Hi all, A group of us is heading up from Fort Lauderdale to see the game on August 4th. Wondering what the best place to buy tickets would be as away supporters. Last season we unknowingly bought tix in the first two rows of section 309, apparently where some supporters(who must not have had season tix lol) usually sit. We've heard that there are supporters in section 101 as well now, with 301 being a "family zone". So is there is good place to be on the sidelines? Failing that, what's the policy on standing behind the goals? Looks like from the webcasts that there are benches set up backwards behind the south goal with people sitting on them, that would probably be an ideal spot to set up shop. We're looking at 8-10 people making the trip up. Thanks in advance for any help!
101,109, and 309 are the sections that have about 20-30 supporters each that are the rowdiest. In general the seats on the west side in the 100 sections are better because you don't have to stare into the sun the whole first half so if I were you I would pick 103 or 107 as the best sections that don't cost the most $$. Behind the south goal is open and you can stand or sit at the tables set up. The north goal is open too but there is a kiddie bouncy castle there so that is probably more "family" friendly then you would want. A couple tables are good viewing but some are further back and you might have obstructed views at times and wouldn't be able to see the other end well. Also they have expanded the beer selection this year so keep an eye out for the better options and enjoy the game(other than the outcome of the game hopefully).
I would agree with 103 or 107. 103 if you like smoke, 107 if you like to hear drums. Either way stop by the 109 tailgate before the game and have a beer. We are in the upper lot with a red tent. I think we are set on moving to the far corner of the upper lot.