I simply want to extend a hand of friendship to the overwhelming majority of posters here who supported John Kerry. You argued your cause. No one argued better than Superdave IMHO. We can speak of the "why's" and "how's" of this election, and what it means, at a latter time. I simply wanted to take a minute or two to extend my hand of friendship. Because, I simply beleive that had things been reversed, many of you would have done the same for me!
51% of this nation needs to die because there is obviously no brain wave activity going on upstairs... un ********ing believable...
It - apparently - looks like this is who you good clean folks have chosen. On purpose this time. With full prior knowledge. So this is who you want to be, the way of life you want to pursue. I guess I can say congratulations on getting exactly the national leadership you...deserve. Seriously, congrats.
Sure, I'll let you hold my hand, but give us a few days to riot before we return to civility, will ya? Enjoy the schadenfreude for the time being.
Great. So - who's moving to France? Let me help you fill out the emmigration papers. Crap. I gotta work with Alec Baldwin tomorrow, of all people.
is there any way we can let the south be their own country again???? goddamn. let's hope the dems can steal the congress back ala the reps in 94.
That's pretty much what I was going for. But with more F bombs. And shouldn't USASoccer get a yellow card? Gave away a major result and all.......
I'm game. Who's running out to get the AK-47s? Thank God Bush is in favor of assault weapons being accesible to the public.
Of course, Bush wins and it's because bigsoccer intellects are smart and the rest of America is stupid. Keep up that winning attitude and see where it takes you! I'll help Topper assist you on those immigration papers. By the way, BBC and ABC polls show that a majority of Iraqi's support the war. Bush carried 70% of the Iraqi-American vote. The Military will vote about 65% for Bush. Yet you people know more than all of them. You know what's best for these people, not them. Flame away, but that is why you continue to lose.
(1) Noone said that Americans were stupid; I said that they - apparently - are going to get the government they deserve. Ohio is still in play. (2) I'm already immigrating, thanks. (3) It all depends on how you define "lose." There's lots of ways, depending on the long-term range of your POV, where this is a win for all kinds of ways of thinking never represented by you and your ideological kith on BS. But, again, apparent congratulations are in order; we CAN say that folks like you reflect a mass of America...I'm sure that the way the nation HAs been led is something that you and those folks wanted to affirm, and you did. Enjoy.
Just think, BigSoccer Politics Forum liberals, if only you could get the rest of America to read all of your witty remarks and snappy Michael Moore-esque put-downs, you could turn around this country! You could stop these idiotic Americans from voting for: 1) A Republican president 2) A Republican senate 3) A Republican house Ummmm - - on second thought, maybe some of you guys should just move to France, where high unemployment and sucking up to murderous dictators/terrorists is considered chic. Topper
I now understand why you so rarely venture into the Politics Board. That's some pretty weak recycled smack.
Totally wrong-headed post that completely misunderstands government. You forgot 4) A Republican Supreme Court.
Well, you and your ilk obviously have all the answers. So, since conservatives are so right about everything and you'll have control of Congress and the White House for eight straight years, the US will probably be a friggin' uptopia by 2008. The deficit will be eliminated. Iraq will look like Iceland. The word terrorist will be removed from the dictionary due to a lack of use. The divorce rate will be zero since no gay dudes will get married. My sister's nerve cells that have been damaged by MS will be cured by all of those embryos being thrown into dumpsters. I can't wait. Thank God the conservatives will have complete control of US policy for eight straight years. All the problems will be solved. Yea! Get to work, Reeps. We''ll be watching and waiting for utopia. It's gonna ROCK!