Hey you small dicked Vaginova *********************s ---- TURN OFF THE FRIGGIN' MUSIC!!!! P.Diddy Lenny Kravitz C'mon you chodes shut that crap off!!!
Eh, it's not a big deal to me. As a fan of the Des Moines Menace, in the PDL, I am used to it. It's frequent at our games.
hmm... I cant decide which annoys me more - the music or the thousands of screaming little girls. Yeah, the screaming little girls annoy me much more. I wish they would be quiet for just one minute.
It SUCKS, but what's worse is... what's worse is that they have that freakin' Howard the Di... Duck interviewing people and playing games WHILE THE MATCH IS GOING ON! I was there today, and the music wasn't NEARLY as bad as he was. Players are charging down the end of the field towards the goal and he's busy yapping with Mr. Stupid So and So in the stands or announcing some stupid trivia crap or whatever, but totally inappropriate!! Out of all the stadiums I've been to, Philly is the WORST for inappropriate nonsense going on during a match. UGHHH!!! Oh, and actually AT the game, you really didn't hear many screaming meemies. You DID hear the 300+ strong Freedom entourage singing and screaming for the team the entire match. I was one of them. Too bad my posters didn't make in on tv I thought they were pretty cool and so did a bunch of people that passed and saw them. Oh well. Norma
congratulations - you guys saw a good match today. and you are right about howard... he is a bane to us who enjoy soccer in philadelphia. Actually, today was one of the worst days for him. when he was throwing tshirts into our section during play, we yelled down at him "we're trying to watch the game - do you mind?" he heard us, because he asked us to repeat ourselves, and then he continued to throw tshirts into our section. i was offended. normally, though, that stuff does not go on during play. very frustrating. but as to the game - washington played a good game. i think they actually handled the heat better than our charge side. so good luck next week against the courage!
san D panda comes around and passes t-shirts twice a game to two sections, and its actually fun because thats about the only time he bothers you... if your section gets chosen at all. the t-shirts are really great, the 20 dollar ones they sell before the game. but the announcer is annoying to hell though. ughh. what does this howard the duck do? i thought you guys had that superwoman thingy.
the pink music set me off. UGHH. her wailing about how teachers hated her while people were giving it all was just annoying. they did play elvis though, at a spirit game, "a little less conversation", that was pretty good.
Now THIS is something that does annoy me at Menace matches. We have our annoucer/mascot throwing stuff out regardless of whats happening on field. For instance in the game where we drew 6,312, during stoppage time where the winning goal was scored, after a bunch of late shots, they start throwing more stuff out. It's definately a distraction.
hey you know which commericial on PAX I really like? Well, it is not really the commercial, but I really like the music. I really like the music on that Hyundai commercial, where all those townspeople are chasing that car. Da, da, da da da da da da, da da, da da, da da da da da! It is such a cool tune!
Yeah, I actually think it cooled down a little, but probably not. I don't think they kept the thermometer down there long enough. I believe it was at half they showed the thermometer on the field and it registered about 110.
I was there, and I can believe it! I've played softball in 100-degree weather, but the heat at Villanova got to me the worst of anything I've experienced. I found a shady spot in the second half and managed to survive there (fortunately near the end where the goal was scored). I couldn't have handled another 45 minutes in the bleachers.
I managed to survive the whole game in our section, but boy was I spent. Actually, I was spent by halftime. Actually, I might have been spent before kickoff! The only good side to the music was we used it against their own team, there were three or so different things that came over the PA that we did Freedom cheers to. I've only watched from the goal forward on tape, but in that time they play that da-da-da-DA-da-da! thing they expect a "CHARGE!" response to and you can clearly hear 300 of us shouting 'FREEDOM!" instead. Maybe that will shut the PA up when we come to town at least... Agreed that the DJ was even worse - if nobody wants him there why is he there?
You guys did a great job at that game yesterday. I could really hear you on the TV, especially toward the end.
We were getting pretty tired up to that point (Crusaders were doing some cheers, but not a whole lot of others were joining in), but the goal definitely picked the section up and we were full-voice on anything that happened on the field after that.
I do believe it was still 120 throughout the match. Also most of the people at the games do not like Howard the Duck and I, for one, do not like the music being so loud. I hate that they talk to the audience in the middle of the game! That's almost as bad as talking to the coach in the middle of the game.
i agree, most charge fans detest the duck and he is a major issue between the fans and managment. (he had to go so far to go into NC once to plea that we dont attack him personally, instead attack his job, since hes only doing what murphy hired him to do...i understand, i had a similar posistion with a baseball team.) i did NOT like the musical intros and before you complain about the music, there is something you must know... it used to be MUCH MUCH worse...its gotten better every game, now they just play chants, they used to play whole songs...hopefully next year both the duck and music will be a thing of the past as for the weather...120 on the turf...air temp a toasty 100+ i was pretty spent at 20 mins. I was trying my best to go after the crusaders but only 8 of us and 300 of them. we use bells not drums...and well i think the atmosphere was very good...despite the music and quack man.
What's worse... A) Listening to the crap at Villanova. or B) Listening to the crap spewing out of Tommy Stone's mouth each match.
FearM9 - has anyone told you that you are the most obsene, blunt person they have ever met? I like it!