Anybody else still ambivalent about the "return" of the Quakes?

Discussion in 'San Jose Earthquakes' started by bsman, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. bsman

    bsman Member+

    May 30, 2001
    San Jose Earthquakes
    I'm probably going to get flamed, but I still find it hard to get enthused about the fact that San Jose is getting an expansion team with an uncertain provenance. I mean, I stood by the team through thick and thin from 1996 to 2005, only to have the team we had given our money, time and heart to ripped away by a callous MLS and AEG.

    Now, we are supposed to be all excited about getting a team that (at least on paper) looks like likely bottom-of-the-table denizen for the foreseeable future? I am having a really hard time with this. I don't even know if I'm going to go to any games this season.
  2. ThreeApples

    ThreeApples Member+

    Jul 28, 1999
    Smurf Village
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I hope you have fun not going to games. Life is short.
  3. Naco

    Naco Member

    Aug 5, 2001
    Did you expect them to give us back the Dynamo? Or have Barcalona transfer to MLS? What other kind of team would we have?
  4. Fueco

    Fueco Member

    Feb 7, 2008
    San Jose
    No kidding...

    Going to the games and supporting the boys is better than not having a team to support...
  5. QuakeAttack

    QuakeAttack Member+

    Apr 10, 2002
    California - Bay Area
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yes. My heart is just not into the return. However, I expect this to be slow process. The biggest difference is that I have a family who loves soccer and going to the games. So, while at the moment I don't have a great desire to attend the games, we will be at the game next week and have season tickets.
  6. don gagliardi

    don gagliardi Member+

    San Jose Earthquakes
    Feb 28, 2004
    san jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
    In answer to the question this thread poses: HELL NO.

    I am positively thrilled to have the San Jose Earthquakes back. And not just some expansion team, but one with an official history here -- with a legacy (including championship hardware) that will be preserved for a very LONG future (with many more championships, hopefully, to come) and formalized through the museum project SSVCF has established in collaboration among the club, the fans and History San Jose.

    Taking the long view, I don't give a damn about the "uncertain provenance" of the 2008 Earthquakes! It is immaterial to me whether the current incarnation of the team steps onto the field and finishes at the "bottom of the table." I don't care if the Earthquakes do not win a single game, or score even a single goal. Nonetheless, they are every bit my club (and the club of every true blue Earthquakes fan). The players have my full support and will have it for each of the remaining years I have left on this earth. As the Ultras say on their scarves: "Win or lose, we'll always be there for you." That's what it means to be a real fan. It means suffering, because otherwise, there is no real sweetness in success.

    By the way, I voiced a similar sentiment on BigSoccer before the outset of the 2005 season, when there was handwringing on these boards about the prospects of a no-name bunch taking the field without Landon Donovan. Things turned out alright on the pitch that year, as I recall. And considering the sweat and tears we fans endured thereafter to will our club back, I feel the same sentiment even more strongly today.

    The San Jose Earthquakes are not about the current roster, or about the diaspora of ex-Quakes on other current rosters. That is far too myopic a view. The Earthquakes are about the (glorious) past, the thrill of the present (PAL Stadium is less than week away), and an INFINITE future, long after you, me, AEG, Don Garber, Lew Wolff and any current or former Quakes have departed from the scene. The Quakes will belong to our children and our grandchildren, as yet unborn. And I predict, they will be known across the globe, if for nothing else, as having the greatest fans of any sports club in any sport anywhere. Other fans have had teams wrenched from them, but no other fans fought back as we did. True to the spirit a Earthquakes teams past, we NEVER GAVE UP ("Nunca te rindas.") And no other fans, to my knowledge, have done what we are going to do to bring the game to all.

    As Goodsport so often says, it's not about the name on the back of the jersey but the one on the front. Last time I checked it still says San Jose Earthquakes. That's sufficient excitement for me.
  7. darkstar10990

    darkstar10990 Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Bay Area
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    While I agree with alot of what you say (and I feel cheated too btw), I think instead of being upset about it, we should grateful that people like Lew Wolff and Dave Alioto spent (and continue to spend) so much money on this team thusfar and have such high hopes that a stronger fanbase will come and provide the finances a team needs to be successful.

    Just give it some time. We'll be steadily winning soon and this period of uncertainty will be in the rear view mirror :D
  8. bsman

    bsman Member+

    May 30, 2001
    San Jose Earthquakes
    My problem: Life is certainly too short to live or die for a team in a league that obviously cares little for its fans. There are a hell of a lot of other things I enjoy doing for which I can spend the time (and money) I've previously given to MLS...

    Understood - however, I find I am experiencing more than a little cognitive dissonance over being expected to wholeheartedly embrace a (probably) crappy team of cast-offs simply because the league grudgingly "allowed" us a team after ripping our team away.
  9. Zungazan

    Zungazan New Member

    Feb 3, 2001
    Are you kidding? I bet you still blame your father for all your adult problems.
  10. Tone Capone

    Tone Capone Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    SF Bay
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Let us not forget how Pottery Barn is selling bedding for every MLS team except the Quakes.
  11. QuakeAttack

    QuakeAttack Member+

    Apr 10, 2002
    California - Bay Area
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  12. tonyh01

    tonyh01 Member

    Nov 9, 2003
    San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'm more excited then ever! And this is the 3rd time my team is returning to San Jose. 3rd time is a charm right?

    I'm hoping fans show up and make it known that leaving this market was a mistake, but coming back was the right move.
  13. krudmonk

    krudmonk Member+

    Mar 7, 2007
    S.J. Sonora
    San Jose Earthquakes
    AEG > PB
  14. Albany58

    Albany58 Member+

    Sep 14, 1999
    Concord, CA USA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Zose Mazafakasu!
    But, really I can sympathize with everyone of the views on this thread, even bsman's. I think he feels like somebody's hit him with a baseball bat a number of times and he's expected to come back and take it. Remember, though, we're not fans of the league. We're fans of a team and that team is ready to be resurrected. 'Nuff said.
  15. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    It's cool, bsman. Not everyone has to feel the same way. You may catch the bug again at some point. Or maybe not. I'm excited about the new team though, and I think most Quakes fans are. And the prospect of a new stadium just puts it on a whole 'nother level for me.
  16. Naco

    Naco Member

    Aug 5, 2001
    Yeah dude. Castoffs suck. Remember those castoffs Ching and Mullan? Those guys turned out to be worthless.
  17. athletics68

    athletics68 Member+

    Dec 12, 2006
    San Diego & San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Bingo! Sums it up nicely for me. I could give a shit about MLS quite frankly. But if it says SJE on the front and the players inside are hard workers, want to be here, and want to win (which so far this group of guys appears to be, especially Cannon and Cochrane) then I'm going to root for them. And with a FO that actually cares now, it makes it that much easier. In the end as much as having to take two years off sucks, I think we've come out ahead. Fan base is stronger and even more determined, FO is better than ever before, and we've got the makings of a good team so far. I don't think it'll take as long as people fear for us to be contenders again.
  18. QuakeAttack

    QuakeAttack Member+

    Apr 10, 2002
    California - Bay Area
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Not the same. Taking a couple of players and putting them into an established program and team is different than starting a whole new team. Good luck in finding the next US National Team player or even fring US National Team member among the current group.
  19. Quakes05

    Quakes05 Member+

    Oct 1, 2005
    birthplace of MLS
    We need a striker and a team that can compete. The reason I chose Quakes05 was because it was apparent that this team was a notch above...and playing better soccer than I'd ever seen previously in MLS.

    It's definately tough starting back at square one but it's better than not staring at all...I have to believe that these guys (our owner & management) will field a competitive team...I don't see it yet, but I can't believe anyone would to go to this much trouble and put a crap team on the field...

    ...once we start to gel and can compete against LA, bsman will be there.

  20. shasta

    shasta New Member

    Mar 8, 2004
    While I am admittedly bummed by the fact that there will be no tailgating and the fact that high ticket prices will most likely keep potential fans from attending, I am certainly not ambivalent about the return of our team!
  21. Naco

    Naco Member

    Aug 5, 2001
    We do have two players that have played with the US National Team. And I think Cochrane will get a cap before its all said and done.
  22. spejic

    spejic Cautionary example

    Mar 1, 1999
    San Rafael, CA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    If you are living and dying for a team, then you are taking things too seriously. It's a game. MLS doesn't owe you anything, they are only giving you a chance to see live soccer at a fairly high level. And $30 for live soccer at a fairly high level is a pretty good deal to me.
  23. jussen1

    jussen1 Member

    Nov 9, 2003
    Don, pass me the kool-aid. Lew Wolf, David Alioto et al can't be thanked enough for making this dream happen not only for us, but for our kids and all the former players that have played for the Earthquakes and helped grow the sport in San Jose.
  24. IBleedTeal

    IBleedTeal Member+

    Jun 2, 2001
    Yves Fiat
    Juventus FC
    BSMan, I hear where your coming from.
    I'm also finding it hard to get really pumped up to cheer for a bunch of nobodys.
    So far, I'd honestly say we have one (1) MLS- level starter, and thats Joe Cannon.
    Pretty pathetic that we are supposed to field a team in a week and I can't even garnish a clue as to who will be on the pitch. No idea. I was at least hoping we'd pick up a few more names, but apparently not. I dont see how this team doesn't finish at the bottom of the table this year, and with that being said, I will not renew my season tickets if that will be the case.
    I dont feel the FO is doing all they can to put together a serious team. I also feel there isn't a single MLS team we could compete with in a three-game series as of today, and/or the forseeable future.

    Might as well just call us the Clash.
  25. Albany58

    Albany58 Member+

    Sep 14, 1999
    Concord, CA USA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Rest assured that this team will be instilled with a team spirit much stronger than most of the others in the league, something that is the mark of a Yallop or Kinnear-trained team and is the real way that a team gains success, no matter how many famous mofos you got on it. Those who won't fit into the team pattern will be jettisoned.

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