I was hoping to translate articles from the German soccer media into English to post on this board. Of course, there are lots and lots of articles out there, and there will be even more when the regular season starts, and after next season as the World Cup approaches. I'm going to try to translate as many as I can myself, but I could really use help doing so. Would anyone like to help out? Thanks in advance.
I'll start posting links to Kicker stories, for instance. I might also take on the task of trying to translate some of the newsbot posts (it seems that a lot of those are from the Kicker.de RSS feed anyway).
When I have time, I usually translate articles from "Kicker" and the official Borussia Dortmund website for my BVB list. I can post those articles here too.
1. FC Koln has strengthened their striker position again. The 1. Liga promotee secured the acquisition of Danish striker Peter Madsen, who was last under contract to VfL Bochum. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Der 1. FC Köln hat sich noch mal im Sturm verstärkt. Der Erstliga-Aufsteiger sicherte sich am Mittwoch die Dienste des dänischen Angreifers Peter Madsen, der zuletzt beim VfL Bochum unter Vertrag stand. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I would rep you for this if I could . Were there any kicker articles on Donovan recently? You usually get a lot of fan mail if you translate one of those!
And the next time is : Bayern and the Nasa fly to the moon. And Uli Hoeneß put the Bayern flag on the moon. Ha, ha, ha ,ha yes the man on the moon.