It's too late now for JFK but for whatever it is worth to USA soccer fans out there, DaMarcus Beasley endorsed John Kerry in an interview with a newspaper in Holland. The day before the elections, DaMarcus told De Telegraaf, "I think Bush will win, but I hope Kerry wins. Bush has done a lot of stupid things, especially that unnecessary war in Iraq." I'd bet DaMarcus's opinion was received warmly by his fans in Europe. Any other USA men's soccer players make an endorsement this year?
I bet Convey is a Bush supporter. Which would explain why one is doing so much better than the other.
Beasley's smart, more reason for me to love him. If Convey backs Bush that's his own stupidity, maybe if he starts scoring goals we can forgive him, not that it matters he'll still be hot, that's about the only thing he has going for him at the moment, seems reading can be a bit of a nightmare sometimes.
nope, your are wrong. mia was for kerry (even though she is my fav player, i will admit she has picked the WRONG guy. GO BUSH) they were all for kerry
His opinion is received warmly by his fans in US as well. Everyone knows the war in Iraq is unnecessary, its just too bad the majority feels that 'religious values' are more important then soldiers dying over seas. Oh well...
the very nature of religion makes the values and doctrine of one's religion the most important than anything. what is sad is some of the things people get religious about. no one cares about what beasley says about politics; he should just be quiet
THis is true Beasely should keep his mouth shut because now some people will think differently of him, its a lose lose situation. Same goes for Wambach, Foudy, Curt Shilling (he went for Bush) and all the other absolutely crazy, insane actors in Hollywood. I really think that when you make a movie or create a hit song they brainwash all the actors and artists Clockwork Orange style.
This thread is already a loss. No political discussions in any Big Soccer posting boards. If there is a political posting section on this website, post it there. Not in the USA boards. If the moderators read this. Please close the thread. No political bias please. Just do it.
What does a little S_h_i_t like him know anyway. He doesnt need government cheese anymore. I wonder how he is gonna treat the millions he makes in Europe? Like a Democrat or a Republican? Its obvious he didnt finish enough schooling. Stick to soccer Bease, its the only thing you know how to do right anyway. I IZ DA SUPPORTER OF KERRY YA KNOW, I TINK DA MAN IS DOPE!!! BUT ITZ GONNA BE DA BUSH DAT WINS DIS ELECTION. I AM THE BLACK DIXIE CHICK!!! BOO YAA! Shut up and play ball Beasley!!
I agree, the only thing that needs to be commin out of any of their mouths is the scent of one of the other players boxes!!!
The Politics Section is Here where the above should be. There is an interview with Beasley on the site, conducted in English. He doesn't sound much like the above example. The poster may have let his stereotypes get the best of him.