Here's my Top 10 picks: 1 Shakira 2 Emmanuelle Chriqui 3 Jules Asner 4 Tatu 5 Marisa Miller 6 Brittany Daniel 7 Paulina Rubio 8 January Jones 9 Pamela Anderson 10 Sarah Wynter
Ok. This is going to be a tough one to rank because there are dirty deeds at work. As it is posted this group is an easy 9-10 range but Peledre picked Victoria Beckham as his 5th choice...this in a replacement pick which had no pressure whatsoever. Here is his post Rubio was picked in the non-counting 11th round. So I am including Beckham in my scores and it will drag things down a bit. Here are my rankings: Shakira - 10 Wynter -10 Anser -9 TATU - 9 (Individually neither would be a 9 and this is also a bit of an illegal pick but I'd like to do this threesome so I'll rank it a 9) Beckham - 6 (and that's a gift!) Daniel - 10 Miller-10 Jones - 10 Anderson - 8 Bingham - 8 Total is 90 averaging to a 9.0 Again an easy 10 if he had not picked Beckham (and then somehow unpicked her)
I donno. Doesn't really matter in the end but people who rate (especially low) and don't comment on it are just pu$$ies. People like that can just die and I wouldn't care. And no, I'm not taking this contest at all serious but yes I am completely serious that the world would be a better place with out spineless, ignorant people.
I actually was one of the 5's for this group. As I've said elsewhere, this does not mean that these girls merit 5 out of 10 compared to women in general, only in comparison to the other groups. If everyone rates every group with a 8, 9 or 10, then what's the point of having a scale of 1-10? As for the reasoning, I just don't find Pam Anderson, Shakira or Paulina Rubio that alluring. I don't find Emmanuelle Chriqui's face to be very beautiful (and as a friend of mine pointed out, her arms might be a bit too hairy). Tatu seems to have a big head for hear body. The others, while pretty hot, just don't make up for them in comparison to other groups.
Indeed, I discounted the all of his post after that statement. He shouldn't be judging in these threads if he thinks she's anything less than the most beautiful girl this side of the mason-dixon line.
You know, you people really shouldn't submit your opinions of women to be judged by others if you can't accept that others will not necessarily have the same opinion as you.
Absolutely agreed. But when you say "he shouldn't be judging", then you are really saying that either I CAN'T have my opinion, or at least I shouldn't be allowed to express it - which defies your opening it up to a vote at all. You know, I really have gotten to be sorry I even bothered logging onto FFA this month.
Well, my group is a 9! Anyway, it's irrelivant based on the winking was a joke! Lighten up!
I don't find Emmanuelle Chriqui's face to be very beautiful (and as a friend of mine pointed out, her arms might be a bit too hairy). First of all Emmanuelle Chriqui does have a pretty face with those rounds cheek bones. And so what if her arms are a little hairy. At least she is not fake like some girls are today.