 2014 Portugal 2016 Italy 2020 Greece 2004.

    When the spine is solid then a Zidane a Figo a Mbappe can work their magic when it counts.
    This will always be an issue for Foden and Bernardo like players at national team level.
    For me the most important player for Portugal right now is Vitinha they have not had a midfielder that can control the tempo as he can since Moutinho. If he can grow into that role the way Rodri has for Spain then you can really unleash some of these offensive weapons. Vitinha Palhunha can be what Moutinho Carvalho were. That gives you a spine but they need to really do it.
  4. Ohbleeka

    Ohbleeka Red Card

    Mar 17, 2024
    Vitinha and Joao Neves are probably the closest we will ever come to another Moutinho. They’re still both very young, I can’t wait to see their full potential.. Our midfield is stacked, we could run Bruno, Bernardo, Palhinha or Vitinha, Joao Neves, Nunes or Vitinha Neves Neves or Vitinha, J Neves, Palhinha. Unreal depth
  5. BatatasFritas

    BatatasFritas Member+

    Nov 29, 2004
    FC Porto
    While I agree that B Silva doesn't perform well for Portugal, he still needs to be on the team. Maybe he can wear a city jersey underneath or be hypnotized by Pep in holes that he performs.
  6. TorontoCalabria

    Sep 12, 2018
    I think Vitinha is the one but yes many others.
  7. Ramos77

    Ramos77 Member

    Jun 24, 2017
    Pep just knows how to use him and he fits into his system better.

    Previous seleção managers haven’t used him correctly perhaps.
  8. money11

    money11 Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    i think all it is for bernardo is someone needs to sit him down and explain to him that this is not city, we need him to attack, be aggressive, not this pep conservative possession slow pace BS. That year we won nations league bernardo was on fire, creative.... took chances, made risky passes, would take players 1v1..... he's lost that. he should be our 2nd 3rd offensive option..... in the two friendlies that he played does anyone remember him taking a shot on goal? i don't.
  9. Caldo Verde

    Caldo Verde Member

    Feb 3, 2018
    I think he usually plays in midfield for City, as opposed to up front on the wing like he does for Portugal. He's still good on the wing, but best in the middle.

    Unlike some other people, I don't have selective memory and this "Bernardo Silva is always bad for Portugal narrative" is widely exaggerated and inaccurate. He's had plenty of good games for Portugal, often even being the best player, again usually when he plays in the middle.
  10. eurodad

    eurodad Member+

    Mar 15, 2005
    Pep took that creativity out of him .
    money11 and Ohbleeka repped this.
  11. fdasilva

    fdasilva Member+

    May 21, 2014
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    I think Bernardo can play more centrally on the left, with cancelo overlapping as a winter, Bernardo can explore the spaces between the defenders (half spaces) and overlaps from Cancelo.
    Ohbleeka repped this.
  12. Ohbleeka

    Ohbleeka Red Card

    Mar 17, 2024
    Bernardo needs to stay in the midfield, he is awful when we play him out on that wing on attack. Our front 3 should be something like Leao, Ronnie, Jota or Jota, Ronnie, Neto.. Sub in Chico or Felix as needed...
  13. eurodad

    eurodad Member+

    Mar 15, 2005
    On that Germany PS . I thought you were not able to stop on you approach ?
    Ohbleeka repped this.
  14. Ohbleeka

    Ohbleeka Red Card

    Mar 17, 2024
    If we do this we will have to run 3 at the back and Portugal is historically awful in that formation
  15. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    #15 prodigal_mind, Jun 17, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2024
    Refreshing to see someone who understands tactics and the importance of having a cm who dictates the tempo of a match, such as Moutinho. Have you seen Joao Neves play? He is a simislr player to Barrella in terms of play style and is quite possibly already Portugals best cm

    Off topic but regarding individual brilliance, i think Messi gets way too much credit for that win. The way people speak of it you’d think he was playing with San Marino level teammates. While he was good in the tournament, players such as Enzo, Di Maria, Mac Allister, the referees, Alvarez and Romero were all also excellent. The goalkeeper as well does not get anywhere near enough credit, as he won them two shootouts and saved a sure goal in the last minute of the game.
  16. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:

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