Perhaps Chris Rock didn't take his daily dose of the chill pill.
Quite............................................................. *several awkard moments* *slowly gets up and leaves*
C'mon Soju u've gotta admit they're not even close - thinking of starting a Look-alike agency?...don't, it'll go tits up rapido!
This is the stupidest, yet at the same time, the funniest thread I've read in a while. Thanks for the bit of levity Soju Gorae. I needed a laugh tonite. And btw, Chris Rock and Ashley Cole look nothing alike. What gonna start sayin that Clarence Seedorf reminds you of Haley Berry
You know what's funnier then even suggesting that they look a posting their pics in an attempt to validate PS: Soju got one thing right...they're both ugly and make you laugh. No pun intended Ashley
I have given Nicephoras too much rep recently and it won't let me give you anymore. Damn that was funny...and true. Irony at it's finest.