Good lord. This is probably the worst I've seen this year, of any game with any teams. The numbers will come out with some official figure of 7000-something, no doubt. But it doesn't look like there's 500 in view.
I was just thinking that. That's the problem with Kansas City. It'd be nice to have a team there, but if they keep drawing crowds like this, they may be forced to move.
I don't think Wizards will set the record for lowest season attendance average. Probably not even close. With a new owner, at least you'll see SOME advertising and of course, a TV deal.
I know this has been brought up a million times others, but I hate those "A Current Affair" soundeffects!! What jackass is responsible for that brilliant idea? I know, I know, preaching to the choir. At least with the small crowd you can hear the Mystics.
Yeah they are catering to a crowd that I think just isn't showing up in big numbers. Not that they are really catering to anyone since there is zero advertising, the don't have a tv deal etc.... I truly think that with a SSS and new ownership the team could consistently draw well (last year and most years before that they were in the middle of attendence figures), but can understand why some could disagree.
agreed. it almost seems like everyone has given up on that team and market. San Jose at least isnt going down without a fight.
I dont care what the official attendances are announced at, there is way more people at the SJ game than at the KC. I dont care about the difference in stadium size either.
Its over for KC. Lamar never wanted the Dallas franchise. Yet, that franchise is on the way to profitability. He has tried to make KC work. Too bad for KC, but this will be your last season. We are watching a funeral march.
Chicago drew under 9k and is getting a bloody new stadium. What the heck is going on in Chicago? The Cubs and Sox aren't THAT entertaining. What makes it more hilarious is the fact that Chivas thought about putting the USA team in Chicago. Meanwhile DC United hasn't drawn under 15,000 with that crappy playing surface. Way to go Barra Brava and other people going to see DC.
Well 4 championships will do that, plus a teenage phenomenon. It's easy when the league helps you out. As for KC, I think that seals their deal. What group or person is going to want to buy a franchise that can only bring in 5 and a half thousand. KC fans can bitch all they want, but if they don't show up, then there's not going to be a team, and that's too bad. I don't care about KC, move them to a market that is actually excited about soccer, well at least more then five and half thousand of them.
If I were to venture a guess, I would say 1,500 people in attendance. The other 4,000 must have been unused season tickets. I'm sorry to say that doesn't look very good for KC. But I'm still going to hold out hope that they pull a SSS and new I/O out of their ass and that there is a happy ending.
Kansas City first for the obvious reasons. The San Jose folks support their team more and the rivalry with LA is even bigger now. Something to build on there. KFC (Kansas F#%^in' City!) obviously has a hard time drawing fans. I bet they get moved to Houston since it's not relatively far away and I'm guessing Houston is one of the closest to being ready. Seattle, Toronto, Portland, or Philly wouldn't surprise me. By the way, anybody seen the Marlins lately? They can't draw crap either as well as the Devil Rays. I think Florida can't support either baseball OR soccer very well. Good news for the whole contraction thing. Makes MLS not look so bad.
Florida is a BLACK HOLE for sports franchises. The Miami Heat, even with Shaq on board, only sold out some of their games. The Dolphins a few years back couldn't sell out their playoff game before the blackout deadline (I'm not sure if the game was blacked out or not, the NFL is not used to it). And although Florida is a great baseball state, most fans don't give a damn about their home teams, you'll see a lot of Yankees fans down there.
Old people don't go to sport events when they can watch it on tv. They are the cheapest people ever. If it weren't for coupons they'd all be dead.
Cubs, Sox, Taste of Chicago, fireworks, Wednesday Night, no advertising whatsover, front office staff changes, getting our own place next year makes us feel safe, team sucked last year, parking is really expensive, stars left for Europe, Dave Sarachan can't figure out how to use substitutes...need I go on? The fact that we are pretty close to our median on a wednesday night is good. The fact that our median is 9207 is what we need to work on. Still, we have another doubleheader, so we'll keep the average up. Plus, a lot of people are going to watch the Fire play AC Milan whose tickets won't get counted in the average, but we still get the money. KC is a shame, because they have a good team with a decent history. Still, it's a WEDNESDAY NIGHT people, they have always been bad...
You forgot about University of Miami football. As good as they are they can only sell out against FSU. Meanwhile drive a little north and FSU, Florida, Georgia, Auburn, Alabama, Tennessee, and South Carolina can sell out every game. It's as if you head south of the panhandle and nobody gives a poot about attending sporting events.