In an interview with an Argentinian Sports Columnist, Ariel Ortega stated that he likes to work with Haim Revivo and that he has good relationships with him and since he speaks Spanish+English (From his days at Celta Vigo) he and him communicate well and feel that they can make an impact.... Keep it up!
A Turkish friend of mine told me that there was an article in the Turkish press stating that Revivo took Ortega out to an Argentinian steakhouse in Istanbul but claimed that Revivo didn't partake because it wasn't kosher.
I highly doubt it... Who would go to a Argentinian Stakehouse... maybe they did go out....perhaps there trying to make freinds.. Revivo is not kosher, but might keep some of it as well
Argentinian steak is considered some of the best in the world, so that is not the doubtful part of the story, the kosher part is.
I think that Argentinan steak is the same at the afgani.. find a veal animal, throw him in the hot pit and eat him in an hours time YUUUUUUUMY!