Welp, whats the early take, @Dills & @Dante? I'll be downloading tonight and looking to squad up this weekend. I would love to get a conclusion to the Bad Company story, Russia on the border in Canada was a great cliffhanger.
I played a few games yesterday, ranked up a little. I like it. The Sinai map is HUGE, but there are so many ways to get around it that it's not bad. I tried out all the vehicles, from the planes to the tanks and found some I liked and some I'm better off not driving. Even the train was pretty cool. I loved battling it out and watching the sandstorm roll in and make it difficult to see who's who then watch it continue on. It was a nice added effect. I definitely enjoyed it more than the Titanfall 2 beta.
If ya have EA/Origin Access Battlefield1 will be available to play today. Trial rules apply, 10 hours/first two chapters of the campaign.
Trading in Gears 4 because I know once I start with Battlefield 1 I won't go back to it, not to mention how much I still play Destiny and with CoD coming out in a few weeks too. Sorry Gears, but you weren't worth it.
5-6 is what people are saying, which if I am reading the menu right would mean each chapter is bout an hour long (6 chapters). Really though Battlefield has never really been about the campaign, but rather all about the multiplayer and getting into vehicles and destroying them due to my own ineptitude.
Went to Best Buy to pick up the game, the guy puts it on the counter (I pre-ordered it so you go to customer service to pick it up) and tries to ring me out and says oh I can't sell this to you until Friday. Only the deluxe edition today. He asked if I wanted to purchase that instead. I was like F this and left annoyed.
But the regular edition of Gears 4 came on last Tuesday. Release the Deluxe version on Friday before and then regular the normal tuesday
ohhh, right I was wrong. Gears was a Tuesday release, shoot I was hoping for a clean pattern from Gears to COD. Well then I guess it's just Battlefield, Titanfall, and COD coming out on Fridays.
Hands down from here on out it's gonna be pretty hard to be content with multiplayer maps without weather effects. With so much open space the weather aids player movement and also ratchets up the tension helping to create that no mans land feel.
For some reason this Battlefield has seriously stuck with me. Simply love how no match is ever the same and no one spot on a map is the must have location. Not that those aspects of the game is any different from previous Battlefields just that I'm enjoying it all the more this time around compared to the other shooters released last fall.