I'd like to see them go back to the Spirit name/logo with blue and red shorts. They almost act like that team never existed... I feel they should have at least kept up the banners on the wall because the "new" Blast was closer to the Spirit than the "original" Blast. It's like the two years they came in first don't even count.
Oh, so you would like this to be the one thread that stays on topic here? Not sure why you want a retro jersey, all those old jerseys are just God awful. I can't find a photo, but there was one where the exploding ball was huge, like maybe ten inches wide. It took up the top quarter of the shirt. And in baseball when they do throwbacks, they have nice touches like no numbers if applicable, socks, belts, etc. If you are going to do a throwback to the old MISL you have to go with the short-shorts.
The Blast should use the retro shirts with the Banana Hammocks that the synchronized divers for the US wore. The ladies might like it.