Auf geht's, Jungs: German Youth Discussion Thread Vol. V

Discussion in 'Germany: National Teams' started by Epitome990, Jun 4, 2019.

  1. Germanyfan1993

    Bayern München
    Jun 17, 2018
    Do any of these young players have potential to be called up in March friendlies?
    Ger90 repped this.
  2. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    so much nonesense, what do I care about Argentinia, their players or how they've played up to now, lol.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    Argentina players also rarely play in 1BL, so I rarely watch any Argentinian play.

    only time I watch Argentinians play is when they play CL in clubs that play vs 1BL clubs. If they make Copa final and here and there in WC that's it.

    like I average like a few matches every 4 years, LULZ.
  3. aerez

    aerez Member+

    River Plate
    Jul 8, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    You're something. Can't even talk without insulting. By the way, you're subject to site wide red card too buddy. All your insults, on every post.

    This isn't twitter where you can trash people. It's big soccer forums with their own rules, you need to abide by them too.
  4. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    nope, the pathetic one is the one who barges in to another's "home" and just to cry and trash the host of said home. Your not a Germany fan so your the one barging in here.

    your the one who comes in here with your passive-aggressive BS and cry hard when he doesn't get what he wants.

    I only see 1 pathetic person......same to ALL the trolls who come in here and your not the 1st one. Every troll that either loses or beats us has to come on these boards to make a fuss in some way.

    I told you awhile ago
    "Your team is objectively terrible."

    okay good for you NOBODY cares, that's it then bye, nothing relevant or interesting and it means 0 to me that its what you think. Doesn't change anything.
  5. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    not gonna happen its too early for that. The Senior NT is linked with U21 not U17, way too far down the pecking order. And they have to breakthrough pros for that aka 1BL level.
    Germanyfan1993 repped this.
  6. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    LOL like I have any interest to discuss Argentinian footy.



    Tuchel should play both in XI in GS6, Bayern have won the group already, its 100% irrelevant match.

    also according to reports 04 RB/CB Morgalla played RB, another player moved for the CB that was subbed out. So yeah Morgalla looks like he's going full on RB on pro level. RB Salzburg looks headed for EL in 2nd half of season. I do hope that GS6 that Morgalla gets his 1st CL XI and that he gets to play EL XI, could be good experience.
  7. aerez

    aerez Member+

    River Plate
    Jul 8, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    #23532 aerez, Nov 29, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
    :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Are you ok? you need to see a pyschologist ASAP!

    You're the one who resorted to trolling. You don't own these boards. You're just a poster like thousands of posters before these boards 20 year history. You're nothing important. That's it. You don't OWN these boards, anyone can come. You're so ANGRY, like you're literally SEETHING how mad you are. You've been posting like this for over 2 hours. I feel sorry for the people in your real life, because this is a reflection of you as a person.

    Now see, this is trolling. I've just realized your English is so terrible, you nuanced discussion is lacking. Which makes me realize why you are taking every point at face value. Your inability to understand English or phrases is being interpreted as trolling and it's making you angry.

    That's not my problem, in terms of communicaiton. That's a you problem.
  8. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    LOL at how all the weirdos, trolls, psychos all come in here to make a fit or to the others NT thread. These boards are for Germany fans to discuss the topics not for others to barge in to troll, bitch and cry.

    and I'm usually the target too, if your so triggered by me, don't read or stalk these threads.

    I said it before, my only interest is GERMANY FANS, I don't give 2 shits about y'all who follow other NTs. Nor am I interested in the slighest what you think about Germany or your NTs, 0 interest in all of that. Germany fans are only ones I care to interact with, and I post updates and stuff to incite discussions with them. Rest is a waste of time and nothing but triggered weirdos who have nothing better to do. Weirdos constantly crying about trash talk, LOL.

    and yes I'm a confessed hater of Argentina NT, one of 3 teams I hate. Its a well known fact too. So funny as ******** that a crybaby Argentinian fan is hassling me, LULZ.
  9. aerez

    aerez Member+

    River Plate
    Jul 8, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    LMAO now he's crying wolf.
  10. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    how is me saying this crying Wolf? Its your ********ing team that are the LOSERS, LOL.

    and its truth all the losers and weirdos always hassle me. I even have a known ex poster that was banned that stalks me 24/7. He's been banned for 2 years and still stalks me, also stole my username and used it in Transfermarket forums too. Even created a twitter account at one point with my username. So yeah deranged psychos like you and he trying for years to get me to quit posting too.

    I've been saying it for years now nothing that you quoted is new idiot. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    I've ALWAYS said my only interest is Germany fans just REITERATING it. I post for them not for loser waste of spaces like you or for any fan of any other NT.

    and yes I've hated Argentina since 2006, ******** your team!!!!:thumbsup:
  11. aerez

    aerez Member+

    River Plate
    Jul 8, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    I'm not stalking you, I'm just reciprocating to the same dialogue you justify. I don't care if you hate Argentina , I don't care if you don't care about Argentina. I don't care if you come to the Argentina forum and say what you think, respectfully.

    You clearly don't treat people or individuals with an ounce of respect. That's the very least you can do. I really don't care for who you are, what you do, or how you do it. I just came here to discuss one game, and one tournament that's it. You are the one who lost it.
  12. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    didn't say you stalked me I said psychos like him and you always hassle me with BS.

    respect is earned not given, I read between the lines, its clear as ******** your intentions from your 1st post and your 100% insincere fellow. This is a sport, I have 0 respect for Argentina anwyays, LOL.

    I've seen Belgian, Dutch, posters on these boards and they actually post with sincerity and honestly. And nobody has an issue with any of them even though Netherlands are our main rivals. That's difference the non-German fans that we are okay none of them are Pengland fans, people like you or that other troll Brazil fanboy. Because you lot are here to troll or hijack threads with NONESENSE.

    LOL, I treat people who deserve it well all the time. Always willing to help out another Germany fan when they have questions and I do value their opinions/views too and interactions.

    but I don't treat trolls well at all, not sorry at all.

    I didn't lose anything, stop making up BS. Its funny because just like the stalker I'm talking about he too used to make up shit about me. I'm posting with straight face, not pissed or angry, more like who gives a shit feeling.

    I don't care about your opinion about a match from almost 2 days ago, its finished move the frick on, nobody cares.


    does it change that you lost and we are in final? Nope.

    do I care about how Argentina played? Nope

    do I care about an Argentinian's POV? NOPE X INFINITY, LOL.

    what do you want and why are you still here?

    If I start talking about German club football would you care, you wouldn't so move on. Your only interest is Argentina and that match, its over.

    You seem like the only guy who hasn't moved on from the L, stuck in the past.

    focus on your 3rd place and we'll focus on the final, lets end this and part ways.
  13. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    imagine we lose vs France at U17 WC final and then I spend days bitching about the L, LOL. That's how this guy comes off.

    "France this, France that, blablabla. Its NOT FAIR we were the better team YAWN worthy stuff."

    that final is during German footy weekend, once the match is over I jump to 1BL matches which start like 30 mins after the final, LOL. And I move on with focus back into club progress 100%.

    this U17 WC is almost over and then its back to business until Winter break and Winter transfers and Winter camps will be main focus.

    and yes I don't really care if we do lose, its already mission accomplished. As I mentioned, I posted numerous clubs's view of the U17 WC and its one of future integration for the players, that's ALL I care about.
  14. aerez

    aerez Member+

    River Plate
    Jul 8, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    #23539 aerez, Nov 29, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
    1) I make a comment, it's criticism. I wish you best wishes.
    2) You make 2 threads pointing out every detail about German youth football.
    3) I sort of give you banter
    4) You lose it every post, now you're justifying breaking the rules.
    5) You insult after insult.
    6) You had no respect from the start. It clearly irked you, that someone else not German posted in a forum you think you own in your head.

    If I start talking about German club football would you care, you wouldn't so move on. Your only interest is Argentina and that match, its over.

    If you start talking about German football in the Argentina forums, We would listen and read intently. Many of us actually care and are interested in the details.

    Post in a thread with players about Argentina and how they are doing in the league, and post in another thread about other teams and let us know and teach us. We have those types of threads there, many users who care and want to know. Yes, we actually care and want to learn.

    We have plenty of people who post in our forums with detailed information. We eat it up.

  15. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    that's nowhere near every detail, LOL. I gave you basically power point version and not even full picture either and even then most points flew past you.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: You don't give a shit anyways aka waste of time interaction anwyays and it was boring as ******** too. :sleep::sleep::sleep:

    no respect from start? as I said you were insincere from the start so you got what you deserve.

    you think to highly of yourself, your not the 1st troll nor last troll. And the psycho I posted above was an Irish fake Germany fan who posted on these threads for YEARS And YEARS. Like I had to deal with his BS for 5 years before he got banned. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: And he posted well before I joined but went bonkers around 2019.

    your just a blip who will leave soon enough and won't come back because you don't give a shit about any of our players or team.

    also a Dutch poster who we like posts here every now and then. Nobody minds.

    if anything is annoying is what I would call hijacking of threads. This thread is to discuss German Youth footy and their progress, when the thread gets hijacked like it is now, it gets derailed and stuff about German youth get losed in the shuffle.

    you think Germany fans want to read about our boys and their progress or some obnoxious Argentian fan's POV when nobody gives a shit about what he thinks??? The answer is obvious as ******** too.
  16. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    and its clear also your intentions are to kill any enthusiasm for for the U17 WC. That is also a frequent troll trend that I noticed, KILL the enthusiam/euphoria.

    as people are happy and enthusiastic about something + related to Germany NTs, we have someone come in and try to joy kill and suck the life out of the whole thing.

    more reason your not welcome tbh.
  17. aerez

    aerez Member+

    River Plate
    Jul 8, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
  18. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    Goodbye and good riddance, will likely forget you even existed in a few days.

    have a nice life and hope you get bronze medal in order to appease your mind.
    aerez repped this.
  19. aerez

    aerez Member+

    River Plate
    Jul 8, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    #23544 aerez, Nov 29, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
    It's ok, I let the mod team, super admins aware of this conversation already. We'll let them decide.

    I would care, but I pretty much stopped caring what you had to say after the continous insults. You seem pretty knowledgeable, but I really don't care because you can't even talk without insulting.
  20. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    LOL, you actually got super admins involved.

    and you call me pathetic......

    decide what? You don't give a shit about this thread or the Germany board and your only interest is Argentina who nobody gives a shit about in here. And you seem unwilling to move on when our focus is Germany-France. Nothing but a troll mood killer too.

    and what's your goal anyways? Your not gonna post in here in future. So even more stupid.

    like this clown can't just walk away and move on, lol.
  21. aerez

    aerez Member+

    River Plate
    Jul 8, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    I guess we're both pathetic, We've been doing this for almost 5 hours. I'm actually gonna stay an be a regular now and start talking about Borussia Dortmund. Don't worry, I'll avoid you after this post. No more interactions with you from here on in.
  22. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    interesting, but the question is whether Bayern buys a DM and blocks him or not. Still curious what this means for Aseko as package wise Aseko is more interesting/promising and Pavlovic benefited from his injury.

    Bayer have best 07 crop likely in Germany just like how Stuttgart and 05 crop. Both clubs barely integrate, now the question is whether they will finally integrate or continue to BS? Some see the 07 Bayer contigent as all having 1BL prospects too.
  23. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    #23548 Ger90, Nov 29, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
    then go in the Bundesliga thread what business do you have in here?

    the only Dortmund players that are for here are Moukoko and Adeyemi and that's it. So now your gonna spend ALL your time talking about these 2???? Doubt you'll track anything Dortmund u19-II either. And Adeyemi is trying to work his way back into Senior NT, so might not even be for this thread in long run meaning might not play U21 Euro in 2025.

    we follow players not teams.
  24. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    its funny because even the Dortmund Germany fans RARELY post in here. They might only when we play a tourney but most often the not any Dortmund youth discussion they participate is in Bundesliga thread. I think last time I saw a Dortmund fan posting in this thread was when someone was asking for a link for a YNT match and that was it.

    they only post in 2 threads the Main one Euro 2024+Bundesliga thread and that's it.
  25. aerez

    aerez Member+

    River Plate
    Jul 8, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    Max Moerstedt and Paris Brunner both tied for 4 goals after scoring in the Semi. Brunner looks like the more lethal threat. I wonder after this performance how long before BD remove his suspension. It will be interesting to see going forward.

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