It's a red letter day for salacious news journalism. I Behaved Badly, Says Schwarzenegger Arnold, Rush on the Griddle
I cannot get to your link, but we can find the story about Arnold's alleged groping at AP and everywhere else. (I assume that is what you where posting). My take? That man must be made of wood. So many years of groupies and hot babes hounding him, and the best dirt that somebody can come up with is six accusers who claim he touched their breasts? Damn, even I would have done better than that!
There's a difference between banging groupies and groping women women without permission. That's something only preverts do. It actually sounds like something Bill Clinton would do. If you guys want a pervert as your governor I suggest you vote for Larry Flynt.
The Left in Hollywood will come out and defend Arnold against these charges. Oh, no wait, they only do that for Clinton. My mistake, sorry.
I think I would have done better than Clinton, too. Can you imagine the temptation when a person has the power of the president? People are quick to judge, who haven't been in that situation. I am thinking more like JFK. Go for the best women in the land.
Bill Maher had a great bit on this a while back. He basically said we should be thanking Bill Clinton rather than demonizing him. He was obviously very busy working hard for us, because he had to settle for bad *#*#*#*#*#. How many chief executives do you know are willing to order in pizza and get blown by a chubby intern while working in his office when he could be eating dinner at a swanky Georgetown restaurant getting blown by a French model?
As far as we know, Carter has not succumbed, and neither have Ronald Reagan and George Bush sr. and jr. But that doesn't mean that those of us who have not been there are qualified to judge. I know that even as a small business owner I get so much temptation, much more than when I was a scrub immigrant with nothing, and I cannot imagine what it must be like for the president of the country. Anyway, back to Arnold, here is his quote on the issue of his behavior: 'Yes it is true that I was on rowdy movie sets and I have done things that were not right, which I thought then were playful but now I recognize that I offended people.' Right, Arnold. I guess you can define touching women's breast as being playful. And BTW, the LA times is a joke. They publish this sensationalist allegations days before the election, just to throw dirt on the candidate. Then they say that that none of the actor's political opponents helped the newspaper locate Arnold's accusers. Yeah, right. The L.A. times IS Arnold's political opponent.
"Sensasonalist allegations"? If true, these events constituted mutiple crimes of sexual battery. But you'd rather the LAT not inform the electorate this at all.
Looks like Larry Flynt and the Democrat dirty tricks committee are releasing their works, well-timed for an October surprise and election season. I guess this is the best they've got (oooh...Rush is addicted to pain killers and Arnold likes women!). The horror! Next thing you know, they're going to tell me Arnold Schwarznegger praised Hitler in his youth.
Re: Re: Arnold is a Big Burly "Bad Behaver" Thank you, gawd, for what we are about to receive: CAMPAIGN BOMBSHELL: ARNOLD PRAISED HITLER IN BOOK PROPOSAL Am unearthed book proposal by Pumping Iron's director George Butler is set throw the California recall race in to new levels of complete chaos. The book proposal quotes Arnold Schwarzenegger naming monster Adolf Hitler as a hero! MORE ABC News, which broadcast the remarks on Thursday, said they were contained in an unpublished book proposal with quotes from what it calls a "verbatim transcript" of the interview. Asked about his heroes, the young Schwarzenegger, in 1975, was quoted as saying; "I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education, up to power. "I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it." The actor was quoted as saying he wished he could experience being .."like Hitler in the Nuremberg stadium and have all those people scream at you and just being total agreement whatever you say." Asked by ABC News to comment on the old remarks, Schwarzenegger said: "I cannot remember any of these. All I can tell you is that I despise everything Hitler stood for. I despise everything the Nazis stood for ... everything the Third Reich stood for." The author of the book proposal told ABCNEWS that the quotes needed to be seen in context of Schwarzenegger's admiration of powerful men. The book proposal contains other stunning passages, which ABCNEWS is preparing to reveal.
Well, he ain't reared his ugly head now, has he? Let me get this straight (liberal logic): 1. WMDs do not exist because we have not seen them. 2. Saddam is alive because we have not seen him.
Yeah, but it says I started the damn thread. There must be an imposter because I don't recall starting this thread.
DL Hughley said it best... "Saddam got more videos out than Tupac!" "Good evening, Superdave. I'm Chevy Chase, and you're not."
If true it just means that a horny actor touched some women's boobs. It is not the first or last time that it happens. And if that is sexual battery then most of us are guilty of sexual battery when we slow dance. What is the penalty in California for touching a boob? Let us not be naive or get sanctimonious here. What stinks is the fact that a major newspaper waited until five days before an election to print in the front page old accusations from some years ago, quoting women who never filed any charges, and using mostly anonymous sources. It is a smear campaign and character assasination at its worst. The timing is suspect and it is obviously a planned attempt by an influencial and powerful media group to use their power and influence to affect an election. It is ugly and it is wrong, every bit as wrong as what the likes of Rush Limbaugh and members of the republican party attempted to do to Bill Clinton not too long ago.
This was NOT slow dancing and copping a feel. This was some guy groping women who did NOT want to be groped. Imagine you're at work and you see someone you think is hot. Do you walk up to her and grab her tits? Welcome to politics circa 1990 to the present day.
I love the Arnold apologists. They deride Clinton for having a consensual sex act and think "it's ok he's an actor" when their boy molests women.
Yet you think their ARE WMDs and Saddam is dead? Where do you draw your logic from? Your box of Lucky Charms in the morning?