Hey, Has anyone heard about this fight in the tunnel after the game? I heard food and soup was thrown on Alex Ferguson, Arsenal's equipment manager got a bloody nose, and it was Wenger, Veira, Henry, Cole, and Ljungberg against Ferndinand, Ferguson, G. Neville, and Roy Carroll. Too bad Arsenal didn't leave all they had on the field, huh? Well, I wouldn't expect anything less than complaining and whining from Arsenal after losing their first game in 49 games. I mean there would have to be something wrong if they lose a game right? Please input your two cents about what happened.
The debate is on whether it was pea soup and food (unspecified) or tomato soup. The question here is, of course, where did soup come from? WTF serves soup on the bench during a game? Soup? For that matter, who brings soup to a game? Is there room for soup in football, period?
I don't see how that works mate. United are unbeaten since the opening day of the season where as Arsenal are 0 unbeaten Oh of course United beat Arsenal last season so they should be well used to it
Odds on 'Who Threw Food at Fergie', per Paddy Powers, the British oddsmaker: Vieira (5-2) Cole or Lauren (4-1) Wayne Rooney (250-1, for being "upset at the lack of post-match McDonald's.")