This game (from the makers of Battlefield 1942) is scheduled for stores in early-2004. Check out the upcoming game's QuickTime trailer here. -G
As of now, the game is less than two weeks away from hitting stores. Problem is, it's scheduled to be released the same day as Unreal Tournament 2004... so which one of those two games do I play first? -G
I just picked up this game and I love it. I'm really new to the first person shooter games on a computer. I never had interest in Doom or any of the early ones, so I never bothered. I've always been a console gamer, and actually still prefer that. I bought Medal of Honor Frontline for PS2 a couple years back now, that was my first first player shooter. I really enjoyed that so a few months ago after reading how great Battlefield 1942 was I purchased it. The game looked great but I found the lagging in it to render the game almost unplayable. Since I wanted to get a feel for the mouse and kepad controls I tried playing it in single player mode before I went online. I didn't want to make a fool of myself, since I'm used to a controller and not this way. I ended giving up on it, because of the lags and long pauses during the middle of game play. I decided to give BF Vitenam a try. I am very happy to report that there doesn't seem to be any lagging. It moves really quickly and fluidly. I'm very excited by this game. Now that I've been playing a bunch of single player games, I think I've got a handle on the controls. I'm still not great, but I feel like I can go online without looking like an idiot. Basically what I'm saying is buy this game, it looks and plays great. A question for anyone who's a veteran at these types of games. Can they be played with a controller? Also regarding flying, I can't for the life of me control planes or helicopters. Do people use the flight controllers out there, or is there just a lot of practice needed. A tip I did learn from BFV, if you're a passenger in a helicopter (single player mode), pay attention to your pilot. They always seem to jump out in mid air and leave the chopper to crash.
yeah, you can use a joystick to fly, infact my friend does, and he got good at it, but i still like the good ol' keyboard and mouse flying, and it just takes practice, i can manuver as good as anyone with a joystick
Update v1.01 is now available here. Next up will be Update v1.1, which will include (among other things) a new map and several new vehicles. -G
Now the game has been patched, it should even it out a bit. The M60 man is not quite as powerful as before.
Cheers as ever for keeping me/us informed Goodsport btw What username to you use when you play Battlefield Vietnam? I can go out of my way to shoot you if I should come across you