Bayer to buy Earthquakes and name them Bayer USA?

Discussion in 'San Jose Earthquakes' started by Kqql, Nov 9, 2003.

  1. Kqql

    Kqql Member

    Sep 22, 2003
  2. Crazy_Quakes_Fan

    Crazy_Quakes_Fan New Member

    Jul 23, 2002
    San Mateo, CA
    This is getting ridiculous. Next thing you know I'll be a potential SJ owner.
  3. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
    San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    See, this is how these things get so miscommunicated in the first place. No where did they say the team would be named Bayer USA. What they said was that the company Bayer USA could take over the operation of the San Jose franchise. Bayer USA is the US division of Bayer.

    We need to learn to read these things in context. They're speaking of Bayer the company.

    It's just another rumor anyway, but at least we can get the rumors straight. :D
  4. harttbeat

    harttbeat Member+

    Dec 29, 1998
    New York
    i think Bayer is a big operation not only consist of football. Isn't Bayer a big media company? Let's look at this way, if we let the mexican into our pool, why not the german?
  5. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
    San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Um... Can any of you read english? Seriously, it says it's a pharmaceutical company. As in Bayer aspirin....

    That was my point, they're speaking of the company, not the Leverkusen team.
  6. Goodsport

    Goodsport Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 18, 1999
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Would you rename the team "Crazy_Quakes_Fan USA"? :eek:

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp GO EARTHQUAKES!!! :(

  7. Kqql

    Kqql Member

    Sep 22, 2003
    There was a reason I but a "QUESTION MARK (?)" at the end of subject
    Bayer to buy Earthquakes and name them Bayer USA? ,
    it meant that I questioned/suggested that the team could be named Bayer USA.

    (Yes, I can read Ingelse, Espanol, Deutsch , and Alien.), but do you know what (?) means.

    Moreover, if Bayer USA buys the team,
    then the Earthquakes name will change to "Bayer Something", like their parent company Bayer AG ( Multi-national chemicals and health care corporation based in Leverkusen, Germany) name is refelected in their team "Bayer Leverkusen" in Germany.

    Hence, Bayer USA will use the name "Bayer USA" or "Bayer Something or " Bayer San Jose" , to reflect the soccer team in the USA, like their Parent company does in Germany.
  8. I dont like MLS become a farm league for a bunch of foreign teams. I dont like it becoming a patchwork of foreignh teams to see who can get their names on an existing team first. I knew the Chivas thing would start this. This sucks. I bet it drives more fans away.
  9. astabooty

    astabooty Member

    Nov 16, 2002
    FC Barcelona
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    i dont much about mls so correct me if i am wrong. foreign teams are wanting to come and take over or make new teams. these are companies that are strong financially and wouldnt mind losing a little money. no matter what their interests are as of now they would have to work within the league rules and only be able to bring a few players to the team without using the draft, they would have to use the draft to get young americans in, and could not just ship over players to their home team when they want cuz they would be owned by mls. even if single entity went away would it not still help the league?
  10. Albany58

    Albany58 Member+

    Sep 14, 1999
    Concord, CA USA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Correct in every aspect. MLS is not going to let control of the league go to an I/O. They own the players and they make the trades, not the I/Os. As Guy pointed out, the criteria in judging whether these entries should be allowed is whether it is good for US Soccer, does it develop US players, does it make for a better game in the US?
  11. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
    San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    In a perfect world that would be the only thing driving the MLS. But this is not a perfect world. And I'm afraid that is more than evident in the whole deal with the Chivas.
  12. LA Galaxy Fan

    LA Galaxy Fan Member

    Feb 28, 2000
    Give me big headaches :mad: Please no more post here too many ridiculous story.

    Real Madrid buy San Jose and rename to Real Marid USA
    AS Roma buy San Jose and rename to AS Roma USA
    etc......... <sigh...>
  13. firstshirt

    firstshirt Member+

    Bayern München
    United States
    Mar 1, 2000
    Ellington, CT / NK, RI
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    take two Bayers and relax
  14. Crewmudgeon

    Crewmudgeon Member+

    Sep 3, 1999
    Forget Bayer, I heard a rumor that the Mexican television giant Televisa was interested in buying the whole d&%* league and renaming it MFL USA.
  15. Toffees_rule

    Toffees_rule New Member

    Feb 11, 2000
    you know, we support two of the same sides least you can take consolation that we giallarossi came back to beat those fascist Lazio scum on the strength of two brazilian goals! :)
  16. Toffees_rule

    Toffees_rule New Member

    Feb 11, 2000
    OR this could simply be the start of corporate advertising on MLS kits. San Jose on the Back with BAYER adverts on the front of the kits....

    to me it would make more sense, if, and i stress if, Bayer were to purchase the beloved quakes, to simply advertise on the fron than change the name for the second time. or third if you want to count the NASL change to Blackhawks dissolving into the Clash back to the Quakes....ask goodsport...too tired to clarify. :(
  17. Alexi

    Alexi Member

    Feb 26, 1999
    San Francisco
    I'd love to see Bayer USA taking over.
    Agreed with Toffees_Rule - there's no reason for them to rename the team.
    They will only try to put a good soccer on the field, to take CONCACAF Confed. Cup seriously (additional exposure in Mexico, and other countries), promote American game in Europe as well, etc.

    And this will put any rumors about ethnic-based "Club America del Norte" or "San Jose Diving Goats" to the end!
  18. Spartacus

    Spartacus Member

    May 20, 2001
    The NO SOCCER Zone
    Agreed...this is not a team that is in need of re-launching or re-imaging or re-naming or re-branding (as the MFL rumours have it). It's just in need of some support. And if anything has proven that the Earthquakes are worthy of stand-alone branding...last night's game was it. I think a re-branding would kill would sure kill me.
  19. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
    San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    What we discussed yesterday was that the last thing we need right now is another off season with a front office up in the air. We need to keep marketing/promoting the team. So whatever happens things either need to change or stay the same immediately. Not waiting until January, not waiting to December. I mean immediately.

    Things are progressing with this team now. We don't need the mistake (once again) of an office season without a front office.
  20. Alexi

    Alexi Member

    Feb 26, 1999
    San Francisco
    Agreed with Erin.
    Garber is expected to make some announcements just before the MLS Cup - we'll see what comes out and then go from there.
  21. LA Galaxy Fan

    LA Galaxy Fan Member

    Feb 28, 2000
  22. webster2003

    webster2003 Red Card

    Nov 4, 2003
    Me too.
  23. SJEarthquakes

    SJEarthquakes New Member

    Aug 9, 2001
    Boston Area
    This scenario could end up like the Krafts shuttling better players over to the better team. If Bayer bought the 'Quakes, they could easily shuttle LD over to Europe where he doesn't want to be. LD said he has considered returning to Europe, but only if the situation was completely different than what he went through. I just see this as Bayer throwing a fit...
  24. Alexi

    Alexi Member

    Feb 26, 1999
    San Francisco
    Remember, all players signed contracts with MLS, not the teams. Whoever owns San Jose, cannot do anything about Landon going/not going to Europe.
  25. Albany58

    Albany58 Member+

    Sep 14, 1999
    Concord, CA USA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Watch the verbage. Remember the i/o does not own a team.

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