Attack by other team's fans

Discussion in 'CONMEBOL' started by BorrachoNJ, Oct 28, 2003.

  1. BorrachoNJ

    BorrachoNJ New Member

    Apr 8, 2001
  2. BorrachoNJ

    BorrachoNJ New Member

    Apr 8, 2001
    Maybe US shouldn't come to Copa America after all...

    hoods down there make bronx and detroit look like suburbs...

    those dudes down there are maniacs, i tell you.

    how many of you guys have ever been robbed down there?
  3. condor11

    condor11 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 2, 2002
    New Zealand
    every team has the same type of vandals

    especially la rica vicky

    i got robbed once walking trough a side street that led on to la avenida la marina around the san miguel area
  4. BorrachoNJ

    BorrachoNJ New Member

    Apr 8, 2001
    i had some little 14-year-old step up to me at bus stop and demand money, when i was down in ancon beach...

    i was ready to give him a dollar to get some food or something and smack him on his way when little man pulled out a fucqing machete (the size jesse the body used in Predator)...

    the fucqed up part about it...

    he had about 10 guys at the corner watching...
  5. JuanArango82

    JuanArango82 New Member

    Mar 22, 2003
    Guatire, Venezuela
    Those aren't fans they are just there to cause people harm no matter who win or loses.
  6. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    no worries borracho

    the Usa will be heavily protected anyway as they were in japorea02, besides they will be in a bus from Hotel to stadium and airport, 3 games and out!

    is the neigborhoods you enter to, when DIM fans traveled to la Boca last summer were told by hotel personell where to go and what not to visit. A grp of fans, anyway, got robed having breakfast in cheap joint near the stadium.
  7. AtNacional

    AtNacional Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    Washington DC
    If the copa america was held in colombia and nothing happened (except) argentina not being there; Perú no tiene porque preocuparse. Estamos Undidos tampoco.
  8. chaski

    chaski Moderator
    Staff Member

    Mar 20, 2000
    Lisburn Distillery FC
    Nat'l Team:
    The US isn't going to Copa America.
  9. loloy_vinotinto

    loloy_vinotinto New Member

    Mar 22, 2003
    Maracaibo, Venezuela
    Just at national level I travelled to Tachira to see the Deportivo Tachira vs. UAM game and we we're assaulted with everything form mere icecubes to batterys, spray cans and lit matches... the police interviened after 5 minutes... and then we had to leave out early without any police protection and hide out in an empty dogtrack stadium for 3 hours because the bus driver was tipped off that over 300 'gochos' were waiting to beat us up and burn the bus...
    But at the same time when they came here, a group of vandals that probably had no idea there was a football game, busted all the windows of their bus and beat up the bus driver...
    During the Venezuela-Argentina match for the WCQ this year there were many reports of robberys and even one rape...
    Even when violence is not between fans, criminals will lurk just outside tha stadium...
  10. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    loloy you are having all the fun out there!
  11. Pibe#10

    Pibe#10 Member

    May 1, 2003
    Nat'l Team:
    Costa Rica was invited in their place.....
  12. loloy_vinotinto

    loloy_vinotinto New Member

    Mar 22, 2003
    Maracaibo, Venezuela
    Viviendo el futbol, con sus buenas y malas... jejeje y menos mal que no les anularon el gol del empate (donde hubo una clarisima mano del tachira, que hasta los mismos narradores de alla decian que eso fue un robo) porque o si no nos mataban
  13. Garcia

    Garcia Member

    Dec 14, 1999
    Castro Castro
    So, this happened in La Victoria?

    You know those women who change dollars on La Marina got robbed by these dudes on three motorcycles. I always trusted this one lady and would only exchange money with her. After I made my deal, I got on the micro and watched them get robbed. That was close.

    This one time I was walking home with my wife in some rough part of Callao after going to one of those clubs and this dude asked me for money. I gave him a Sol and walked away. I took it as a toll. I paid the toll and went along my way.

    This one time when we were drinking some Pilsen at El Scooby on Faucett, near La Colonial, these dudes came up to us. I was not drunk, but didn't notice these guys were going to rob us. I was just getting into the conversation they were having with my uncle and what do you think happened next?

    My grandaunt, my uncle's mom, came by in a taxi, jumped out and punked those guys pushing a yelling, get away from my nephew! Funny when you look back. Nobody knew where she came from...out of the blue. She is well known to not take crap from anyone in the barrio. I was living with them in Perdo Ruiz Gallo, in that general area.

    And then, this one time at band camp... :D
  14. Pibe#10

    Pibe#10 Member

    May 1, 2003
    Nat'l Team:

    damn, that happened to me too, me and my girl were going to church in my aunts barrio, a bad barrio, and it was around 6.30pm, so the streets where dark, these dudes kept coming up to us and they asked for money and kept referring to me as "mono," I was like "man, you couldn't get darker hair than mine." I was wearing my ManUnited jersey, so they must have thought I was loaded?, I told them I didn't have any money, and was going to church, some little kid kept following us all the way to church, again calling me "mono," on the way back I took a different way to my aunt's, I was afraid they might have been waiting for us, and this "viejo verde," taxi driver started hitting on my girl, I was like man don't piss me off right now, I go "you want a picture, it will last you longer." If I would have been by myself it would have been no big deal, but with my girl it was a different story. Oh yea, they were wearing Nacional jerseys....

    man, I have stories about people getting robbed in the middle of the day, and getting shot.... it is Locombia down there, but I love it.
  15. condor11

    condor11 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 2, 2002
    New Zealand
    actually i have never neen robbed in any of the so called dodgy districts

    the 2 other times ive had *#*#*#*# stolen from where in miraflores and san isidro
  16. dale_wilster

    dale_wilster Member

    Jul 4, 2001
    Cochabamba, Bolivia
    Nat'l Team:
    Some of the players and the DT from my club team in Bolivia were attacked by their own "fans". It is rather embarrassing to me, even though it is not all the fans, it is still one too many.
  17. BorrachoNJ

    BorrachoNJ New Member

    Apr 8, 2001

    my uncle was leaning against a car outside a bar, waiting for someone in san martin de porres...
    old dude walks up to him with a homemade machete up his arm (with the point just coming out of his sleeve) and pokes it at my unc's neck...goes in his pocket and takes all his loot...

    then get this, muthafuqa limps away to his buddies, who were waiting across the street.

    that's my uncle's ''getting robbed by a cripple'' story whenever we get drunk...
  18. Pibe#10

    Pibe#10 Member

    May 1, 2003
    Nat'l Team:

    he was a cripple, but with a Machete, even tho it was a cripple, he could still cut your uncle's head off...
  19. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    pero eso no esta confirmado, segun purojogo info

    costa tica ha sido invitada oficialmente?
  20. chaski

    chaski Moderator
    Staff Member

    Mar 20, 2000
    Lisburn Distillery FC
    Nat'l Team:
    The article purojogo posted basically says that the US is not going unless Pres. Bush convinces the USSF to change its mind.
  21. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    si eso dice, lo entendiste!

    pero entonces hay esperanza....y nada oficial que invita a CR? tenes otra info, alla en Wasinghton?
  22. Pibe#10

    Pibe#10 Member

    May 1, 2003
    Nat'l Team:
    yo ví un link de donde decía que, la CONMEBOL y la FPF habian enviado una invitacion formal a la Federacion de Costa Rica, la qual estaba estudiando la invitacion.....Estados Unidos no quiere que la Copa America interfiera con sus preparaciones para la eliminatorias.

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