As the players walked off the field after the first half of the debacle, myself and the other 4 people in 101 were screaming at Brian Hall, the Chivas players, and people in general. I yelled "Pu-ta!" loudly at Chivas star left winger Ramon Somethingorother (number 11), and he gave me the two fingers! I've heard of people getting serious bans for things like this (Effenberg at 94 World Cup, etc) there anyone I can complain to to try and get this twat fined and suspended? That alone would have made the trip worthwhile...
So he can't get any punishment at all? Like, banned from all competitions? That's what happened to the nandrolone players in Italy...
Not at all. I am never sarcastic. In fact I think what he did to you and your pals is downright disgusting. I remember a few years ago jack McDowell did the same thing in Yankees Stadium and received a 2 month suspended jail sentence. I say you contact the NJSEA- Attn: George Zofflinger.
But will the NJSEA a) care about Metro fans or b) have the power/leeway to get a Mexican league player suspended and fined? I'll have a go...
Right- I forgot. Wasn't he pardoned at the last minute by Whitman before the guillotine came a chopping?
Let me get this straight. You scream "Pu-ta" at a player, which you think is okay, and that player responds by giving you the finger. What did you expect? A handshake? He had every right to go into the stands and clock you in the face. I think YOU'RE the one who should be suspended from the games.
Re: Re: At the Chivas game last night... No, no, no... Firstly, I don't give a crap if someone gives me the finger or not. I honestly don't care. I was not offended in any way by what he did, and I would probably have reacted the same way if I was in his position. All I'm saying is it's the kind of thing players get fined and suspended for ("bringing the game into disrepute") and it would make the otherwise pointless trip to GS worthwhile if I managed to get an arrogant "We're too good for the Metros" Mexican World Cup Player fined and/or suspended. Remember, this guy is supposed to be a consumate professional, and being a MEXICAN INTERNATIONAL I would expect him to have had things yelled at him before far worse than abstract insults from someone who doesn't speak Spanish and thus be able to act like a professional and do the right thing in the situation, which is not react. Someone of his "caliber" should have a lot more discipline than THAT. And you think I should get kicked out of the games? What is this, Naperville?
Flash I understand your point. However, you can't yell that at a player who doesn't even want to be there with your four buddies who were surrounded by Chivas fans on both sides and directly behind you. You guys were about 15 years old from what I could see from where I was. A player isn't going to take sh*i*t from a bunch of 15 year olds. However, if Brian Hall saw that, I'm sure the player would have been red carded...what a douschbag that guy is.
Funny you should say that, because I actually happen to be 14, but look a hell of a lot older...I think you're thinking about some other people, who I don't know...I was there on my own... I can't be bothered to take this was a waste of my time anyway....
This is the most hilarious post I have ever read! I love it! I wish the players would have gone up into the stands after you and there would have been a real donny-brook!!! HA HA HA! I hope the Chivas player gets fined and suspended too!! That is hilarious!!!
Why don't you tell your mom and have her call his mom. Better yet, GROW UP! You're probably lucky he didn't beat up your stupid a$$.
I didn;'t go and even htough I wanted to I wouldnt.Chivas screws us over in Merconorte and I'm not going to pay to see a bunch of cocky "gringo-haters" play.They were lucky we only had 9 men( as far as I read we only had 9).He had a right to give you the finger man,sorry.I hate that guy but he was "curtious" enough not to spit at you or go there and beat teh crap out of you.But hey,complain to them anyways.I'd be nice to see him suspended or fined or something...that is if they care enough.Usually no one helps Metro fans in trouble
Here a little something about our new young defensive hopeful and a post match wrap up...