Damn straight! *L* When are you getting back up to Dallas, Cam? I've finally got enough free time to breathe, now, so a meet up with the boys would be a gas. I'll PM you all my new contact info...
Massive kudos to Mike for overseeing such massive growth for our beloved supporters club during such a crucial time in AFC's history! Congrats to Steve!
If I run for a spot on the board, does that mean I might get my membership pack in the same year it is released? Just curious...
best of luck to our new Prez...and best of luck to the old prez..for a Job well Done. If they is a way for me to help just ask. I am new to the boards...but a loyal supporter and hard worker.
ROFL! I can only echo what everyone else has already said! Thanks for all the hard work Mike and thanks for helping me find Arsenal America a few years back! Steve - Good luck, I think this calls for a Dallas piss up!