Since I'm at work and I don't know what that link IS because of your terribly informative post, I'm not going to click on it.
Background: In early 1993, a number of Iranians in New York started a program to assist Iranian refugees in Turkey, who were facing dire economic and safety situations. The group started its activities by finding sponsors and providing regular financial support for 10 refugee families. By the end of 1993, these activities expanded in substance and in the number of refugees assisted. The financial support project was assisting several more refugees. Other efforts included legal help, regular reporting of the precarious situations of Iranian refugees in different parts of the world and establishing contacts with human rights organizations. In 1994, Iranian Refugees' Alliance was established to continue these efforts more effectively. IRA was incorporated as a non-profit organization in January 1995. Principles and Aims: Iranian Refugees' Alliance is a community based organization in the US with the mission to preserve and promote the human and civil rights of Iranian refugees and asylum seekers nationally and internationally, without any discriminiation. Our efforts are entirely funded by donations from the public, rely on volunteer labor and fall under five categories: * monitoring, documenting, and reporting world wide situation of Iranian refugees and asylum seekers, especially where they are most under-served and their rights are abused. * defending and promoting the rights of Iranian asylum seekers nationally and internationally. * empowering asylum seekers in obtaining refugee status by providing information on asylum matters and their legal rights, affidavits, documentation, and referrals, translation, and educational outreach. * preventing forceful return of Iranian refugees as prohibited by international law and assisting their resettlement in safe countries, if necessary. * supporting newly arrived Iranian refugees in the US who face discrimination and/or disfranchisement, through advocacy, providing information and referrals, translation, and educational outreach.
Thank you. I was afraid it would be kiddie pron or something, didn't want to risk being canned or worse.
Sh/t, I thuoght this was going to be about the mile-high club. Sadly the answer on that one is "no"...although I am in the couple-of-feet-high club (Amtrak train).