Has anyone heard any leaks from the boxoffice about expected attendence for Sat? Surely we'll get at least 15k...it would be nice to completely fill the lower bowl.
I think there is zero reason to believe that you are predicting accurately. History teaches us that DC's playoff attendance builds as the team advances. I predict 22K. I think that I will be right. Should be a beautiful day on Sat, 60 sunny. There is a buzz about the team now. Cheers, Tim
I was able to buy three 2nd row tickets on ticketmaster and they were the best available at the time. I just checked and tried a search for two tickets and the best available are now in the 6th row. It's even better if you try to search for seats on the sidelines. I'm sure there will be a ton of walk ups. I think it will be a great crowd.
I predict it will be a massive crowd, but will be under reported Regardless, the place is gonna rock. -dave
I predict a very energized 17k-18k. We don't have the walkup draw that we once had (used to be able to bank on at least 4k walking up). And it's tough to market a game in a week.....though local media (specifically the Post, WTOP, and DC101) support has been good.
Its not always about numbers, it about the quality and passion of the fans. DC has the best fans in the league which makes RFK the best place to see a game. 17,000 is my guess...
I'm predicting 18k, I'll be sitting on my couch here in Chicago screaming at the TV and annoying my neighbors.
Not sure this qualifies as a "leak", but I had to SWEAR this information won't leave the United portion of Big Soccer, and it absolutely can't make it's way to Ashcroft's people or my ticket-rep is as good as gone. Rep was pessimistic Tuesday and today. Says six-days-notice plus elections will make it hard to top last week. Maybe the Post article will help.
This will be the first game I've missed all year - I'll be out of town (who'd a thunk months ago we'd be hosting this game?????). But I gave my tickets to some friends with only the requirement that they dress in black and be very, very loud in support of the good guys. AB
I talked to a ticket rep on tuesday who was very optimistic--said they had already sold like 7k tix and were hoping to sell out the entire lower bowl. However, I think that is a ludicrous pipe dream. The first 7k are the people like me who would skip their mother's funeral to be at the game (sorry, mom's everlasting soul). I think the election will be a killer and it's always hard to get butts in seats for the playoffs. I predict about the same as last time out, but if the crowd is equally intense, then that'll be great.
"Always with the negatvie waves Moriarity. Always with the negative waves." 23,367!!!!!!!!!! What all this 12k, 15k talk?????????????
Yeah that has to be one of the lamest excuses I've ever heard..it was this past Tuesday! I went to the DCU playoff game, before I decided not to go to the DCU playoff game..
I would think that now, more than ever, people around DC will be looking for a distraction, something to make them happy and take their mind off the election. Certainly a DC United drubbing of the Revolution will do wonders for me.
As K posted elsewhere, earlier this morning the team said 14-15K had already been sold and it's a hot ticket on ticketbastard. The weather broke today. The buzz is in the air. I think the 22K I predicted earlier today was an underestimate. Tim