Berhalter's Positives

Discussion in 'USA Men' started by adam tash, Oct 16, 2023.

  1. Excellency

    Excellency Member+

    LA Galaxy
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    Nov 4, 2011
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    The manner (timing mainly) in which Crocker was brought in made it hard for him to proceed in the way he might have liked to proceed, imo. Hiring Berhalter again was a typically bureaucratic decision. The USSF and their media acolytes essentially circled the wagons, as they say.

    I think if the bureaucracy could speak, it would say 'our mistake was in thinking Berhalter would learn and grow'. Character doesn't change much. One of the smarter things I've heard said was RogBennett's (Men in Bazers guy) suggestion that Berhalter get a good assistant. I remember his criticism of Berhalter - "he doesn't know what he doesn't know" - as one of the more perspicuous insights. I"ve been after him for years now to get a change in how he views the midfield. Instead of droning on about it, check out what Hugo Perez' kid says on TacManager. For the gist ("how I really feel") go to 41' mark when he describes how "we" (he means ElSalvador which was being coached by Hugo Perez) saw the US team when they were drawing up their game plan. Note what he says about the fb's and midfielders - that has never changed with Berhalter. Unless it does, we go nowhere in terms of advancing against higher opposition. If ES can use this knowledge to put in the kind of results they have achieved against us, imagine what higher opposition can do (or just tune in and watch the replay of Holland 3 - 1 USA.)

  2. STR1

    STR1 Member+

    Atlanta United
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    Just curious and you probably have mentioned it before but which "leader" you think would be good enough to take the USMNT to glory in 26?
  3. PJ234

    PJ234 Member

    DC united
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    Oct 17, 2021
    #253 PJ234, Dec 7, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2023
    People that are against Berhalter never bring up who could replace him. Like if we are being realistic who could they get? People always say unrealistic options like Jose or Pep. People Need to realize that those manager would NEVER be interested in the USMNT job.
    RossD and STR1 repped this.
  4. STR1

    STR1 Member+

    Atlanta United
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    They are delusional. They say that those coaches will accept US job because we host the 2026 WC but Mexico and Canada do too. Yet they have trouble getting quality coaches, specially Mexico which FMF has way more money than USSF. If Pep Guardiola ever coaches any NT it would be a team he knows has a chance at winning a WC. It is what he does at club level. He is coaching those that have big financial backing to buy the best players to....WIN!
    PJ234 repped this.
  5. dspence2311

    dspence2311 Member+

    Oct 14, 2007
    majspike repped this.
  6. PJ234

    PJ234 Member

    DC united
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    Oct 17, 2021
    #256 PJ234, Dec 7, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2023
    Yep in the end the US is still seen down the pecking order in International Football. People need to realize that International football is completely different when compared to club football. We just saw Spain and Germany have some of the best "club" managers of recent memory but both nations weren't able to go far in the previous World Cup. International Football is more based on "man management".

    Now I'm not saying Berhalter doesn't have his issues. I would have liked to have a new manager for this cycle. However, if the squad like him and they play some decent soccer then I have no issue with him staying.
    RossD and Paul Berry repped this.
  7. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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    There are people who aren't bashing him at every opportunity, mainly because he's the coach for the foreseeable future and there's nothing we can do about it.

    From your perspective of 'he's the worst manager in the history of world soccer ever', which is bs given his record, that would make them pro-GB.
    RossD and STR1 repped this.
  8. STR1

    STR1 Member+

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    Proving my point. If we aren't bashing Berhalter 24/7 and saying he is the worst thing to ever happen to USMNT then we are classified as "pro-GB". It's either black or white, no in-between.
    WrmBrnr and RossD repped this.
  9. adam tash

    adam tash Member+

    Jul 12, 2013
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    its not like we should have to be 100% certain the replacement will lead the team to glory to move on from a coach that almost certainly will not.
    TheHoustonHoyaFan repped this.
  10. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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    In your opinion.
  11. STR1

    STR1 Member+

    Atlanta United
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    So who should lead the team to wherever you think it should be at?
  12. RossD

    RossD Member+

    Aug 17, 2013
    Colorado Rapids
    No. That's just my gut opinion.
    TheHoustonHoyaFan repped this.
  13. adam tash

    adam tash Member+

    Jul 12, 2013
    Barcelona, Spain
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    ummm I mean there should be an actual coaching search with many candidates being vetted and interviewed....ya know....sorta like they pretended to do when they re-hired berhalter

    but like actually do it this time instead of pretend for the fans/media

    I have names in my head of coaches that I would like but i'd literally have to interview them or hear their visions for like an hour long convo etc to tell you if I think they would be right or not. my gut is many coaches would be upgrades from the current coach.
    The Clientele and TOAzer repped this.
  14. adam tash

    adam tash Member+

    Jul 12, 2013
    Barcelona, Spain
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    well, no. in the opinion of the people who just re-hired gregg.

    there's no way ANYONE can have full confidence that this is the man to lead the team to glory at this point.

    but they kept him anyway
  15. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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    This is your opinion.
  16. TOAzer

    TOAzer Member+

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    It is an opinion deeply informed by reality.
  17. STR1

    STR1 Member+

    Atlanta United
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    An upgrade can be Wilfred Nancy or Cherundolo (and these are real possibilities and more likely candidates) and as soon as the team doesn't perform everyone will be blaming them too. Wash, rinse and repeat for any coach that isn't Pep Guardiola that many delusional fans think we can get easily. No coach would be good enough because USMNT fans way overrate the player pool we currently have.
    RossD, jaykoz3 and Paul Berry repped this.
  18. dspence2311

    dspence2311 Member+

    Oct 14, 2007
    This is just a plain mischaracterization of the critiques of Berhalter. Regardless of whether you find those critiques persuasive, they have always had to do with specific approaches he takes to tactics and player selection. And they have been fairly consistent for years. Those critics have praised most of the BG 2.0 recent rosters because they are in keeping with what those critics have been asking for for years. Yes, they still think that he is tactically meh and much more creative and demanding about defense than offense. That is hardly an absurd criticism; to some of us it seems downright obvious. But whatever it is, it isn't just "waaah. we lost. he sux."
    TheHoustonHoyaFan repped this.
  19. An Unpaved Road

    An Unpaved Road Member+

    Mar 22, 2006
    I don’t expect “glory” from this team regardless of coach. But I think a surprising run is possible under the right conditions, be it with Berhalter or some Europa League level dude in a nice suit.
    RossD repped this.
  20. dna77054

    dna77054 Member+

    Jun 28, 2003
    You seem to be mixing the rankings. You have the FIFA ranks for everybody but Colombia, for whom you use their Copa finish place. We could not have played the #3 team twice and the number #1 team once using the same criteria. Argentina did not win the tournament nor were Colombia #3 in the world. Also the Ecuador score was 2-1 for US.
  21. Paul Berry

    Paul Berry Member+

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    Colombia was ranked #3 in June 2016.
    TheHoustonHoyaFan repped this.
  22. TheHoustonHoyaFan

    Oct 14, 2011
    FC Schalke 04
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    United States
    #272 TheHoustonHoyaFan, Dec 8, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2023
    I used the June 2, 2016 FIFA rankings which was the last FIFA rankings before the tournament started. Argentina #1, Colombia #3, Ecuador #13, Costa Rica #23, USA #31, Paraguay 44.
    Paul Berry repped this.
  23. dna77054

    dna77054 Member+

    Jun 28, 2003
    My apologies, I should have checked. It surprises me that Colombia were that high. I know they were playing very well back then, but #3 seemed unlikely.
    TheHoustonHoyaFan repped this.
  24. bsky22

    bsky22 Member+

    Dec 8, 2003
    Since the mods shut the "Fire Berhalter" thread are we supposed to start another one, post here, or maybe just in the "Fire Klinsmann" thread because it makes so much sense for it to still be out there?

    I'm thinking about dropping some thoughts on various topics in the next week or so.

    As for this thread, berhalter doing a much better job with player selection. Kind of surprising the team looks better without those Minor League players from the domestic league. The team still looks like crap unfortunately. I also suspect that Berhalter did some extensive media training on his sabbatical. He sounds much more polished, but at least as still as full of shit as before.

    I think it was in the fire Berhalter thread where the cheerleaders who defended Garber on his "actions" related to the open cup. What are your thoughts now? This is what you get when you have a guy who hates soccer run a league.
    TheHoustonHoyaFan repped this.
  25. Golazo69

    Golazo69 Member+

    Aug 2, 2017
    it’s a Christmas miracle!

    I’m sure your thoughts and takes will be nuanced and reasonable lol

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