The Arse is showing it's true colors hacking down every red shirt in sight. They'll have to change the tune, "YOu'll Never Walk Alone" to "YOu'll Never Walk Again!" after this game! BTW - After Viera blatently dived and didn't get called, Andy Gray opined, "That's the luckiest man on the pitch right there!" Bring on Dec and the FA Cup!
Fabulous result. Great job, Mellor! 1:54 in stoppage time for your first goal in the Premiership! We were cheering as if Mellor were Wayne Rooney! SIX POINT weekend for United. What a great T-giving weekend!
I don't see how this result affects Manure, you still have no chance in winning the league. You'll come a distant third at best, don't delude yourselves.
Wenger's comment after being told Vieira's 5th yellow will mean missing the match against Chelsea: Given up on the CL and Premiership already you think?
Yeah, like you should talk. When we pass the Arse into second place before the new year I'll report back to your dumb behind on this one.
"Don't write off Manchester United". You people just can't learn. But thanks for the big help anyway. You guys' have done a great job against the Ars.
hmmm... yeah, you are absolutely right - a nine point deficit in the league with over half the games remaining is insurmountable... oh come now - don't get mad at us, because we are still in the title race. For what its worth, that is my goal of the season so far, the Mellor strike - it must have been 30 yards fully and I don't fancy a keeper on the planet getting to it - absolute wonder strike.
You'll be passing no one. Arse are miles better than Manure and will finish at least 10 points above you come the end of the season.
This is assinine and close to trolling, and they say don't feed the trolls but I think you bit off more than u could chew this time so I think u deserve it. Firstly, Arse are miles better than us? They proved this when they played us did they? Secondly, who are you to judge United? You just beat Arsenal and we beat both you and them! Thirdly, there is precedence idiot, we've done far more amazing things than come back from a 9 point deficit BEFORE Christmas. Fourthly, Everton is miles better than Liverpool and will finish 10 points clear of the mickymouse club you support, but of course... you finishing behind them is no shame, none at all, but before you start examining our season fear for your own, you won't even be in UEFA Cup next season nor will you have your crown jewel Stevie once that happens.
Arse are miles better than Manure. Only Rio, Scholes and The Horse would make the Arse team from the Manure team. They were better then you at OT, you played 11 men behind the ball, kicked everyone who came near your box, and had to resort to diving on the counter attack knowing Mike Riley is a closet Manure fan and would give you the pen and should have had Rio and The Horse sent off. Your midfield was constantly over run by far more talented players. Up until the dive which forced Arse to attack giving you more space on the counter, 60% of the game was played in the Manure half, Ash and Jose had G Nev and C Ron in their pocket, Freddie and Ralph had Giggs and Heinze in theirs, Scholes was completely ineffective and couldn't get far enough up the pitch to do any damage, and Shrek and The Horse were invisible starved of service.. The only thing that stopped Manure from losing that game was a lot of kicking, inept reffing from Mike Riley not sending off at least 2 Manure players, and poor finishing from Henry Even Ferguson rates Arse better than his own team. No manager who thinks his team is better than the opposition sets their team out to play anti football and counter attack at home. He knew that if they attacked more they would have been ripped to shreds completely. Rest of your post is nonsense I can't even be bothered to reply to.
Now wait just a minute... Isn't it smart managing to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each team and plan a game plan accordingly? Arsenal are an incredibly flowing presence on the pitch with passes all over the place into space - really pretty to watch when they're playing well. They have players with tremendous vision and pace that allow this type of play. It is assinine (to use jonno's term) for *any* manager not to recognize these characteristics and plan the team's play around stopping these tactics. What's the best way to stop a flowing team like Arse? Jam the middle, close the down, and make them think twice about going for the ball. Yes, it's anti-football but I think that it's smart football management. I will say that it sucks that we have to play that way to beat Arse though. I'd much prefer that we play attacking soccer against them - and we did for the first 10-15 minutes - but the tactics had to be changed and both managers made superb changes at around the 15-20 minute mark. Riley was fooled by a dive, it changed the rest of the game, and the rest was meaningless. Up until the dive, it was a tough match with both sides playing and countering each other very well. Sorry but you'll get no remorse here for the dive as your team remained unbeaten more than once by the same token lol
Most of the rest of your post consists of opinion with which I will not address. This, however, is complete nonsense. This is a generalization of the English game. In Europe, however, this is decidedly not true, particularly in Italy. Ferguson has moved increasingly towards a European system over the past 3.5 years. This, imho, has been a mistake. We no longer flow forth in unvaunted attack against anybody, save teams that absolutely refuse to commit anybody forward to attack. This, really, is why United have performed better against quality opposition. In recent years, we've actually been better against other elite teams than in years past. But we can't put the minnows away as well. Attack - and we'll burn you with all that open space. Don't give us any space - well, and we can't unlock it like in 2000-2001. You're quite wrong on this issue. Both about football in general, and United in particular.
I suspect Heinze (to play in center) Carroll would get into that side as well, but this is mainly opinion and cannot really be argued. Which individual players are better does not describe the quality of a team, synergy and cohesion have alot to do with results and of course the opposition its tactics and your counter tactics have alot to do with things as well. Nonsense, would you like to make a point? Examine ALL of the recent results between these two clubs in matches that matter and tell me who is the better team? Overrun you say? So tell me, was it the lack of a final ball or poor finishing that stopped Arsenal from scoring? Oh, boo hoo, a dive and a penalty, I'm sure that this is the first time its happened and of course none of their players dove in that match and of course Sol Campbell had Rooney covered right? Its not fair to say that a single result makes one team better or one team worse... that's why I said use several games... go ahead, use them, if you dare. That midfield that overran created exactly how many chances for Henry? That's right... tell me something, who was better in Italy last year - Milan or Roma? who was better in Spain - Valencia or Barca? The fact is that football is decided by goals, not well strung together passes, nor style, nor good movement nor opinions - which ever team scores more wins, and Fergie has made United into a team that is playing well enough to score more goals than its opponents... maybe not as many as some other teams but when faced with European competition or tough local opponents few teams have a better record.
What did you expect? You are discussing how to be successful in Europe to a scouser. It's like trying to teach sign language to a gerbil.... The last time Liverpool won something big in European competition David Lee Roth was still in Van Halen and Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo was top of the box office....
You delusional Manure fans don't half talk some shite. Arse are miles better than you, and to beat them you had to resort to kicking, diving and needed help from than inept muppet Riley. It's 3rd at best for you this season and if Rafa can make a purchase or 2 when the transfer windows reopens, I wouldn't even be so sure of that.
Yeah, go back and look at our results idiot, against you, against Arsenal against any of the top teams... and rather than riding the Arse bandwagon why don't you try to find the last time the scousers were in the QF of the CL or when last you finished above United in the league. Try not to finish too far behind Everton.
I just bought Mellor in Championship Manager, he's rated 18 for long shots, and he whacked a 30 yarder for me in his 2nd game up. All in all, those researchers are pretty damned good.
What the !"#$% are you guys talking about!!you guys may be 4 points behind arsenal,but we are 4 points behind you guys,and with a game in hand,so we are mathematicaly only 1 point behind you guys!!!I mean,you guys have a fully fit squad,so you guys are expected to beat $hitty teams!!Dont forget that all your wins against top clubs were at O.T,so in the second half of the year you have to visit Anfield and Highbury,where you guys are going to get 0 points and be out of the tittle race!!! YOULL NEVER WALK ALONE